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Inspirational, Uplifting and Encouraging Bible Verses: Philippians 2:9-11 How can I know God?

Updated on December 8, 2013

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11 NIV

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. One God, one guy, one name.

An absolute series of statements. No wiggle room.

Well, you don’t have to believe in Jesus. Apparently, at some point, you do, if we pretend for a moment that scripture is God’s inspired word.

Different standards of accountability for different people in different situations at different times? Maybe. Let’s look at two extremes.

First, the guy who lives in some far off place where he has been, for a potential myriad of reasons, completely isolated from knowledge of Jesus. It could still happen in the present, even with the availability of information, and it certainly has in the past. Our hypothetical yet reasonably defined person may rise one day, and go outside. For the sake of discussion, let’s say he lives in a beautiful place. Today it is sunny and the water is clear blue. The island (why not) is teaming with amazing wildlife. He takes a look around and concludes there is a Creator behind it. No clue who He is, but our guy just calls out and says “Hey, whomever you are, I get the idea you are there and would like to know you.” That, given the revelation provided, may well qualify as a profession of faith.

The other extreme we will study is no hypothetical. I happen to be it, as I’ve had the whole ball of wax, in gross detail, laid out before me. I’ve been shown the Gospel of Jesus Christ, fully considered it, and made a decision regarding it. That of course, coupled with common experience between myself and the guy described in case #1 above. He and I have been subject to the same fleshly pull, and I would think, realization that ourselves and this world, although beautiful at times, are flawed in a way which requires something be made right. And so perhaps we have been afforded the same opportunity to surrender and accept help. To hope that God will be our friend, a friend that we need.

Maybe the guy in case #1 comes clean in a different scenario than I painted above. A hurricane, which ensues on a day in which he had a real bad blowout with his wife. Said some mean things in front of the kids and is just feeling bad about himself. The storm hits, he is a bit shaken up by it and calls out to a God for help and forgiveness at the same time. One drop in the bucket of experience which eventually forges a relationship.

That version makes him a little more like me. Maybe we are all fundamentally the same despite the vast differences.

I think it not outside orthodoxy to say that God will show Himself to everyone and anyone, provided they are equipped to contemplate the revelation. A non mandatory offer of inclusivity. As is always the case, I can only do a detailed analysis of my own experience. I think He has given me a fair shake. Actually, much more than fair, as fair would leave me looking at a large deficit. After reconsideration, I think it better to characterize my status as that far over and above fair. I’ve been loved and pardoned. Grace has been bestowed upon me.

How are you doing Frank? Better than I deserve.


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