Life is a journey worth living
Life is a journey
Life is a journey. Not unlike a roadtrip.
Life begins-yes at conception- and we move on from there.
In reality however we can say it begins prior to conception for God knew us before He formed us in our mother's womb. But let's leave that for another day or go ahead and read this blog
I have traveled a lot in my life. I have been around this planet of ours and seen a lot, experienced a lot and over time learned a lot
I have learned much about people, their cultures and beliefs and thus learned much about myself..
I did not get to where I am today with ease and have not always been the man I am now.
I have done things that are right and done things that are wrong. I have believed things that are right and believed things that are wrong, but I have learned, sometimes with ease and sometimes through bumps and bruises, both physically and spiritually.
Yes, life is a journey and the roads we take are up to us. God has mapped out the road for us but far too often we take a turn we ought not take and so we end up in trouble and we end up with scars to prove it. Do we learn from it? Sometimes we do and other times we don't. Sometimes we learn right away, sometimes it takes time..
We all have a story to tell. Just like life is a journey it is also a story. We can use our life to teach others
When I look back and see my life I know it is a story worth telling. I also know I am not the person I was, and I thank God for who He has made me into and from where He has taken me.
I know you all have a story and are also not the people you once were, you have grown and changed. There are some folks who still look at us as being the person we once were. I dont want anyone to see me as who I was but as who I am and so this is how I see people, the person they are today.
You see, Jesus sees who we are. Sure He knows what we have done and what we have been through, but He doesn't hold it against us..
As a Christian I have Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He has forgiven me so I know and understand forgiveness and I have experienced forgiveness. As a follower of Christ I forgive those who have hurt me, I share and extend the forgiveness Jesus has given me to others.
Life is a journey, a journey of learning and your life is a book with stories to share. What stories is your book filled with? Is it filled with hate, un-forgiveness, revenge, bitterness? Or is it filled with love, forgiveness, healed relationships etc?
If we want to be forgiven, if we want people to see us as who we truly are then we ought to look at others in this same manner, to see them through the eyes of Jesus.
Don't dwell on the past but look to the future and to the one who holds the future on His hand...Jesus
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Thomas Czech