My Beginning Messages from Archangel Michael
As I sat here in my office on this mid-November morning in 2009, joyfully removing the clutter of my possessions as I prepare to move to my new home next month, I came across a binder I prepared years ago, titled “Archangel Michael: Personal Channelings (the beginning).” Feeling a strong urge to drop what I was doing, I reconnected with the first messages I channeled from Archangel Michael, almost exactly eight years ago. Only, in many ways, as I read many of the channelings, it seemed the messages were more intended for my life right now, than back then.
On the morning of November 15, 2001, in the beautiful area we lived in New Mexico, the clouds were so low to the ground, well below the top of the Sandia Mountains, and the sun radiantly presented an awesome starburst as it shone golden light on and through these lower clouds. Because we lived in the foothills, we were above many of the clouds. It was a surreal sight like we’d never seen before, nearly impossible for me to clearly describe. My children thought it “looks like Heaven on Earth,” and I felt they interpreted the scene perfectly.
After taking my son and daughter to school, I went into meditation soon after I got home. I asked for Archangel Michael as I knew for some time that I would be channeling him for the first time, and felt sure today was the day. First, I felt hugged. For several minutes, I felt extreme pressure around my eyes and on the outer tip of my left ear. I felt him gently move my head around. Then came the following words, through a knowingness, which were often repeated slowly and firmly to assure me I was “hearing” right.
Hello Mary. I come to you on this day to show you the Light. The Light you are so deserving of. Bask in this Light and take ownership of it. For it is yours. You are dearly loved. Yes, you have raised your vibration high enough to hear my messages. You have done this. Yes, your life is about to change. You will know a peace you have never known. Dwell in this place. Mary, you must listen even when the message seems crazy or ridiculous. I assure you I only speak what is true. I only speak of love. I only speak of the highest good! You’ve passed. You've passed this long and difficult test. You are so loved, Mary. It is highly appropriate that you dwell only in the place called love. You shine there. You shine like a beacon of light.
The next day, he came through with the following words:
You are in a place of love. When we talk, you are cooperating with the higher dimensions, having found a way to open the door to higher communications. Only you can open this door and you have by giving your full intent.
You will fit into this new way of communication and it will become second nature to you. Do you feel me holding your hands? (yes) I am right here with you and am always with you. I know you have many questions for me. I want to answer all of them. And they will be answered in time. Be patient. You are dearly loved, Mary.
Following this channeling, I saw the widest rainbow I’d ever seen.
As I share with you, the reader, these personal messages, I hope you know that the ability to channel is your divine birthright and you can call this forth. Just because someone channels does not make them any more special than anyone else. We are all equally special and we can all channel and receive these loving messages, if we so choose! I do believe it comes easier for some than others, however it is a gift for each of us to open if so desired. It hasn’t come that easily for me, at least on a consistent basis over many years, but I strongly feel that is about to change, as I'm choosing for it to change.
The channelings continued and after a couple of days came a profound message:
Are you still feeling alone? You won’t feel so alone when you always feel me around. (I feel him moving my head around again.) So do you like this arrangement? You ought to. You helped plan it. It was the most significant contract you ever made. You just asked me about the books. Oh yes, my dear, you are going to write plenty of books and yes, it’s all part of the contract. Through the information you impart, you will help usher in the new age of humanity. So celebrate this, for this is what you’ve waited for, for so long, Mary.
On November 21, I was woken at 1:30 a.m., and received these surprising words:
You are going to behold something so special. It is liquid light. Through our channeling, I will be able to filter it into you. My dear, you are going to have energy again.
After reading these words, that was exactly when I realized I needed to write and share these messages with you, reader. Up until now, I’ve kept these channelings private. I hadn’t thought too much about “liquid light” in years, until two days ago when it all came rushing back to me.
Suddenly I found myself really struggling to get control of my reactions and emotions to no avail, regarding a personal situation. I tried giving it to God, fully releasing it from my being, but was not successful. So I had the sudden realization, and I’m sure it was coming from Archangel Michael, that I should imagine being filled with liquid light, not white light like I normally do, from the crown of my head down and out my hands and feet. Thus, the synchronicity of coming across these words just two days later was astounding.
Further, the stunning realization for me is that what I channeled from Archangel Michael eight years ago is more about right now than it was about then! And I recall when channeling the words, they were more appropriate for a future time! There is no time in the Heavenly realms. I now leave you with one more excerpt:
Let us say that on this day you favor a windy day. This may not be true, however let us just say. And the wind comes along and destroys all that you worked on. Would you be upset at the wind? Let’s take it a step further. Let’s say you wished for the sun to shine instead. The sun comes and dries up all your fruit and vegetables. Are you upset at the sun? Now, in truth, you have asked God to come into your life and assume His will. Should you not expect some turbulence? All forces, forces of nature and the God force, are very powerful. You can’t expect them not to wreck a little havoc in order to make change occur. Can you? That is what happened to you these last seven years. Havoc and turmoil resided alongside you. These were necessary for your growth. Can you deny this? Open your heart and accept this, embrace it in fact, for it was the only way for you to get to this place. And I know you’re glad you did. Show the world how you can triumph over despair. And how you can feel God’s comfort throughout the process.
And thus, I share this with you for yet another profound reason. This message, which was delivered to me on a personal level years ago, represents what is going on right now, on a global level, during these most challenging times. We are craving peace in our world, and ultimately creating Heaven on earth, and for that to manifest, many things have been knocked up and down and sideways regarding the devastating wars, our crumbling economy, neglect of our environment, etc., as greed, corruption, and dishonesty, to mention a few, are in a free fall. Havoc and turmoil are residing alongside us. Yet we shall triumph over our present despair. We will create Heaven on earth. And we will feel God’s comfort throughout the process. Through Archangel Michael, this is my message for you.
Copyright © 2009 by Mary Soliel
NOTE: Since I wrote this article, I began writing my new book, Michael's Clarion Call (released in 2011). Based on this book, I'm offering the Michael's Clarion Call E-Course. This course is designed to help us prepare for the golden new age right before us. Every week, for seven weeks, participants will receive channeled messages from Archangel Michael along with powerful exercises and specific guidance formulated just for this course to help us adjust and persevere through these challenging times, and find out about what lies ahead! For details, please go to