Life's Illusions
The more time we spend living our life
Through thoughts that are flashed on a network
That we cannot see
Nor perceive
Establishing bonds of people we may never actually see
From Continents far flung
From places unknown
Languages and cultures vastly diverse
We share our knowledge
Our aspirations
Our fears
our triumphs
Our tribulations.
Real or unreal,
fleeting moments of what we feel
what we think
what we are!
Avatars, actual images of our persona,
Or some image of what we want to be!
We withdraw into a world
a silent safe world
that we see hear and learn
a myrad of subjects details facts
we could
and some of us actulalyd
live within our box
surrounded byour friends
on this and other social networks
we communicate
we never have to leave our own four walls.