On Chants and Mantras: Sounds of Power
First of all, I must say that I am not a religious being. I am a Spiritual being. Thus, not confined to any one religion or belief system, I am able/free to search for knowledge anywhere. I have zero restrictions. Reason is also not a restriction for me, as I have explained previously in a piece of writing titled: “On Personal Power”.
In my life, I follow the Warrior Spirit of my Dacian ancestors. I respect knowledge as I see knowledge to be power and power for me, means endless possibilities. I am talking about personal power here, will-power – not physical power, although it can mean that too. Personal power can be translated into anything one wills, in my opinion.
Over time, in my search for knowledge I have found that personal power comes to us when we diminish our internal dialogue, which is almost always going on in our own mind. When the external chatter is limited, our Spirit begins to spring-out of us. Our Light gets stronger and our Will takes-over. We literally shine when we allow ourselves to be what we are: luminous beings!
Different individuals have different methods of silencing the multitude of thoughts flying through their minds. For me, chanting or even just listening to chants and/or mantras helps me focus on my being and my will. What is important about chants and mantras in my opinion, first and foremost is that they are based on faith.
Even though I am not a religious person, I do work with faith. Faith can help in understanding will-power because faith goes beyond reason. One does not have faith reasonably … Thus, when chanting or listening to mantras for example, one goes beyond reason and it also helps that in the repetitiveness of the sound we can begin to lose ourselves and lose our inner chatter.
I cannot say that a certain chant is better than a certain mantra, or vice-verse. I use chants and mantras. In terms of chants, I prefer Latin chants. An example of such a chant would be: “Da Pacem Domine”. This would be considered a Christian chant but even as a pagan, I love it dearly. There is great power to be found by chanting it, in my opinion.
Mantras I found … I cannot even say that I found them. I think they found me … Either way, Mantras are extremely powerful sounds. Here, I lack words to describe the power I feel in them … The Gayatri Mantra is sacred for me and is the first Mantra I learned, even though I do not speak the language. I felt extremely attracted to it, for no reason at all and that was reason enough for me to love it even more!
There is not much more for me to say about chants and mantras, except that as one who believes in sorcerers, witches and magic (and practices), I think sound in many cases is sacred and holds great power. I bow to the Universe and give thanks for the knowledge that exists!
I wish everyone well; May Wakan Tanka guide all our paths.
Hoka-hey! (It is a good day to die.)
Note: I thought I would promote the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra too, for those who are searching for healing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N10A8wKlGAs&list=HL1335751258&feature=mh_lolz