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Predictions for 2012 and Beyond: Not the End of the World

Updated on March 30, 2012
One of the first atomic bombs used in warfare, creating a blinding flash over the skies of Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945. Ever a symbol of the end of the world.
One of the first atomic bombs used in warfare, creating a blinding flash over the skies of Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945. Ever a symbol of the end of the world. | Source

Do I think mankind is doomed?

Yes and no. I've heard it said that for a pessimist I'm pretty optimistic, but it has very little to do with being pessimistic or optimistic. The future is a bit more complex than that, but also simpler. Let me explain.

When Does the World End?

Okay, so when does the world end? Is the apocalypse upon us? The end of the world depends on your definition.

Why is 2012 the end of the world? Short answer: it isn't. Someone wanted to stir the hornets nest by making a big deal out of nothing. They became notorious; and I wouldn't call it "famous."

Doomsday [Blu-ray]
Doomsday [Blu-ray]
An end of the world movie. Fun fiction.

The predictions for 2012 are a joke. And naturally, that's a relief to the rest of us. Why a joke? Because the Mayan calendar didn't talk about a massive destruction. It merely talked about the beginning of a new age. You know when your car's odometer turns over from 99,999 to 100,000? Is there a celebration? Is there a catastrophe? No; just the quiet whir of gears turning from one magnitude of numerals to another. No biggy there. Well, that's what the Mayan calendar was describing—a big non-event.

There is no "alignment of the planets," because they're scattered all over the zodiac in 2012. What are the predictions for 2012? Will it be the end of the world 2012? Absolutely not, at least not by what the Mayans were saying. And no one can predict the future with 100% certainty.

There have been lots of end of world predictions in the past. When the great "odometer" of the years turned over in AD 1000, people panicked. Another panic was planned for the year AD 2000, but what a fizzle that was. People like the excitement. They get off on the unpredictability of it all. That's human nature. People like conflict. That's what sells newspapers and the evening news. That's what makes a movie interesting. Imagine Casablanca without the Germans—boring!

Our sun as seen in a false-color image taken in the extreme ultraviolet. The sun becoming a red giant will signal the end of the world.
Our sun as seen in a false-color image taken in the extreme ultraviolet. The sun becoming a red giant will signal the end of the world. | Source

I said earlier that it depends upon your definition of "end of the world." Yes, the world will end. In about 5 billion years, when the sun's core finishes up the last bit of hydrogen, it will start burning the accumulated helium. And helium burns at a far greater temperature. The result of that is that the shell of hydrogen surrounding the core will be pushed way out, making the sun far, far larger—a red giant. During this phase, the sun will engulf Mercury, Venus, Earth and likely Mars, too.

But if you're talking about life on Earth, the world will end much sooner. Why? Because the sun is becoming slowly brighter. The amount of insolation (radiation from Sol, our sun) has been increasing and will increase throughout the current adult phase of our own sun. In less than a billion years, Earth will be too hot to support life as we know it. The oceans will have evaporated and our world will have become a very hot desert. About the same time, the Andromeda galaxy (M31 will start to crash into our Milky Way galaxy). What that will mean for our own individual sun, it's hard to say. But all of that mixing might cause more chaos than we counted on. That might mean increased likelihood of collisions or gravitational disruption.

Nostradamus Predictions

The sixteenth century French prognosticator wrote so cryptically that anyone can interpret just about anything from his obtuse poetry and prose. It's interesting, if you have the time, but not at all beneficial. If Nostadamus had a bead on the future, his quatrains are not revealing it as they stand. Interpretations of his works are more varied than interpretations of the Bible, and look where that has gotten us.

John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr. in 1915, two years after income tax, the Federal Reserve and the Rockefeller Foundation were started. The beginning of the end of the world as we know it.
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr. in 1915, two years after income tax, the Federal Reserve and the Rockefeller Foundation were started. The beginning of the end of the world as we know it. | Source

New World Order

If you pay any attention to conspiracy theorists, you know who these guys are. They are the super rich—the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the like. They are the big bankers, corporate leaders and heads of the military-industrial complex. I never paid much attention to such talk until recently. And you know, it's all starting to make sense. Not everything the conspiracy theorists said is right, but enough of it is to make me take notice.

Let me give you an example. One YouTube video by the late Hollywood producer and politician, Aaron Russo, being interviewed by Alex Jones, tells of his one-time friendship with Nick Rockefeller. He told how Rockefeller had mentioned in late 2000 how there would be an event coming up which would allow them to take over Iraq and Afghanistan. Imagine that! Eleven months before 9/11, one of the Rockefellers was bragging how a big event would lead to a take over of two Islamic Asian countries. Then 9/11 happens, the unending war on terror begins, and, with Weapons of Mass Destruction to quash and terrorists to subdue, we invade Iraq and later Afghanistan.

Imagine if money meant everything to you and people meant squat. Pretty Scrooge-like attitude, right?

And how would they do as Scrooge suggested and "decrease the excess population?" Just ask, what are genetically engineered foods? Or what is overpopulation? Make a big deal out of the problems with overpopulation. Make population growth and the environment big issues that seem unsolvable and which need lots of money and effort put into them.

According to Aaron Russo, Nick Rockefeller bragged that the Rockefeller family had been instrumental in getting women's liberation to be a successful movement. Why? And I had always thought of it as a lofty goal of equality. No, hidden behind that lie remains a more sinister truth—two objectives:

  1. Break up the family unit and make children dependent upon the state (through schools)
  2. Double the tax coffers

The Federal Reserve headquarters building in Washington, DC. The private bank in "Fed" clothing, helping to bring an end to the world as we know it.
The Federal Reserve headquarters building in Washington, DC. The private bank in "Fed" clothing, helping to bring an end to the world as we know it. | Source

Financial Oblivion

Why would the Rockefellers and their ilk salivate over the taxes Americans pay? You have to go back to 1913 to understand this. That was the year the income tax was first started. Also, that same year, the Federal Reserve was sneaked through Congress when most legislators were on end-of-year break. And the Fed is a private bank with private shareholders. Guess who? And when you ever have to pay taxes, your check comes back with "FRS" stamped on the back. Yes, the private bank collects your tax dollars.

And the United States borrows money from the Federal Reserve and pays interest on that debt. But the Federal Reserve doesn't do anything to get the money it loans. That mysteriously appears out of thin air. Pretty neat trick. And how good have they been at stabilizing the economy? Just look at the Great Depression and all of the recessions since 1913.

The year 1913 was also the year the Rockefellers started their foundation. Happy coincidence?

And 2013, they celebrate their centennial.

The United States is suffering under massive debt, accelerating toward financial oblivion, and the super rich are definitely behind it. Paying the congressmen to do their bidding, and when the United States is all sucked dry, then they merely roll it into the one-world government they have planned.

Part of the plan has been to slowly tighten the clamp on the liberties once guaranteed by the Constitution and its amendments. These are slowly being eroded—slowly enough that we don't feel the heat as the water is brought to a slow boil.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:16–17, KJV).

Shades of Armageddon

One other thing that Nick Rockefeller supposedly told Aaron Russo that sends chills up my spine. He said that their end goal is to have everyone of us microchipped. This is not only for identification and tracking purposes, but it is to be a requirement for performing any kind of commerce.

If you are at all familiar with the Bible's Book of Revelation, you might recognize this from chapter 13—where the mark of the beast is required for all to wear for them to perform any commerce.

Rays of hope amidst storm clouds. Photo taken from Saint John Island's southernmost tip. The end of the world may come, but hope remains.
Rays of hope amidst storm clouds. Photo taken from Saint John Island's southernmost tip. The end of the world may come, but hope remains. | Source

What is An Optimist?

Optimist is defined as one who usually expects a favorable outcome.

With all of the greed, blood-thirsty war-mongering and other wickedness going on across the globe, I remain optimistic.

But I don't remain optimistic for Homo sapiens. And let me explain this climactic point.

If you think you are your Homo sapiens body, then I could see how the enslavement and ultimate destruction of humanity would seem horrible in the extreme.

Genesis 1:26 describes us as children of God made in His image and likeness. Just as Seth was begotten by Adam in his likeness and image, we have all of the features of God. And God is not Homo sapiens.

If you cling to a sinking ship, you'll go down with it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

We are each a mixed bag. We have a Homo sapiens body. We have an ego, too easily bruised. And we have a sleeping, immortal soul (our true self), within.

I have experienced the partial awakening of this true self. When that has happened in the past, miracles have occurred. As vulnerable and weak as the ego and body are, they had nothing to do with those contraventions of physical law. But utter humility, perfect confidence, sublime love and righteous responsibility had everything to do with them.

There is a storm coming. Be glad of it, but prepare for it and help your fellows prepare for it. Don't cling to the ship or anchor of this world. They won't save you.

God tried for thousands of years to get this very simple point across: don't depend on physical continuity (the foundations of reality) to save you. They are dust. Trust in your true self (not the ego), and love and trust God the Father and his chosen Son.


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