Blow the Trumpet in Zion!
Prayer is the Wake Up Call
Prayer is a wake up call. Generally when you set an alarm it is for the purpose of waking yourself or someone else up. If the alarm is ignored we have a tendency to go back to sleep.
The trumpet is sounding in Zion, and God is blowing it and sounding the alarm in His holy mountain, (The Body of Christ) and revealing that it is time to pray like never before. It is time to turn whole-heartedly towards Him and seek His face, and listen for His voice. Your ears must be attuned to hear the sound the trumpet is making and you must be listening. The only time listening is not consciously effective is when we are in a deep sleep. The hearts of men and women are waxing grosser and salvation from sin is the only answer through our blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
This wake up call to prayer is different, there is a sobering and serious urgency that articulates that intercessions be made instead of complaints, and that warfare be conducted rather than idle chatter. We must stop speaking against others and complaining. Do you know that the time it takes to talk about someone and things of irrelevance, are distractions, it takes the same amount of time to talk with God about that person or thing. It is called redeeming the time, because the days are growing much more evil. We must not neglect to pray our own strength as well, it is those who are strong who must bear the infirmity of the weak.
The unsaved and lost are in a weakened state, sin weakens, but God strengthens against the law of sin and death so that all the lost obey God. We must ask God to send His Word after the lost and for their receptivity to hear it; It is slowly approaching midnight in the world system, it is as if the lights have been turned completely off to righteousness, yet not for those who believe in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, imputed to those who through faith believe Him. The only light that the world will see, is the light you are, your spirit is God's candle, the thing about a candle it slowly cancels the darkness, shine for God.
Could you imagine what the reality and experiential results would be if all saints in every nation, land, region and country, prayed on one accord daily, everyday praying for each other, regardless of all differences. We must make prayer for each other a priority. Praying intentionally every day for each member of the Body of Christ, for every man, woman, boy and girl, and at least set aside time everyday. It doesn't even take a lot of time each day to lift up each member of the Body of Christ and ask God for His will to be done and that His Kingdom comes through every believer, that His will manifests and materializes in each believers life. WOW! Say it backwards, it still spells WOW!
The trumpet blast is heard when we pray for each other, putting aside anything other than to intercede for each other, nothing else will do. It is time for maturity, responsibility and to be sensitized to each other's need for prayer, and not talking to anyone but God about anything we see in others that we do not agree with. The believer needs prayer more than a put down, unless where you put them is on your prayer list.
Every believer in this universe praying for God's perfect will to be done, and manifested in each and every life is not a impossibility. Yes, that's a lot of people yet, they are more than merely people they are family, they are our brothers and sisters. Don't you pray for your biological family? Why don't you pray for your entire spiritual family?
Well, you may say, there is always fervent effectual prayer going on and you would most certainly be right. But is it to the capacity it could be? If I do my part, and you do your part and not just for people we know, but for those we do not know and probably never will know. We will be operating on one accord and in one spirit, yet one person can never accomplish this lofty goal. It will take the unity of the spirit to execute this prayer endeavor. If I could reach every believer and be heard, my request would be to ask that we could all consciously and intentionally prayer for each other every single day. It wouldn't be the time factor of this grandiose directive that would be the stagnant issue, it will first take revelation of the need being made manifest and that these prayers be made. Blow the trumpet in Zion and sound the alarm in the Holy mountain. Arise and shine for your light has already come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
I not talking about asking God to endorse our programs and agendas, but that only His purpose be fulfilled in the lives of each and every believer and the unsaved and backsliders. Jesus made it plain what He knew the intentions for the house of God was for, when He drove those selling out of the temple, He said, my Father's House shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, as He admonished them not to turn His Father's house into a den of thieves. The thief comes but to kill, steal and destroy.
Jesus Christ had no program or agenda of His own. He always sought the will of the Father who sent Him. He made no reputation for Himself, yet became and still is the most celebrated and revered to ever walk the face of the earth; because He knew who He was and what He came to do, He had no reason to have to prove Himself. It is intriguing to me that He knew who He was, and whose He was.
This is the strength we draw from when we declare, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. He openly declared His purpose, that for this purpose He came into the world to destroy the works of the devil and darkness, and to cancel sin's assignments against all humanity. He knew His purpose and nothing and no one could stop Him, not even death. Can we honestly say that in our hearts, having been redeemed and become His disciples? Warfare prayer is an assignment against the darkness, light rises up and cancels darkness and its influence. Prayer destroys yokes, bondages, and is a paved path by Jesus Christ.
We are admonished through commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, but how can we love and pray for our neighbors if we exclude ourselves. Warfare is a serious and sobering reality. I was quickened in this area concerning praying for everything and everyone else, but spending limited or no time praying for me. Asking the Father for the desires of my heart.
There is an old spiritual song that goes like this, it's me, it's me, it's me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer, not my mother, not my father, but its me O Lord standing in the need of prayer, not my brother not my sister, but its me. You sort of feel guilty about praying for yourself, but that is not a correct stance to take if you are being led to intercessory and warfare prayer. You had better be prayed up first.
We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus therefore we war from this realm and plain.
(Ephesians 1:2) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
(Ephesians 1:21) - Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church. Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.
The following words are a teaching on spiritual warfare by Dr. Cindi Trimm
The spiritual warfare prayer is for when we are experiencing:
Spiritual resistance – any or all opposition aligned against and over us
Delays in receiving answers to prayers – these are postponements and interruptions
Awaiting the next level of breakthroughs in relationships, business, finances, ministry and personal life
(Ephesians 6:12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
This scripture tells us all kinds of spiritual resistance which is assigned against us. These are ceilings of satanic and demonic activities in the atmosphere in which the spiritual warfare prayer shatters when we use it. We have legal, right and lawful dominion over all the works of darkness in, by, and through Jesus Christ and His all-powerful blood. There are territories that God has given us dominion (just like He gave to Adam, a dominion mandate) and jurisdictional authority (the right and power to interpret and understand and apply the lawful decree and declaration over these climates of evil.) This is the dominion which was given to Adam before sin caused the fall. However, through the sacrifice that Jesus made sin and the devil doesn’t have dominion over us anymore, unless we allow it.
There are four types of spiritual resistances that scriptures tell us hinder our progress and that we are wrestling against (1 through 4)
1. Principalities
(Daniel 10) In this account, in the Book of Daniel in which he was told by an angel that the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia had withstood his answer for twenty one days. This shows us that there is resistance and that principalities are real and are attributes of princes and what they do, they can slow things down. This slowing things down is opposition that is hindering an answer we are seeking. What we need is a breakthrough! We are of the Kingdom of God, but there is a kingdom of darkness where these princes and demonic forces operate from, they obstruct and delay breakthroughs.
We want the atmosphere shifted for breakthroughs to manifest and materialize so that all prayers will be a reality.
Breakthrough - Just take a moment to think about that word. "Break" and "Through". The word breakthrough means a removal of a barrier that is hindering progress. The word break means to separate something into pieces. The word through means to pass from one side of something to another. So understand today ... the barrier that has been hindering your progress is now breaking into pieces as you pray warfare or someone else could be and is warring for you, as well when you experience the breakthrough. You are about to pass from the place of struggle and discontentment to a place of provision and peace.
The golden nugget above on breakthrough was passed along by Daily Moments with God. It is thought provoking and I am taking it personal. How is a barrier removed when something is hindering the process of breakthrough from manifesting and coming into fruition in our lives? We need it to be intercepted, which means, we need what is delaying the progress to be interrupted, so that we can pass from the place of struggle and discontentment to that place of provision and peace.
2. Powers
Powers consist of controlling forces and influences. These are defeated through Jesus Christ. Anything that influences our behaviors and characters other than the Spirit of God are powers and bases where control emanates. Spheres where principalities are given strength to operate against us. These are territories that God has given us legal and right dominion over. The four things mentioned in Ephesians 6 are territorial spirits; they are evil and oppose everything we do for God. For this purpose was the Son of God manifested to destroy the works of the devil and darkness. These territorial spirits lodge in the darkness and that is why it is important to walk in the light. Have you ever had someone jump out of a hidden place trying to scare or surprise you? That is what these powers do, catch you off guard. It is only by discernment you can know they are lurking around the atmosphere where you as a believer have been given dominion through the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. Rulers of the darkness of this world
These can be human leaders and heads of states, and anyone who is in a global leadership position in the world system. Yet even in this scenario of governments and the human beings in these positions, we are not wrestling with flesh and blood or them. These people are being ruled by the darkness of this world to make decisions that are antichrist, and setting the stage for the antichrist. The principalities and powers we looked at earlier are who rules through them.
4. Spiritual wickedness in high places
The most horrible thing about spiritual wickedness is that it is sin piled up high; these operate under, through and over ceilings of unrepentant sin. Sin is what gives them the wickedness. All sin is wickedness. Pause for a moment and imagine all the sin in the world which has not been, nor will ever be confessed or repented for. How high do think that is? That is a piled high compilation of un-repentant sin. These forces are interferences in the universe and we need to pray and worship God to experience the shifting, which brings the breakthrough we need. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, high above all principalities and powers and we war from this realm. All of the four features mentioned in Ephesians 6, slow things down. They can hinder, but they can’t prevent.
Think of the breakthrough you need and desire as the resurrection power needed every day and in every way to experience being risen with Christ. As we turn our focus to God, we are subject to experience resurrection in our souls daily, as we align ourselves with the Spirit and Word of God. Bam! those old thoughts are dead and new thinking is manifesting experientially today. New resurrection thinking.
Purposely this week take something to the cross and crucify it with Christ, isn't that what breakthrough is all about. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I am alive, yet it is not I but Christ who is living through me, and the life that I am living in the flesh, I now live through my faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave His life for me. (Galatians 2:20), make it personal.
Breakthroughs require spiritual warfare and the armor of God to help us in the fray. We are in a real battle and it is war! There are adversaries that hold up and hinder the answers to our prayers and at times we can be our worst enemy who is hindering our breakthrough, by not clearing the air between God and us. The basin of laver is a must, stopping there and cleaning up and keeping a repentant spirit because if we regard iniquity in our hearts, God can't hear us. (Psalm 66:18.)
Spiritual Warfare for Ourselves is an Emphatic!
A Spiritual Warfare Prayer - Cindy Trimm
Holy Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. I repent of all sin and ask forgiveness in and through the blood of Jesus Christ and in His mighty name do I declare war against all the works of darkness assigned against my life, my health and all the territories You have given to me. I arise to establish my legal and right dominion over every territory that you have given me jurisdictional authority.
As Daniel did in Chapter 9:4, I pray unto You Lord my God and make my confession, and say that You are the great and dreadful God, keeping covenant and mercy in them that love You and keep Your commandments.
I appeal unto the God who said in II Chronicles 7:14, If my people which are called by my name, would humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land.
I declare that this place is sanctified. I present myself a living sacrifice by the shed blood of Jesus Christ my Lord and Redeemer and ask that You will make these prayers holy and acceptable to You. I confess my sins and the sins of my forefathers, Let Your grace and mercy prevail over me. I declare that I have a free passage to You through Jesus for my prayer and conversation with you and that my prayers will not be earthbound.
I come into agreement with the supreme good of heaven. I am seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, therefore I war from this plain and realm. I declare that the anointing of God breaks every yoke, opens every portal and assigns angels to reinforce me as I advance into new levels, new territories and new realms, let there be a breakthrough in the heavens. I tap into new evangelical, apostolic and prophetic veins. I shatter glass ceilings and all boundaries of un-repentance, I smash spiritual bars of wickedness and iron membranes of evil, I declare a breakthrough atmosphere is established and being established, and shall be established.
I recalibrate the spiritual climate and declare that all luke-warmness must be replaced with the fire and zeal of God. Baptize me afresh and new with the Holy Ghost and with fire, let there be fire in my mouth as I advance in this prayer. I take authority over demonic and satanic atmospheres and climates created by evil, cultic activity, destiny altering images, ill spoken, negative and poor words, hatred and violence and all the works of darkness in the name of Jesus.
I command the spiritual climate to shift, the economic climates to shift, the social and political climates to shift, the ecclesiastical and religious climates to shift. I ask that the atmosphere be filled with Your glory. Father, I ask that You would fill the atmosphere with Your glory and I declare it to be suitable. I alter this environment and declare that it is now suitable for ministries to thrive, relationships to thrive, families to thrive, businesses to thrive, ideas to thrive, talents and gifts to thrive, worship and praise to thrive, and finances to thrive. I establish a supernatural environment for miracles to occur.
I war and I declare war in the name of Jesus and by His shed blood, by Him evil must be destroyed, for this reason was the Son of God made manifest to destroy the works of the devil and darkness. I decree and declare that the works of darkness are destroyed and are being destroyed. I decree every curse over my life is reversed. I break through prevailing sustaining powers of darkness over this region, territory, atmosphere and environment, in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, I ask these and all my prayers. Thank You, Father for all the answers. Amen