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Manifestation without the Nonsense

Updated on August 29, 2019
Renee Abbott profile image

This is could pass as fantasy, but it isn't. Magical? Yes. Can 3 different realms create a family? Dragons, ghosts, and others did Read on

Manifesting without the Nonsense
Manifesting without the Nonsense | Source

Manifesting: Beginners Guide

Manifesting is a daily action. It is automatic and given to us by our subconscious, which holds our data from birth, or perhaps before. In this blog, I’m sticking with the data starting at birth. It is programmed to create a life that stems from your social media; which is made up from your family, school, religious affiliations, race, politics, and concepts of money, victimhood and moral rights. You are being controlled by a data machine, called your subconscious. It is cloning you daily through its manifestations. It can be altered and change. You have more power than your subconscious.

You can change the subconscious form of manifesting, but it will take time and tons of practice. We are replacing the old manifesting muscle with a newly updated muscle. It is time-consuming. There will days you want to give up.

My question, do you wish to be on your deathbed, with your dreams still stuck in your heart without another tomorrow? Is it good enough to let your subconscious manifest tomorrow, as it did yesterday?

Any goal can be manifested, but will your subconscious prevent it? Since it holds our beliefs as gospel, it must obey the borders of your social media. Reading this, you might be convinced that the law of attraction is bullshit. How could you not? Every time you tried, you ended up defeated. Your confidence now is lower than when you started. Worst of all, you still are living in the chain of events that presently are dictating your life. You run from people who speak words, the law of attraction, creating your own reality, and you are responsible for your life. Why wouldn’t you run? These concepts, in the past, crushed you. Instead of boosting your confidence, you curled up in a ball, and put a sign on you, loser.

I know that road. I regularly walked it and got a good look at its turns and twists. It was a personal road. A road I shed tears, just like you. A road named Hell.

Just like you, when I lived in dire straits, be it relationships, locations, or money-wise, I took a deep breath, reached out and grabbed ahold of the nearest available promise of change. I inhaled concepts: you create your own reality and set out to change my world. Full of hope and inspiration, and belief that this book, article or tape is going to be my answer. It is going to work this time! As I fell, I shouted out, to the nameless authors, you don’t understand. It isn’t me. These people are doing this to me. Taking a deep breath, falling to the floor, and reentering the pit I left, entrapped in hopelessness.

Hopeless | Source

Recovering from Hopelessness

How can we change the way our subconscious is manifesting our life? How exactly is it creating?

These two questions are your ticket out of your hell. They were mine. I’m not promising you a rose garden without thorns. They exist. I can show you how to live more peacefully in that rose garden.

I will not kick you into impossibilities. No, you are not going to leap, fly or jump into manifesting the impossible. The last thing you need is another fall. You lost layers of confidence in earlier tries. I choose to not teach these harmful steps. I want you to achieve. My way of achieving, in the beginning, is utilizing the subconscious boundaries. This is the step to rewiring your brain, and setting it free from Clone life.

Rainbows of Possibilities
Rainbows of Possibilities

The First Step in Nonsense Manifesting

The First Step is to write down your dream, goal or vision. It can be as farfetched as you want. Look at this dream, and know today is not the day, to manifest it but it is approachable, by breaking it down into tiny bits and start working on those. This is your journey into adjacent possibilities. I will walk with you through this journey.

Whatever you are trying to manifest, a car, home, job, career, lover, friends, and the list goes on, you need to look at the history of this goal, and the methods you used in the past.

1. Have you tried to manifest this particular goal or similar before and failed?

2. Did you receive interference by others?

3. Where there naysayers? Did people laugh at you?

4. Was lack of money a major block?

5. How many times have you reached out to create this goal, in one form or another and failed?

6. From 1 to 10, where does your confidence stand, with 1 being the lowest? Have the past attempts damaged your confidence?

We all hurt. We all have been hurt. We all are human and we are learning from our mistakes. I’m here to teach what I know, without the b.s.

The next blog I will teach you how to break down your dream. You will learn techniques that slowly aid you in rewiring your brain. Remember we are not in a race. Whatever your goal is, it needs a strategy and practical steps. The one consistent factor, with most people, is the lack of finances to carry out their dream. The next blog offers you the techniques to slowly resolve that issue.

Living in a World of Blessings
Living in a World of Blessings

You Are about Ready to Enter Adjacent Possibilities

Hi, I'm Renee Abbott, also known as Jasmine Renee Abbott, and I wanted to thank you for reading my blog. You are about to enter a world you thought you couldn't enter. A road, I knew upfront and personal. I cannot promise you a road without pain, sorrow or discontent, so if that is what you are seeking, you won't find it here. II can show you how to use your pain, sorrow, and discontent to create a masterpiece.

For me, my life got so bad that in 2015, I at 64 years of age called it quits. Death didn't accept me. I'm grateful I failed because instead of dying, I walked into a world that aided me into creating masterpieces. I am now able to take these teachings and offer them to those who wish to try.

Thank you again for reading my blog and I will see you soon, Renee


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