The PILGRIM Settlers of the United States in BIBLE PROPHECY
Protestant pilgrims are shown on the deck of the ship Speedwell, before their departure for the New World from Delft Haven, Holland, on July 22, 1620. William Brewster holding the Bible and pastor John Robinson lead Governor Carver, William Bradford, Miles Standish, and their families in prayer. The prominence of women and children suggests the importance of the family in the community. At the left side of the painting is a rainbow, which symbolizes hope and divine protection.
In order to better understand the relationship between the Puritan ('Pilgrim') settlers of the United States and biblical prophecy, we must first look at the overall historical aspects of these prophecies as they span our world's history in its entirety.
We are currently at the end of an age, or nearing the close of the "Age of the Church" as it is known in regard to biblical prophecy. If we look at the prophectic accounts in the Holy scriptures more cosely, we can discern certain "signs of the times" which herald the closing of this period in mankind's history. They mark the evidence for the soon coming of the Lord's glorious Kingdom and the next new millennia reign of Jesus the Messiah.
It is interesting when we can look back over history and line up the series of events as they correspond directly with prophetic accounts in the Bible. We can then see a divine pattern unfolding from the earliest ages of mankind through to the modern age, that reflects both the Lord God's favor and displeasure with the people of the world in relation to His chosen children. When we look at what is going on now and review the past historical events in reverse, a connection with the amazing truths that biblical prophecy portrays becomes even more apparent.
(Reverse Order from the Future to the Past):
ALL the prophetic focus is on ISRAEL, JERUSALEM, and the children of the "PROMISED LAND". It is here that the final events of Bible prophecy will unfold and transpire as we begin to usher in the new millennium and "Kingdom Age" of Heaven here on Earth. That is when the Lord Jesus the Messiah returns to claim His prize, the Church of the New Covenant and "Bride of Christ"!
To get to this point in biblical history, the chain of past events in the world must have first "set the stage". There are certain key elements that must be in place and the positioning of all the critical "players" must be correctly in order for all of these prophetic events to transpire properly.
There is no doubt that the nations of the United States and the United Kingdom will play key roles in these upcoming events along with Israel and the political influences that control the Middle East.
"Assuredly, I say to you, THIS GENERATION will by no means pass away till all these things take place." (Matthew 24:34)
FUTURE Time Line
- In the final days before Christ's glorious and triumphant return, the land of Israel we come under attack from worldwide forces (Isaiah 21:1-2; Isaiah 46:11; Jeremiah 50:41; Ezekiel 38-39; Joel 2; Zephaniah 1:14-18). Armies from Kings of the North, East and South will come against the armies of the Antichrist who will have set up his world rulership under the "abomination of desolation" in Jerusalem for the last 3.5 years of the age (Daniel 11:31, 12:11; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14). This final monumental world event has been named the "Battle of Armageddon", as it will converge at the 'Plains of Meggido' in the "Promised Land" (Revelation 16:12-16).
- The forces of the Lord's adversary, the Devil (Satan), through the Antichrist and his system of rulership, will have come to power and taken global dominion over governments through the world's economic and religious institutions (Revelation 13).
- A peace accord in the Middle East will allow for the "Antichrist" and his system of control to slip into a position of favor and prominence with world leadership. He will initially rise to power under the guise and promise of peace and prosperity, by presenting solutions to solve the problems of a troubled world (Revelation 18:23).
- Israel will have come under assault from many sources (social, economic, and political) and a "covenant" will need to be made in the Middle East to prevent a world war from errupting. (Daniel 9:27)
*Follow the Palestinian petition for independent statehood with the United Nations while the neighbors of Israel become increasingly more hostile towards the Jewish nation.
- The enemies of Israel will continue to suffer defeat whenever they take hostile action towards the nation (Isaiah 17:1, 13-14; Ezekiel 30:3-9).
- Anti-semetism (hatred toward the Jewish people) will have grown rampant not only in the Middle East but in many countries throughout the world (Psalm 83:2-5; Luke 21:12-13).
- The former world leaders and wealthy nations of great influence that had supported Israel in the past will have become corrupted and begin suffering the consequences thereof (Revelation 17:15-16).
- Leading nations will begin to suffer under the plagued conditions of the world and once stable world economies will begin to collapse (Revelation 18:2-11).
- Great difficulties and world suffering will continue to increase at staggering levels (a prelude to the more severe problems that will occur during the "Tribulation Period"). Turmoil and strife will have become commomplace in the world. (Matthew 24:6-8,21, Luke 21:9-11)
- Christians will begin to fall under severe persecution worldwide, many suffering death for their faith and system of beliefs (Revelation 6:9; Revelation 20:4).
- Many new spiritual teachings and corrupted doctrines will be inspired and taught by false prophets and teachers. These will have surfaced to replace the traditional beliefs of Christianity and Judaisim (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Romans 16:17-18; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 2 Peter 2:1; 2 Peter 3:16; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10; Revelation 19:20).
- The more modern "western world" societies will have become corrupted by the quest for wealth and power while morality as a whole will have declined into a perilous state of decadence (Mark 7:20-22; Corinthians 12:20-21; 1 Timothy 1:3-11; 2 Timothy 3:1-5).
- The Gospels of Christianity will have been preached to the entire world (Matthew 24:14).
*This fact could not be possible if there had not been a prevailing Christian entity (or nation such as the U.S.) that would greatly influence a large scale evangelistic outreach of this nature. The United States is also one of the major contributors to international Christian missionary efforts worldwide.
This approach to spreading the Gospel stems back to the earliest days of the formation of the United States, whereas the belief in 'Manifest Destiny' helped fuel the rapid growth of the country during their westward expansion. It's primary philiosophical foundation was that a "divine destiny" existed for the United States based upon the values of equality, rights of conscience, and personal enfranchisement, "to establish on Earth the moral dignity and salvation of man", which allowed for the U.S. to greatly prosper and expand across the American continent.
The belief in this "divine destiny" has it's roots in the original pilgrimage of the Puritan settlers who first came to this country. They were seeking religious freedom from the more corrupted and institutionalized 'Chistendom' of Europe and were driven by a vision as led by the Holy Spirit. This same foundation in "reformed theology" was the practiced belief system for most of the United States' "Founding Fathers" and it was these principles that were incorporated into the new country's original charters for government.
If it were not for these Puritan settlers (the 'Pilgrims'), the concept of 'Manifest Destiny' may not have become a driving philosophy for the new country's expansion.
The approach to missionary outreach that evolved as a result of this, therefore may never have developed to such a degree that it would have the worldwide impact that it now does. This same thinking has driven both the country's foreign policy in promoting the spread of freedom and democracy in the world, as well as having spurred a wide array of religious-based evangelistic programs that now reach the farthest points of the globe.
These things have resulted in being instrumental forces in fulfilling the prophecy of "preaching the Gospel to the entire world".
- The allies of Israel will have grown to become world powers and key global influences through their political policies and moral standing in the world community. Those who are in opposition to the chidren of Israel would suffer the consequences (Genesis 12:3).
The United Kingdom (Great Britain) has greatly valued the relationship and connection to its Christian roots in Judaea since the times of the crusades against the Muslim conquerors of Jerusalem (11th-13th century) and has sought ever since to restore a "western" connection to the "Holy Land". By helping lay down the groundwork to re-establishing a homeland for the Jewish people in the modern era, they have thus accomplished this goal by maintaining close political connections to the same.
Although the United States was established as a free and independent Christian nation through its revolution against the English monarchy and its rulership, it was still formed and founded with a strong connection to its former protectorate. As the United States grew into a prosperous country and leading world figure, and the British monarchy evolved into a more democratic parliamentary style of government, the two nations have historically held a unique bond and relationship together. They have likewise individually and jointly continued with their utmost support for the Jewish homeland since its inception (only backing away from this agenda most recently).
- The United States (the "New Promised Land") would eventually domicile large populations of Jewish-American citizens (eventually comparable to the entire population of the Nation of Israel) that would become propsperous business owners and influential professionals who are supportive of their "home" country (Genesis 26:24; Isaiah 27:6).
If the 'Pilgrim' settlers had not immigrated to the "New World", the Puritan religious movement may not have established such a strong fundamental foundation in the early history and formation of the United States. This would include the constitutional privilege and right for "freedom of religion". Thus making it possible for the allowance of a large body of people (Jews) to emerge as citizens in this country, having such a unique religious background and heritage.
- Israel's allies will continue to prosper as a result of their growing and lasting relationship with Israel (Genesis 12:3) by supporting the Jewish Nation both politically and economically.
The United States has always been a blessed nation "under God" as it was originally founded. This is a direct result of the country's Christian heritage, it's godly morals and righteous ethic code, as well as it's close connections with their Jewish brothers and sisters in faith and cultural allies.
*When these predominant philosophies change - so will the blessings that these countries inherit.
- A designated territory and home for the Jewish people (the Children of Israel) will be re-created and returned to them, allowing for a huge migration of Jews from around the world back to the "Promised Land" of their ancestors (Isaiah 43:5-6; Zechariah 8:7-8). Israel is then restored as a nation and its cities are rebuilt (Amos 9:11-13).
After the failure of the last "war of the Crusades" in the "Holy Land", the region of Judaea was conquered by the Ottoman Empire (1516 A.D.) and remained under Turkish (Islamic) rule until the 20th century. Over the next several centuries, various emigrations of Jewish people to Palestine occurred as they were expelled from one country or another, for various political or cultural reasons, ultimately concluding with a massive exodus of refugees from Germany, during and at the end of World War II.
Great Britain had captured Palestine during the earlier World War I (1917) and had been granted a mandate over the region by the 'League of Nations' in 1922. After World War II, Britain found itself in a struggle over the region because of political and cultural differences, finally concluding with the newly created United Nations approving the 'Partition Plan for Palestine' in November of 1947. This resulted in the "Three Day War" with the Palestinian Arab economy collapsing and 250,000 Palestinian-Arabs fleeing or being expelled from the region. By May 14, 1948, the day before the expiration of the British Mandate, Jewish independence for Palestine was proclaimed and the new nation was named Israel displaying their current flag bearing the "Star of David". Israel was later accepted as a member of the United Nations by majority vote on May 11, 1949.
The United Kingdom's close ties with the United States into the modern era and their combined connections with the Jewish people have allowed this to occur. If not for the original quest of "religious freedom" by the early Puritain settlers (and the 'Pilgrims') to the British colonies, along with the subsequent formation of a free and independent United States who later reconciled with the British crown to then become their allies, these events in our history would not have been made possible.
Christians throughout history have and will continue to be persecuted in the future. Their faith will ultimately prevail though as a result of the Lord God's plan for all of humanity.
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJ)
- The early Christians and their new faith continue to suffer oppression and persecution as they attempt to serve the Lord and spread His word throughout the world. Many will suffer matyrdom as a result of their testimony. (Matthew 10:22-23; John 15:18-19; Revelation 6:9; Revelation 13:9-10; Revelation 14:12; Revelation 20:4)
"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." (Matthew 24:9 NKJ)
It was the direct result of this Christian persecution however, that had led to the religion's spread from the Middle East into Asia Minor and then to find a firm grasp in the Roman Empire in spite of all resistance. Christianity then became a fundamental foundation throughout all of Europe and the "western world".
Eventually this would also lead to the individual 'Puritan' sect from the Church of England being persecuted for their own individual faith and ability to exercise religious freedoms. The migration of the 'Pligrims' from England to the "New World" in America, led to this faith's foothold in early colonial American history and the later establishment of a new nation in the United States.
- For rejecting the Messiah, the Judaean capital city of Jerusalem would be decimated by the Roman conqueors and the jewish nation is utterly destroyed (70-135 A.D.). This will force the remaining Jewish people to flee for their survival and begin an "exodus" into the rest of the world (Deuteronomy 28:49-52; Deuteronomy 29:23; Joshua 23:15; Daniel 9:24-26; Micah 3:11-12; Mark 13:2; Luke 21:24; 1 Peter 2:6-8; Romans 9:27).
*The prophecies do however indicate a return of the Jewish people to their "Promised Land" at some point in the future. Great Britain and the United States will become instrumental in this future event.
- The newly formed faith of the Christians will be rejected in their homeland but will be spread into the "gentile" nations as missionary teams branch out beyond the boundaries of Judaea (Isaiah 60:3; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 2:30-33).
- The Messiah will be arrested, sentenced and executed (Daniel 9:26/a; John 5:18).
- The Jewish Messiah will arrive but He will be denied by His people (Acts 2:36; John 1:11; John 12:37-38) but a new faith however will be born into the world (Christianity) in support of the Lord God's "New Covenant" (Isaiah 9:2-3,6-7).
- The Holy "Promised Land" will later become an occupied territory as a result of the Jews' decline back into disobedience towards the Lord God (Malachi 2:9).
PAST Time Line - Foundation of the "PROMISED LAND" and People
- A designated "Promised Land" in ancient Canaan is decreed by the Lord God for the Hebrew people which they will inherit and settle for many generations (Exodus 12:25; Leviticus 20:23-24; Deuteronomy 6:3; Joshua 23:5; Jeremiah 32:22).
- The bloodline is established (Abraham-Issac-Jacob=Israel) that will sire all of the world's future righteous nations (Genesis 17:19; Genesis 26:24).
- The nations of the world will be either blessed or cursed depending on how they treat the Lord God's "chosen ones", the Hebrew people (Genesis 12:3).
- The Hebrew people (through lineage to their forefather Abraham) are set apart from the rest of the world to receive the Lord's special blessings (Genesis 15:1).
As you can see, in order to fulfill the prophetic relevance of past events with what MUST occur in the future prophecies of the Biblical time line, the Pilgrim settlers (and other Puritans who followed after them) were instrumental in the foundation of the United States, a new "Promised Land", in and through which many of the later "End of Days" prophecies in relation to Israel will be completed at a future time in our history.
Therefore it is reasonable to conclude, that the migration of the Puritans to the "New World" resulting from their religious persecution in England, was instrumental in the foundation of a new country (the United States) which would play a major role in the re-establishment and prosperity of Israel as a nation (as well as other critical prophetic events) some 2000+ years later.
It is only by the hand of God and through His "divine destiny", that all of these world events and historical elements have occurred as they have. These things have all been in accordance, in order to completely fulfill the ancient prophecies of the holy scriptures.
Not only is this direct evidence of the fact that the Holy Bible fulfils the prophetic Word of God that it states but it also displays to us, that in spite of the fact that the state of our current world may seem to be in chaos, that the Lord God is still in complete control of His ordered plan for mankind -AMEN.

Don't forget to Check Out our Thanksgiving Article
- THANKSGIVING - A Reason to Be Thankful For All The LORD's Blessings
Thanksgiving is the remembrance of a dream, a vision, a desire to seek God, while being able to worship Him unhindered and without persecution. This reflects the underlying principles by which the United States was created by its "Founding Fathers".
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