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Planets in Capricorn Part 2: Mars, Venus, and Moon

Updated on November 30, 2015

In Planets in Capricorn Part 1, Ascendant and Mercury, I talked about Ascendant/Rising and Mercury in the sign of Capricorn. In this hub, Planets in Capricorn Part 2: Mars, Venus and Moon, I will be talking about mars, Venus, and moon in Capricorn. Again this does not specifically refer to the sun sign in Capricorn (some similarities may apply however). If you do not know your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign, you can run a natal chart (for free, type natal chart in google and plug in your birth data.) For my sun sign in Capricorn hub click here:


Mars in Capricorn

Your Mars is in Capricorn, in the planet of action, sexuality/sexual expression, and energy. Mars in Capricorn is an every good position for Mars to be in. It is considered exalted (the best) in Capricorn. Remember that Mars rules the sign of Aries. Mars in fire signs (and earth signs) are generally good positions for Mars to be in because they have no problem taking charge or going after goals.

Capricorn is an earth sign, solid, practical, stable, and hard working. Work and duty energizes them. Getting back to my first hub on the Planet in Capricorn series. I mentioned Capricorn’s glyph (symbol) as a seat goat. A sea goat is a mythical creature that has the upper half of a goat and its lower half is a fishtail. The story is the sea goat rose out from the sea, eventually matured out of its tail and grew legs and climbed a mountain. This represents the nature of Capricorn and can explain mars in Capricorn.


Mars in Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn person sign is motivated in this life to get ahead, to be in a position higher than that they are in now. They are no strangers to hard-work, and actually prefer to work. There is a hidden insecurity in this position, since it is ruled by Saturn (fear, limitations).

Capricorn mars people work harder to prove to others and more importantly to prove themselves that they are valuable, important, and deserve what they have. They don’t always believe that but they work regardless of that. This is good because eventually they will believe it in themselves. They have self discipline and control and have a capacity to make the impossible a reality.


Mars in Capricorn

Capricorn mars people are driven to activities that have structure, discipline while putting them in a position of power and control. Activities like mixed martial arts, karate, chess, and gymnastics. Something that they can improve on and eventually be a master at.

Mars also governs sexuality and sexual expression. Mars in Capricorn can be serious sex freaks of zodiac. Capricorn stamina is stable and very controlled and they can dig their heels to the ground and get things done (if you know what I mean). They love the pain and pleasure especially since they are ruled by Saturn (and all the seriousness and responsibilities that come with it). They are maybe interested in BDSM, especially the dominance and control part. They want to be in control in all aspects in their life, including the bedroom. Though sometimes, the especially brave ones will let themselves go and be controlled instead.

Even so, Saturn is their planetary ruler, so nothing never comes easy for them. Fear, restrictions denial of pleasure, insecurity and the fact that they can sell themselves short, can lead to bedroom problems in the sea goat. The Capricorn mars person may be afraid to be the natural freaks that they are, but if seen as challenge eventually the Capricorn mars will overcum it. Wink ;).


Venus in Capricorn

Venus is all about love and how we act in relationships. How we are as friend, lover, parent, etc. Venus in Capricorn is not the best Venus position, but its not the worst either. Remember Pisces is exalted in Venus. Water and earth Venus signs are ideal elements for Venus to be in. Fire and Air Venus signs are not as good or strong. Venus in Capricorn is an earth sign so they are naturally practical, logical, and grounded in love in love.

The Capricorn Venus person wants to be seen stable, loyal, and dependable. They are not the hopeless romantic types, there are not idealistic, they don’t like drama, and if they think you are not worth time they won’t pursue you. They will give you the Men in Black, bye Felicia experience.


Venus in Capricorn

Rigid, cold, and insecure in love, it may take time for the Venus in Capricorn person to find someone to love. They are picky, but not in a Virgo sort of (Virgo’s are more nitpicky). Most of the time the Capricorn Venus person is picky because they know what they want but being picky maybe a cover to mask insecurity.

The secret is, the Capricorn Venus person believes in love, but they don’t allow themselves to get carried away. They fear emotions, gushiness, and the vulnerability that love brings (like most of us). Even so, their fear is crippling, which can cause them treat love and relationships as low priority (even if they want it). They focus on their careers and proving themselves, instead of allowing themselves to be loved.

The Capricorn person may appear to dull, monotone, boring and not have anything going on for them socially and personality wise. For the most part for the unevolved types that maybe true. Even so for that Cap gem look closer you will see them for who they have always been. A secret hopeless romantic. Not in the traditional sense, but they are mature, stable, loyal, and totally up for commitment. They will respect boundaries, they won’t use, cheat, or play all those other silly kid games. If you got them, they got you.


Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn, which is are ruled by Saturn. The moon governs emotions and the moon as a planet represents how we react and relate emotionally. The moon is at home (dignified) in Cancer and exalted in Taurus. It is in detriment in Capricorn and in the fall in Scorpio.

The Moon in Capricorn is not a great position for the moon to be in. This person completely restricts their emotions and like to pretend they don’t feel. They throw themselves in work, and convince themselves that they are fine, when sometimes they are really not. To the Moon in Capricorn person, emotions aren’t useful or productive, but messy, indulgent, and a waste of time that they simply can’t indulge in. On the surface you get someone that appears cold, cruel, and heartless. For the most time, that is true. Even so, if you look closer you see someone that is insecure, cynical, and hard on themselves. Not only that, but a person that is silently struggling.

Moon in Capricorn

Age is the best way for the Capricorn moon to develop emotional confidence and maturity. When they realize that emotions are healthy, that avoiding them is immature and they won’t completely crumble if they allow themselves to feel it they will respect it more. It’s still going to unnatural and a struggle for them, plus they are slow learners.

Even so, the aged Capricorn moon eventually develops true maturity patience and consideration for their emotions and the emotions of others. Once they get the hand of emotions and learning to indulge in it every once in the while, they loosen up a bit and become the mighty goat that they are.


Overall this concludes my Planets in Capricorn Series. Thank You!

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