Mata Veshnodevi is in three Pindis that symbolizes Goddesses Saraswati Lakshmi and Ma Kali for all round development
Mata Veshnodevi Katra is the best and energizing pilgrimage center of India. This place is the best excursion centre with beautiful natural sceneries and greenries.
This place is for spiritual, mental and physical satisfaction. Here every facility is available for every type of person. For old and weak persons there is helicopter facility and if helicopter is not arranged then Palki is also available.
Young persons can enjoy the beautiful path with natural sceneries and gardens with spiritual and supernatural powers of Mata Veshnodevi.
Mata Veshnodevi's first Pindi is for Goddess Saraswati that is for knowledge, peace and wisdom. When a student or knowledge seeker comes here for this purpose that can gain it here.
You have to concentrate on that Pindi and purpose and the image of Goddess Saraswati. If you want to gain spiritual knowledge, peace and wisdom then you have to concentrate on that type of Pindi and Goddess Saraswati.
These positive energies are increased in these places. These energies are coming from the universe and according to our thinking and Goddess blessings they work.
If you have a problem of health, wealth and money then you have to concentrate on middle Pindi that symbolizes goddess Lakshmi .
You have to feel that the positive energies of Goddess Lakshmi are coming from the universe and energize you with health, wealth and money.
The third Pindi of Mata Veshnodevi symbolizes Goddess Kali. This form of Mata is for releasing negativity and maintain physical health.
If we want sound physical health and fearless life then we have to concentrate on third Pindi. The positive energies of Ma Kali that are coming from the universe through Pindi and energizes us .
In this way Mata Veshnodevi is seated in the form of Pindis with the positive energies of Goddess Saraswati Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Kali.
This spiritual environment with the company of nature is very attractive and helpful in gaining knowledge, peace, wisdom and physical health
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Manju lata