When I go , then the world goes
The world is a reflection of me
When the individual self goes, so does the Universal Self
When 'I' the ego goes, so does I the Observer
Where there is an I, there is a disppearance of I
Without sangsara, there would be no Nirvana
For sangsara to cease, there must be sangsara first
To reach the end, you must traverse the way
The bridge crosser destroys the bridge
For the one who has crossed has no more use for the bridge
The wisdom of the farther shore is different from the one on the periphery
When there is no Universal Self
There was no individual self
There was no beginner
No striver, no act of striving, no suffering, no end of suffering
There was no journey
No travail
No eight fold path
No suffering
No four noble truths
No Nirvana, no sangsara
No thing happened
There was no transcendence because
There was nothing to be transcended
There was nothing to begin with, so no end
That is why it is said:
gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
O Wisdom gone Beyond, gone Beyond, Gone forever Beyond
O Bliss Everlasting