Is There God in Heaven?
God himself has an answer to this question in scriptures. He seems not to take this notion kindly by the way he responds to those who query His existence. The following hub seeks to provide evidence to this effect.
The poem speaks of a mankind that dwells in magnificent splendor, and yet is ready to swear upon its existence about being a good accident. Man’s intelligence is hereby questioned by comparing its thought pattern against nature’s endowments that happen to be too good an accident to have happened. It is all in the light of God’s utterance that “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God” that man's folly is laid bare through physical evidence.
In the beginning was the word
The word was with God
And the word was God
A source well defined
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
In a world created of nil
Aware not of self
Neither conscious of existence
But a speck was I
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
Now come of age
Can I say there is no God
Off mum sprung I
My origin she knows not
Yet the fool in his heart says
Does God exist
He holds the earth in his hand
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Humans, a beauty to behold
Intelligence abounds, no measure
My home, the orb resplendent
An accident I claim I was
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
My age a seven decade span
Its control beyond my reach
A splash in time bloated away
My memory ceases to exist
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
I know the end of my body
But my spirit and soul, nay
Speculation abounds at heart
My learned brain no better
Yet the fool in his heart says
God does not exist
Accidents resemble me not
I’m fearfully and wonderfully made
The creator knows my spirit
A candle lit on the inside
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
Men of valor, gone before me
Their acts, a shadow in the past
Like dog’s dung in a lonely field
How vain life can be
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
The sun, warmth bequeathed
The moon, a light in the dark
A balance of life for me
To comfort my stay a day
Yet the fool in his heart says
Is there a God
My home on orb I dwell
But fall off, never have I
Least of cares do I care
How this can be
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
I know not from whence I came
Nor do, where I goeth
My cares winds carry away
But I know the winds exist
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
Know I not whence oxygen comes
But easy breath I all day
Not a morsel did I give
This found I to be so
Yet the fool in his heart says
With bread my tummy I fill
Down it flushes with water
Bread baked by mine hand
Water whose source I know not
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
At night my heart pumps
My Days a heartbeat aplenty
Till death never to cease
This I found to be so
Yet the fool in his heart says
There is no God
By Anjili