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Lunar Eclipses Are a Chance of Change

Updated on April 14, 2014

Hardly anyone needs to know what a Lunar or Solar eclipse is. Everybody is familiar with these astronomical phenomena and their definitions.

What doesn't belong to the domain of common knowledge is how the energy of an eclipse affects human lives. In fact, eclipse influence is so strong that some guidelines are needed to explain what people can expect from it and how to use the potency of this astronomical event for the benefit and not for harm.

The first Lunar eclipse in 2014 takes place on April 15, at 7:46 a.m., Greenwich time. It is a total Lunar eclipse that lasts 3 hours and 35 minutes.

This beautiful eclipsed Moon is something to meditate upon.
This beautiful eclipsed Moon is something to meditate upon. | Source

Lunar Eclipse is not a Single Event

Eclipses are typically viewed as single events that take a few hours to occur. But their influence extends way far from this limit. It would be more correct to speak about eclipse influence periods, which last about 20 days: 10 days before the event and 10 days after it.

Being under the influence of the upcoming Lunar eclipse, people may find difficulty starting new deals. This is the right time for summing up, paying off debts, bringing things to an end and all kinds of reviewing.

Planning is also okay, but being active at this period is not recommended, especially when it comes to something important and serious. Thus you cannot start any core matters.

The Time of the Full Moon

Lunar eclipses always coincide with a full Moon. During this time the space is overfilled with energies that seethe and look for liberation. The effects of this period totally depend on the personal evolution of an individual. Some people may become scandalous and wild because of the excess of energies - without realising what is happening to them. Others would consciously guide their tiding forces in a creative, meditative or constructive way.

Karmic Period

The Lunar eclipse is the time of karmic exams and tests of spirit maturity. Everything in life is about karmic connections, tasks, trials and examinations. But during the eclipse the tests people get are very special. They must be taken as ones of ability to resist.

This is why you need to pay attention to life events that take place during this time. The events may deploy in a very unexpected way making you act in a decisive and cardinal manner. This is a very responsible time to make your own decisions.

The night of the Lunar eclipse is believed by astrologers a very dangerous period.

The kingdom of the Moon is a mystical, subconscious domain, full of mystery. In the Vedic astrology the Moon is responsible for the mind, emotions, human psyche.

That's why the eclipse of the Moon affects thoughts and emotions as well as spirit.

The vibes that the Moon sends at this time are very strong and negative. You may be tempted to react in a bad way, but don't do so. Try to be in control of yourself, avoid conflicts and dangerous situations.

Moreover, your behaviour and words become of utmost importance. They will shape your future.

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What You Can Do During the Lunar Eclipse

The best way to channel the energy of the Lunar eclipse is to fight your own inner enemies and drawbacks, correct mistakes, do spiritual work and stay balanced.

Meditations during the Lunar eclipse will help you destroy inner negativity that prevents you from living happily.

Restrain from starting anything new, don't go on a trip and don't have a surgery. A surgery during this time may become an obstacle for the future relations as it may destroy personal links with other people on the energy level.

It is preferable to create positive informational environment, to motivate yourself for good goals. Silence and nature may become your best companions at this time.

The Lunar eclipse is a rare and violent influence of the universe. Don't ignore it, be careful and use its energy for the good. Then you can change your life for the better.

© 2014 Anna Sidorova


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