The Ruling Planets of the 12 Zodiac Signs and their Numerology Numbers and body parts represented by them
Zodiac Signs and Ruling Planets
There is a Ruling Planet and Numerology Number representing the Planet for every Zodiac Sign. This 12 Zodiac Signs also represent the different parts of the Human Body.
The details of the Zodiac Signs, their ruling Planets, the number representing the planet and body parts governed by the Zodiac Sign is given below.
Zodiac Signs Ruling Planets and Numerology Numbers
Aries: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Aries is number nine and Mars respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are head and brain.
Taurus: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Taurus is number six and Venus respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are eyes, ears, nose, tongue and face.
Gemini: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Gemini is number five and Mercury respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are hands, collar bones, neck and respiratory tract.
Cancer: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Cancer is number two and Moon respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are heart, lungs, chest and blood.
Leo: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Leo is number one and Sun respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are heart and upper abdomen.
Virgo: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Virgo is number five and Mercury respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are the navel, bones and lower abdomen.
Libra: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Libra is number six and Venus respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are the groins, semen and genitals.
Scorpio: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Scorpio is number nine and Mars respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are kidney and bladder.
Sagittarius: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius is number three and Jupiter respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are thighs and limbs.
Capricorn: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Capricorn is number eight and Saturn respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are knees, bones and flesh.
Aquarius: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Aquarius is number eight and Saturn respectively. The body parts ruled by this Zodiac Sign are shanks and breathing.
Pisces: The number and planet for the Zodiac Sign Pisces is number three and Jupiter respectively. The body part ruled by this Zodiac Sign is the feet.