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Ministers of Music Prove God’s Ability to Provide

Updated on January 8, 2025
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Jo Anne has been a woman of God since 1981 and is the author of How to Know God Better & Love Yourself More and For Such A Time As This.

Curtis Ray (Leader), Rasheed Dorsey, Evans Primus, Marvin Eady (Lead Singer)
Curtis Ray (Leader), Rasheed Dorsey, Evans Primus, Marvin Eady (Lead Singer)

“Ministers of Music” male gospel group from Savannah, GA, is singing to make a difference and proving God’s ability to provide along the way. Their recent act of obedience to God’s call led to multiple, mutual and extended blessings that unfolded in amazing ways. I was privileged to meet four of the eight member group and am inspired to share their interconnected faith-filled testimony of how God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

An Act of Obedience

Group leader Curtis Ray was invited to a casting call in NYC by his father, who is a producer and director for the upcoming movie, “God Is Up To Something.” Feeling Spirit led to go, he shared the opportunity with the group saying, “In order to get some where you never been, you have to do something you never did.” Although none of the other group members had any money of their own and Curtis only had the $100 he received from playing at a church the night before, members Evans Primus, Marvin Eady, and Rasheed Dorsey were ready and willing to follow him in this act of faith. An additional blessing came from Curtis’ cousin Morris Glover, who is their behind-the-scenes support person and booking agent. Morris was also going out of town, but gave Curtis $300 toward his NYC adventure. So on Thursday, April 16, 2015, these four young men, ages 24 – 30, started their road trip with a rental car that took more than half their funds. And by the time they reached New York, they were out of cash.

Evans, Marvin, Rasheed, Curtis (L-R)
Evans, Marvin, Rasheed, Curtis (L-R)

Multiple Blessings Occur

  1. Curtis released family resentment and dissension to reconnect with relatives in the NYC area. He let go and let God heal the relationships when he took a chance and showed up unannounced. He was warmly received by all.
  2. While preparing to sing for Curtis’ family, the group started singing outside and was overheard by the next door neighbor. The neighbor, Tina Taylor, came outside in her pajamas to investigate who this heavenly music was coming from. After speaking with the group, she went back inside and returned with a script.
  3. God had inspired Tina to write a play entitled, “Mama...Let Go and Let God Handle It!” which she obediently did but still needed three male singers. She invited these "Ministers of Music" to be in her June play and to have breakfast at 8:00 the next morning, along with some of the members from our church, Apostolic Temple of Jesus Christ. “They started throwing money on the floor as we sang,” Curtis says in amazement.
  4. Evangelist Tanya Tucker, Director of the Inner Healing For Wholeness Ministry, was at the breakfast and asked the group if they would attend our women’s service that same morning at 10 am before leaving to audition for the 12 pm movie casting call. And so I and several others at the Inner Healing service had a chance to hear, greet and be blessed by these anointed young men, who sing to the glory of God.
  5. After they ministered in song, Evangelist Tucker spoke a prophetic word into their lives, prayed for them and sowed into their good ground with a love offering on behalf of the ministry.


The Victorious Beginning…

  • Throughout the entire experience, the faithful four maintained a transcending peace and never doubted that God would work out ALL the details.
  • They got a part in the movie.
  • They had enough money to eat, return to Savannah, and take care of some needs at home.
  • They will be returning to NY for the play, "Mama...Let Go and Let God Handle It!" on June 28, 2015.

Ministers of Music, a group of young men who've only been singing together for three months, have more than proved God’s ability to provide through their faith experience and inspiring testimony. They are witnesses that God is GOOD and this faith walk is real and rewarding.

Be on the lookout for more from these young men of God. Contact them at

Be Blessed,

Jo Anne Meekins
Inspired 4 U

An interview with Ministers of Music Male Gospel Group

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Jo Anne Meekins


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