Lady Number One
It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him ~Genesis 2;18~
The first name given to Eve was "woman", derived from the term or word man. (Genesis 2:23) After the fall, she was given the name "Eve", because she was the mother of all living, meaning "life" or "life-giving". (3:20) In spite of many blessings bestowed upon Adam, his relationship with God, and his dominion over the Garden of Eden, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. Thus, Eve was created.
The Bible describes Adam as being created from dust or ground. Unlike Adam, Eve was createdd from bone or rib taken from Adam's side. She was born a fully grown and mature woman, not to mention perfect. Adam and Eve became the first husband and wife. When Adam saw Eve, he said, "now this is bones of my bones, flesh of my flesh, and she shall be called "woman", because she was taken out of man". Adam and Eve go on to enjoy the perfect marriage, the perfect home, and everything they needed was made available to them.
Later in the story, Eve falls to temptation. Her fall would later bring about the fall of Adam. Soon after, the couple suffers spiritual death, natural death, guilt, shame, marital discord, and banishment from the Garden of Eden. Sin has now entered the world. Later, Eve gives birth to two sons; Cain and Abel. Cain later kills Abel, and the first murder becomes recorded in biblical history. Eve finally gives birth to Seth, a more righteous blood line. Through woman, sin and death entered the world (1 Tim 2:13-14) But, through woman also came redemption from sin- the Messiah, the redeemer, the savior Jesus Christ.
May God add a blessing to all whom read his word.