My Honor is my Life
The quote: “My honor is my life”, comes from a series of Dragon-lance books, fantasy sort of writing. I do not usually touch non-fiction but the Dragon-lance series is an exception: I like Dragons. I am not writing about dragons though. I want to focus on this quote here, which really defines a big part of who I am.
I have always been of the opinion (and I have written previously a little about it), that I can lose anything in this life: wealth, relationships, even body parts and such ... but my word, I cannot ever lose, unless I give it up. Nobody can take it from me unless I freely give it-up myself. I chose to die with it: I will die with honor.
I first became aware of the concept of honor in my childhood, when I came across information about the samurai – the Japanese warrior. It truly moved me, that a samurai needed permission to commit suicide (harakiri). Death had to be an honorable event. I really admired that will-power: everything in honor!
My grandfather on my mother`s side is a great example of the honor which my Dacian ancestors held in such high esteem. Herodotus actually wrote about my ancestors as being the most brave and honorable out of all Thracians. My grandfather always spoke to me about honor. He read me stories as a kid about Dacian kings who fought bravely to defend our people. Some fell on their swords or cut their own throat in order to not be captured and enslaved. Honor ...
So, I try to live my life in honor and I make no compromises. I would rather leave this world than to give-up my honor.
I am sometimes seen as insensible because I always speak my mind. Well, I would rather hurt someone`s feeling than damage their Spirit. That is what happens when we give-up on honor – we give-up on our Spirit. We allow it to be tainted and corrupted.
I also understand why some people think I am stuck-up. I always speak of doing the right thing, at whatever cost because doing the right thing in my opinion is price-less. I don`t compromise in the face of Truth. I find excuses boring and most of the time nonsensical. For me, nothing matters but the Truth.
The other label I often get is that I am an idealist and that I am looking for a utopia. This is a misunderstanding. There will always be mistakes. Life is a bit of a trial-and-error game. In that sense, we can never have a perfect world. I understand mistakes, I make mistakes myself ... what I don`t understand is greed, viciousness, laziness, bullying and such ... that is what I am after ... `till my dying day.
`My honor is my life` because I am a Warrior of the Light and a Hunter of Knowledge.
P.S. I read a hub not long ago which inspired this piece of writing. Thank You, Mrs. Simone Smith. : ) Here is her piece of writing about radical honesty: