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My Favorite Bible Scriptures

Updated on November 18, 2020
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Demas is a professional author and freelancer. He published and edited two newspapers. Writing, for him, is just a way of sharing.

Favorite scriptures just might be a personal lesson.

When you think of your favorite Bible scriptures, are they trying to tell you something?
When you think of your favorite Bible scriptures, are they trying to tell you something? | Source

Some favorite scriptures are shared by many of us....

If we took a survey of "the man on the street" (women included) of their favorite sayings, many would be from the Holy Bible, or Shakespeare, or a favorite movie, celebrity, philosopher, great teacher, public servant, etc.

Being a Golden Oldie myself, and that much closer to meeting My Maker, I tend to the first of these, the Holy Bible.

Perhaps so many others would quote John 3:16, the one Bible verse for which so many can quote both chapter and verse. It could even be considered the golden pillar of the whole structure of Christ's teachings.One that certainly most Christians are familiar with.

While there is some unanimity related to that scripture. Others can be confusing, such as John 3:22 and John 4:2, leaving some to wonder whether or not Jesus actually baptized anyone, or only baptized his disciples.

Certainly, if it was important for Jesus himself to be baptized, and he said that it was important, and if he surely had the authority to baptize, then it would be logical to believe that following his own baptism by John The Baptist, he would have been sure that, one way or another, his disciples would also have their own baptisms.

That aside, I tend to focus my favorites on New Testament scriptures that seem unusually powerful to me.

Take for example this familiar scripture: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) That is familiar to most Christians, but not necessarily a favorite of many.

It became my favorite for what follows: "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:14)

That seems important to me, for if I would follow Jesus and take on his name as a Christian, wouldn't I at least want him as my friend? The added implication of that scripture is that, if I want Jesus to consider me to be his friend, I must keep his commandments.

Another favorite scripture of mine follows along with that one, and also comes from John 15:21, 23.

I so often hear fellow Christians express the desire to live "the good life" so they can be eligible to return to God and Christ when their lives are over.

That scripture offers the key to having God and Christ with them during their mortality. So why are they waiting? Is the price of keeping the commandments too great a price, too much of a struggle?

Another of my favorites answers that question, in a manner of speaking. It is Matthew 16:27 which states "He shall reward every man according to his works."

Now we know what work is, unless we have been cursed to never have had to work. We also know that work has its rewards, no work, no reward.

If we do the work prescribed for Christians, then Christians are admonished by another of my favorite scriptures (Matthew 9:37) which reads, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few."

I am sure you have your own favorites.

Consider why they are your favorites.

I suspect they just might be trying to tell you something, just as mine are urging me to seek Christ's friendship by being a labourer trying his best to be worthy of the great price Christ paid for him as a follower.



© 2020 Demas W Jasper


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