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When Was the Great Pyramid Built? What Did It Look Like When First Built? Is It a Temple or Grand Central Station #1?

Updated on May 19, 2020
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Christofer spent 10 years in family counseling. Later he obtained a Psy. D.. His focuses: Health, History, Astrology, Politics and Fables

Even Solomon Looked Over Across Gaza and and Said: "How Old Is Old?"

Enigma in Stone - Lingering Symbol of the Ages

People have been asking the Age of the Phoenix for Ages. And many have wondered if it has unearthly secrets. There is a group of people trying to gain permission to actually dig a hole underneath it? Is it likely to happen? Probably not. An opened secret tomb might just reveal something that we never knew.

If you can imagine it, stretch your mind, and think for a second. The Sphinx has been stumbled upon, lived next to, marched toward and viewed from afar, for ages. Looming peacefully in the sands, it has been a winsome illusory desert vision, and something to build around -- for so long that mostly, it has been said about it: "Who built that?" and "How long has that been here?"

Was Solomon referring to the Sphinx? He was probably musing that his lofty ambitions and his sense that he was doing God's will, was cast against, as a backdrop -- the ageless Sphinx. After all, his eyes were focused on building the Temple and becoming known throughout History as the one who would build this magnificent tribute to God. The signs of the Zodiac were being placed on the floor of his temple, and he was undoubtedly a Kabbalist and privy to all the ancient texts that Moses and Aaron knew of and the oral tales which came from Egypt (Moses being a Prince of Egypt and Joseph, being a Pharoah and Abraham being an ally).

He was undoubtedly intimate with Egypt. This idea is not thought about by modern Christianity. They want to think of Moses and the people in the Wilderness as a Tabula Rasa (blank slate). But, that topic is for another article.

Ten Thousand BC or 2500 BC?

There is a whole group of people speculating that the Sphinx shows "water wear" and that the only way that could happen would be to go back into pre-history and declare that it was built around 10,000 BC -- the last time that that area had lakes and rivers in abundance. Of course if that were true, it would overturn all of history, so its not likely to be met with acceptance any time soon. The 2500 BC idea is based upon more orthodox views of when it would most likely have been built during the time of the Pharoahs (Khafre and Khufu). Regardless of its age, the fact of it, its symbols, beauty and majesty and mystery will continue to beguile man and mystify scholars.

The Head of Virgo?

Since the study of astrology and astronomy predates most modern religions, the symbols which work the best are for that time are astrological. The symbol of the Virgin is that it carries the Son (the Messiah figure). Deeper than that though there is the essential picture of the Soul being housed in the Virginal Human Body. The Virgo personifies innocence.

The Body of the Leo

As humankind progresses through their life times and develops and grows in maturity, it finally reaches an apex of development. (Leos can stop polishing their claws in pride). It is the stated intent of the Divine, in other words that we succeed. So the astro view would be the Body the Lion with the Head of "The Virgin" attached.

Theories as to Origin

Those who think that Ancient Aliens established humanity in these monolithic kingdoms, see the Sphinx and its mysteries as validation of the inscrutable tale that simply cannot every be resolved to everyone's opinion. Then there are theories about ancient prehistoric races who established themselves from other continents and left this monument as a statement of their existence.

The Messiah?

If the Sphinx is declaring that a Messiah, an anointed one, will come and secure man's future to a kingly destiny, then the Sphinx is making a very positive declaration. Ultimately, what is the hoped for effect of the Messiah? That man's struggle and pain will be ended and ultimate victory and peace will be attained.

If there can not be agreement on its meaning, there can be universal agreement of the fact that it continues to make a statement every day - a statement of ultimate mystery. In our scientific and mechanistic and materialistic age maybe its message is the message of impermanence. Societies come and go, but "I still sit here, telling my story".

King Solomon's Look Across Gaza

"There is no new thing under the sun.

Is there a thing of which one might say,

See this, it is new?

It has already been for the ages which were before."

---- Ecclesiastes 1:10

21st Century Art/mystery from Long Ago

From the Watcher Website:

"The pictures found today in the zodiac were not developed by the Greeks, but were in place perhaps as early as 4000 BC, predating even the civilizations of Sumeria. These (zodiacal images) were not merely arranged in haphazard order to aid in the tracking of star movements, but with the purpose of depicting an epic narrative. Authors like Bullinger and Seiss have suggested that there is a deeper meaning, one that goes beyond even the most illuminated of occult interpretations.


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