Online Bible Verses about Faith vs. Works - Hebrews 6:10
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
Hebrews 6:10
We do not have to look far for people in need of help. Take a look at your resources, coupled with what God has placed on your heart. Then act.
This verse, as is often the case, comes in as timely. For reasons only known to Him, there are two people right now who He has given to me. They are in need of help, and I am the guy to provide it. No need to get into detail, but they have been on my mind this week. My heartfelt belief, He has put them there, and they will remain as such until I make my move. It will make me feel happy, for the right reasons. Reasons He lays out for us in scripture, so we do not fall into the trap of concocting our own. Man’s tendency, to do what we deem good. That word again, “good”. Good can easily be associated with works. The concept of good works lays out a trap. A trap which requires defining good along with relative bad. The end analysis stacking up good vs. bad, with the hope that we will ultimately land in a state where the good column contains more. Who can decide what good entails, when we all have differing views of how the scoring should be done? Even in our lives, what was OK 20 years ago would not be interpreted as such now. Outside of ourselves, what one sees as OK might not qualify to another. What then, can we do? We can refer to He who has sole authority to categorize and define good. See Romans Chapter 3, verse 11, and realize the futility of trying to be good in and of ourselves. Rather, in acting in accordance with His will, give Him the credit, being thankful He has freed us from the uncertainty in attempting to keep a scorecard based on what we do and fail to do.
He does not keep a scorecard, which is a good thing for me. And motivates me to help others for the right reasons.