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Praying for Your Future Spouse

Updated on July 25, 2020
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This devotional was written for the youth in my congregation. If you've come across it, may it bless you.

As you think about your future, you may know that you want to have a family of your own some day. Most people eventually marry, so these thoughts are normal. Although it may be many years from now before you’re even old enough to consider getting married, it’s never too early to begin praying for your future spouse.


Praying for your future spouse is an excellent reminder that you are trusting God to provide all things in your life ... including your perfect spouse. Remember, however, your idea of perfect and God’s idea of perfect may be two different things. God is focused on the heart, whereas, we as humans are too often focused on how beautiful or handsome they may be. Best of all, God will choose someone with whom you will be equally yoked.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? What harmony does Messiah have with Belial [the devil]? Or what part does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 TLV

God looks at the heart, the inside beauty, of a person. Too often, we don't look beyond the outside beauty.
God looks at the heart, the inside beauty, of a person. Too often, we don't look beyond the outside beauty. | Source

Because you’ve probably never met them, it can be strange to think that they are already here, walking around on the earth. They are doing many of the same things that you do every day – hanging out with friends, going to school and spending time in prayer. They may already even be praying for you! That’s a strange thought, isn’t it?

Your future spouse may be going through difficulties and have problems that you could be praying about ... praying that as they go through whatever difficulties they face, they continue to have a strong relationship with God. You can pray that they are protected from the fiery darts of the enemy and that they have accepted Yeshua as their savior. When you pray for the blessings you want in your life, take time to pray for blessings in theirs.


When you pray for your future spouse, they become more real to you and become even more so the longer you pray for them. When they feel real to you, it makes it easier to remain pure in all your relationships as you wait for the right person and marriage.

Instead of your prayers being entirely focused on you and your needs, when you are praying for your spouse, your prayers are focused on someone else. Praying for your spouse actually prepares you for the time when you will be sharing your life with them. When you share your life with someone else in marriage, and even more so when children enter the picture, your needs are often not at the top of your prayer list. Instead of praying for your wants, you begin to pray for the needs of your spouse and children first.


You can begin that now by praying for your future spouse ... pray for their needs. God knows what they are.

Have you ever thought about praying for your future spouse?

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Do you think you will begin praying for them now?

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We all want to feel loved and appreciated. Because of this, you may become impatient and want to be in a relationship, but the time may not be right. It’s important that you are prepared to wait for the right person. Your life and your relationship with your future spouse will be easier if it is spent with the right one... the one that God has chosen for you. The wrong one, especially someone who doesn’t share your beliefs can lead to many problems, even sin.

Do not be deceived! “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 TLV

You may not meet them when you think you should, so pray also that God will give you the patience to wait for the right person. Trust in God and know that His timing is right, even if it’s not the timing we want.

The effective prayer of a righteous person is very powerful. Jame 5:16b TLV
The effective prayer of a righteous person is very powerful. Jame 5:16b TLV | Source

Pray that you will know them when you meet them. Pray for discernment (spiritual guidance and understanding) for the time when God places them in your life that you both recognize that “this is the one God has chosen for me.” Then you will need to be willing to set your feelings aside, instead, wait for God’s reassurance that this is the one.

Do you think God really knows who your future spouse is?

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Are you willing to wait for God to show you who your future spouse is to be?

See results

This is why a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife; and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 TLV

In marriage, you and your spouse become one. Don’t you think it’s better to “be one” with the right one? If you were going to choose an egg, which is better ... a good egg or a rotten egg? If you were to choose an apple, would you choose a good apple or a rotten apple? Why should choosing a spouse be any different? Pray for your spouse so that your choice of spouse, when you are ready to make it, is the perfect, God-ordained one for you.


What do you think? Is it kind of strange to think that your future spouse is out there doing the same things that you are?

Are you willing to wait for the one that God shows you is the right one, to know that they are the one that God intends as your spouse? Why or why not?

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Father, I lift up to you the one who is to be my future spouse. Be with them and guide their steps. Help them with any challenges they may be facing and help them to deal with these challenges in a Godly manner. Please prepare my heart to love them even before we meet and prepare me to be the spouse they need in their life. Prepare both of us so that we may grow together and accomplish the things you want us to do with our lives. Thank you for the work you are doing in both of our lives.

If you enjoyed this devotional and want to read more, click here.

I use the name, Yeshua, because that is the name my congregation uses. You may better know Him as Jesus.



© 2020 Cindy Murdoch


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