Promise of Jesus Coming: Noah & Lot (P)
Editor's Note:
Here is a Question: Why does Jesus say that the Day of His coming will be like the day of Noah and the day of Lot? If you understand the similarities and the differences between these days, you will understand if and when the Rapture will happen and why there is so much confusion in this area.
This is a book that my uncle, Ken Schwebel, wrote. He has authorized me to edit and publish this book. It is a work that he spent at least 20 years working on. He wrote it to help God's people understand prophecy, the rapture, the second coming of Christ, and what it means for us. Let's face it, there is much confusion in this area. But God promised that His people should not be caught by surprise in His coming for them.
I Thessalonians 5:4 "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief."
My uncle has put together some things from God's Word that no other prophecy teacher has taught, but not because it is of him. For these things are clearly laid out in God's Word. God's people in the end of the Church Age will understand.
Here is a Question: Why does Jesus say that the Day of His coming will be like the day of Noah and the day of Lot. If you understand the similarities and the differences between these days, you will understand if and when the Rapture will happen and why there is so much confusion in this area.
Spiritual Question
Is Jesus coming back to get the church.
May this book be like a flying angel
spanning time and space,
and helping people who love truth
to understand the promises of Jesus’ coming.
Religions Teaching on Prophecy
Have you ever heard a Bible teacher explore the difference between Noah's and Lot's saving from judgment in regard to prophecy?
Here is the Promise of His Coming
By Rev. Kenneth Schwebel
“Doesn’t God know that we want to understand?” my new friend asked. “I used to read everything I could find about His Coming. Now, I know nothing but confusion.”
God says to be ready to give an answer for the hope within us. Is God talking about the hope of Jesus coming? Yes, it is exactly about the hope of His coming that God wants us to be “ready to give an answer.” This is “the Blessed Hope” and “the hope that is in you.” God wants us to know His plans. God told Habakkuk to do two things (2:2), “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make [it] plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it; because it shall surely speak, it will not tarry.”
First, he was to write the vision. This was not usually done on metal, or stone, or wood. Vellum (leather) or parchment (a woven sheet of plant fibers, beaten to form paper) was usually used. In addition to writing, he was to make the “vision” plain upon tables. Strong’s concordance says that tables mean tables with polished surfaces of metal, stone, or wood. What is meant, this making the vision (a visual element) plain on a polished surface? Why would this help he who reads it, to run? An image for the appointed end! It is an image for us. Should a vision on the polished surface of a table make us think about a chart? A visual image, drawn from the written word, equipping us to run!
In our world of video games and computer technology, we learn new words for new ideas. Our games often include words and names created just for fun, things of which Webster never dreamed. To understand God’s plans, we need also to agree on special ideas and words. Think of this as an adventure exploring the revealed mind of God.
God’s Word contains only one true picture of the promise of His coming. Jesus used the experiences of Noah and Lot to reveal His plan. How did Lot get in there? Well, these were Jesus’ choices. He delights in concealing prophetic truth until it is needed. Angels, prophets, and kings have searched to understand His plans for salvation and for His promises to return. God considers you to be in very good company if you desire to know His will. “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings to search out a matter.”(Proverbs 25:2).
God has always revealed vital parts of prophesy, beforehand. Just before He activates pivotal events, He shows His plans to selected people within that generation.
BEFORE the flood began,
Noah clearly understood God’s Plan for his time.
He would be called out of the world to a Prepared place (the Ark)
before God’s wrath began.
The rest of the world would die.
BEFORE Sodom’s destruction began,
Abraham understood God’s plan for his time.
Lot escaped from the midst of the overthrow to a wicked city.
Lot then fled to an Earthly mountain.
Preserved from God’s wrath,
new nations for the future came forth.
BEFORE the crucifixion began,
Jesus wept that Jerusalem did not understand
God’s plan for that time.
He spent His final days teaching lessons for Kingdom preparation,
to know beforehand how to endure God’s future Tribulation wrath.
BEFORE the Church springs up to meet Jesus,
people of faith should understand God’s plan for their time.
Like Noah, they will escape God’s wrath
in a prepared place (our mansions).
BEFORE Jerusalem’s seventieth week concludes,
New Tribulation believers will understand
God’s plan for their time.
Like Lot, they will escape to earthly mountains.
As a remnant looking for His Coming Millennial Kingdom,
they will eventually parent new nations of the future.
God has always sealed some details of prophecy to wait for the generation to whom the promises belong. Many truly committed believers faithfully searched to understand Jesus’ promises to come. They found beautiful treasures of wisdom. Yet, some speculated about hidden details. Some believers still remain locked into ideas that once grew from speculation. This is the root of the many variations about His Coming promises.
God reveals new things from His ancient Word when He is about to do great things. Instead of telling Moses that the Redeemer was about 1700 years away, God hid His timing until the Persian wise men understood. By faith in prophecy, they recognized God’s fullness of time. They came from far to find Jesus.
Instead of telling the disciples that the return of Jesus was 2000 years away, God left the book of Revelation mostly “unsealed” for the final generation to understand. God delights to reveal new truth from the ancient Scriptures at His perfect time.
Old understandings of some details have deflected many Believers’ thinking. Many conflicts have developed. The conflicts have been widely accepted as irresolvable. Three respected professors of the Trinity Evangelical Divinity College (Gleason L. Archer Jr., Paul D. Feinberg, and Douglas J. Moo) put their varying ideas in the book, “The Rapture: Pre-, Mid-, or Post-Tribulational” (Zondervan, 1984). They said in their Preface that, “All three of us are wholeheartedly devoted to upholding the clear truths of Scripture but we do not believe that the relative time of the Rapture is one of those Clear Truths.” None of these three friends had a case strong enough to convince the others. They closed their book still agreeing to disagree.
Please note their careful use of the “relative time of the Rapture.” Their issue was not about predicting the date when Jesus will come. No one can predict the specific time when the fullness of the Gentiles will come in. Butit is the order of eventson which they differ. The Bible will help us with that order. How we see the order of events saturates our concept of God, His plans, and the rest of our theology.
Let’s remember with kindness that details of end-time prophecy may remain as “unclear truths” to teachers who explored God’s plans long ago. That was before His time was come to reveal some modern details. But don’t you think that, from eternity past, God already had one true convincing plan to be revealed at His fullness of time?
Of course, past generations were not responsible for new details that God might reveal to us. God did not hold Noah responsible for what He would teach Abraham, nor Moses for what Daniel would know. Yet Daniel did find prophetic secrets in Moses. God hid material in the past, to be discovered in His time. Daniel discovered truth about how God expresses prophetic time, from Genesis.
To embrace God’s new insight into His ancient Revelation, each pivotal generation must choose to follow God’s Word. Any prophetic speculation we carry from the past needs to be discarded. Did God contradict Himself by teaching conflicting ideas to these great men of God?
My focus is not to prove that the locusts of Revelation are helicopters, or other such questions. I think some Tribulation questions will be revealed in the future, to those who will go into that time. I don’t know what is in the part of the book of Revelation that God ordered to be sealed. But there are things God has clearly said about Noah, Lot, and the day of the coming of the Son of Man. We can share what He has said. And there are some very old questions that I do think God has resolved.
People who have read this book have said this is the first book about Christ’s return that made sense when they got done. One pastor glanced at the Chart, and showed me more than three feet of library space filled with books about prophecy. He told me that in those few minutes he already saw things that he had never seen before; and that he would have to study the Bible references. That is how we grow.
On the other hand, when I asked a great giant of prophecy to look at this manuscript, he declined. He said, “If you have said anything that I have not said, no one will publish you.” His answer stunned me. Did he think the Holy Spirit, in this fullness of time, can no longer open the eyes of His children to see truth, which older leaders have not previously seen in those same ancient Scriptures?
Prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. He is the foundation stone of Scripture! (Rev. 19:10). Isaiah shows thatwe cannot understand prophecy unless we understand God’s twin plans(Isa. 28:9-16). God has plans for Israel and for those who would someday speak to Israel for God. Jesus is the foundation for these plans. In Isaiah 40:21, God told us to understand the promises of His coming, beginningnot at the end of the Bible, but beginning with the Creationand with Noah and Lot in Genesis.
As God has always offered understanding to some believers among each pivotal generation, clarity has come again! While some very sincere ministers have gotten excited about various dates for Jesus’ return, I believe we will see that God’s timing is ready. He is clarifying prophecy from His ancient personal testimony. These wrong dates of the past have been a wound on our testimony. What God has said is His balm for the wound on our witness which was caused by wrong dates.
Though Paul said that the Church was a secret, it was not nonexistent in the Old Testament. It was hidden by God in the Old Testament. “Now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all the nations for the obedience of faith.” (Rom. 16:26). By beginning our search from Genesis, we can rejoice to understand things not yet revealed to past generations.
Yes, God cares about the confusion. He cares that unbelievers scoff and snicker when modern “prophets” err. He knows that there is a craving in our hearts for Him to speak. It is a craving known by angels and by generations of Believers. It is a craving yet unsatisfied for many. Can God ever hide a secret until His time!
Because He cares, He has given twin Biblical prophetic patterns for the development of Jesus’ Coming promises. Some of Jesus’ promises are to come for the Church, and some to come to Israel.
One hundred and fifty years before Daniel, Isaiah prophesied about Israel’s coming day when “the Lord of Hosts shall be for a crown of GLORY . . . and for a spirit of JUDGMENT . . . and for strength to them that turn the BATTLE to the gate” (Isa. 28:5,6). Jesus will come in glory, for judgment, and battle. He will come with His hosts (multitudes) to Armageddon. These events will end the future Great Tribulation (Revelation 19). But God told Isaiah that, in days ancient to Isaiah, He laid the foundation for something else, for the Upspringing(Rapture). The Gentile believers will spring up before His Judgment coming to Jerusalem’s gates. Those “ancient days” are found in the first 19 chapters of Genesis. They include the events of Noah and Lot.
Isaiah spoke from ancient days of the Rapture, long before the Apostle Paul did so. In Isaiah 45 is this description: “Drop down ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the Earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness SPRING UP together; for I the Lord hath created it.” (Isa. 45:8).
No son of Abraham in Isaiah’s day could see God’s secret here. It was a secret that there would be part of a GentileChurch which one day would pour down from heaven in righteousness. The graves would open. The buried righteous ones would join living righteous ones. They would spring up together to return to Heaven.
We see the true Rapture in Isaiah’s description of the Earth opening to receive righteousness pouring down from Heaven with salvation, and then righteousness springing up together. What son of God in our days could miss the hidden description of the body of Christ in these words? Israel had a hope of inheriting the land. Israel never had a hope that all her righteous ones would fly up to heaven. Isaiah’s prediction of when God will “let the skies pour down righteousness” can be seen in the Apostle Paul’s description. “The Lord Himself will descend” with clouds. “Them that sleep in Jesus, will God bring with Him.” “The dead in Christ will rise first.” From Isaiah,God will “let the Earth open and bring forth salvation.” From Paul, “We that are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the air.” Isaiah said: “Let righteousness spring up together.” God’s revelation to Isaiah perfectly interleaves with His revelation to Paul for the Church.
Like many prophecies, this meaning was hidden until Paul revealed it. Now, we can look back and see that God always planned to claim His people from among the Gentiles. God’s Spirit has never inspired His people to “agree to disagree” about God’s plans for Jesus’ coming promises. In the fullness of time, claims of “Unclear truth” conflict with the key purpose of prophecy!
(For background on the next paragraphs, please read Isaiah 28 now.
It is in the Scripture Appendix.)
True Believers stand united. We believe that God’s plan of salvation is by faith in the incarnation, life, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. Yet we stand divided about His promises to conclude our redemption. Divided convictions are the product of years of waiting to see God reveal what was hidden in His Word. These need to be surrendered to God’s plan.
God has one, true, convincing plan that encompasses His program for Israel and also one distinct program for the Church. It’s popular, these days, to find “danger” in the proclamation of this truth. His plans authenticate what God will do. The true damage is not in the confession that God has revealed one way to fulfill His prophecy. The true damage to His witness is caused by every wrong theory.
New insight is available when God’s Spirit enlightens His ancient truth. In Isaiah 48:5, God said He reveals hidden things. God describes the crucifixion five chapters later in Isaiah 53. Furthermore, Psalm 22 could not be understood until Jesus died. God described Christ’s death beforehand. The Spirit hid the understanding of some prophecy for us from the beginning. He revealed it to us just before it came to pass as though it is nowa newly created revelation (according to Isa. 48:7). God does this so that unfaithful prophets could not say, “Oh, yeah, my idols knew this already.” They could then personalize their vanity and claim, “I already knew that.” “I have even from the beginning declared it unto thee; before it came to pass I showed it thee; lest thou shouldst say, Mine Idol hath done them, and mine graven image, and mine molten image, hath commanded them. . . They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldst say, behold, I knew them.” (Isa. 48:5,7).
Isaiah also said that God despises “Potsherd” theology, which He describes in Isaiah 45:9. Potsherds were broken fragments of pottery, used like ancient sticky notes. People would write on these scraps of ideas: a shopping list, a reminder, etc. Those who would replace the magnificent glory of His ancient plans with potsherd plans insult God. Does he allow mortals to sift through our ideas as though they are equal to His own? Does He then “agree to disagree” about the Coming promises? Biblical new insight into the ancient truth of Noah and Lot will allow us to “agree to agree” with God, as His coming draws near.
Rejoice! In past times of fullness, God’s Holy Spirit often revealed His plans through simple people. There were unnamed wise men, humble shepherds, and farmers. In the fullness of time, God has always kept the glory for Himself. Now, He unveils understanding again, to chosen Believers who seek wisdom and knowledge.
The Creator insists that His plans for Israel and the Church are the only true plans (Isa. 28:16). He compares conflicting doctrine which is not nourishment for His people, to the offerings of teachers who “. . . have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way . . . they have erred in vision, they have stumbled in judgment . . . for all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean . . . Whom shall He teach knowledge? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept; precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; for with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people. To whom He said, this is my rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing; yet they would not hear . . . because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell we are in agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have hid ourselves: therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone . . .”(Isa. 28:5-12,15-16).
Church age Believers have already entered a prepared refuge, a rest from our works. Teachers who scribble on potsherds can misdirect their followers to salvation by works. They rest in the glory of Jones’ arsenic soft drink, or the glory of dying for Heaven’s Gate (hidden just behind the comet hale-bop). Others glory in using bullets and fire on the people who trusted an exalted leader, when the leader got the date of Jesus’ coming wrong.
Four times in the verses above, the word “for” connects the chain of events. “For” threads together the consequences of potsherd theology. God’s sweet, kind, loving answer was to give us Jesus. God established Jesus as the foundation stone (Isa. 28:16 with 1 Pet. 2:6). False teaching opposes Jesus! Yet God offers knowledge and understanding of doctrine to Believers who understand these two basic truths:
(1) The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. This means that God’s foundation for correcting error is Jesus, Who is, Himself, the foundation stone; and:
(2) Believers must also understand that knowledge and doctrine begin in two doubled sets of precepts and lines, as explained in the middle of that portion of Isaiah 28:9, 10. “Whom shall He teach knowledge? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept shall be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little.”
The word precepts is listed in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance as word #6673, an injunction or command. God recorded from the beginning what He will command to happen. It is sort of like a newspaper headline.
The line, listed in Strong’s Concordance as word #6957, has a twofold meaning. It is a line such as is used to get things straight, like a plumb line. These lines had knots at measured lengths, so they could serve as a measure. Lines could also bind things together (as in binding shocks of wheat). God’s lines keep things straight. They do measure where His precepts belong, and they bind together the material under God’s “precepts.”
Those twin precepts relate to each other in time and space (here a little, there a little). Those measuring lines locate and bind together the details of God’s twin precepts, placing them in God’s locations.
Wow! Knowledge and doctrine begin with finding the right places for a pair of precepts and a pair of lines. The pair of precepts is twin programs of what He will command. The pair of lines is twin sets of measurements which locate and bind together His precepts. Because people naturally get these wrong, God made both precepts and lines to rest directly on God’s foundation, Jesus! You will see that this passage in Isaiah directly unlocks God’s intentions for Israel and the Church during the Tribulation.
We need to find the pieces He has bundled together. We can set them within His lines where they belong. Would it not be remarkable if by this measured bundling of gathered ideas, we could discover that God has introduced his own chart?
And we who are maturing beyond spiritual milk, who are building good doctrine, we really understand those twin precepts, right? What? Have we never heard a message on Isaiah 28:9, 10? No one has taught on exactly what these doubled precepts and lines are? God says they lead to His essential foundation! Is it any wonder that crooked, failed plans (heaps of potsherds) seem to exist all around us? There is truth in these precepts and lines that few Believers have grasped.
Ask your pastor or the best Bible teachers you know. Why did God echo His instructions to study “precept upon precept” Twice? “Line upon line.” Twice? Where is “here”? Where is “there”? If they return a bewildered stare and join the many who guess, “Emphasis?” They need a copy of this book.
Well, as we explore God’s thoughts, guess what should happen! The Holy Spirit’s doctrine should make us one as God is one. We might even “. . . all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment”(1 Cor. 1:10).
This does not mean we should all have the same favorite color, or drive the same make and model car. It does mean that, in issues relating to God’s thinking, believers who have it right should all agree with God. For example, Jesus gave directions that we are to understand the ancient experiences of Noah and Lot to understand the days and day of His coming. These experiences are the core of the chart, “Noah, Lot, and the Son of Man’s Day.” The author developed the chart out of the Scriptures. After ten years of specific study in searching these Scriptures, I decided to copyright this book. The reason was because I do not want partial or inaccurate copies of this book circulating. I believe that there is symmetry in Jesus’ two examples of His coming. These two examples prove that every elements fit only in one way, God’s way.
I would encourage you to read the preface and introduction before trying to grasp the whole chart. Seeing how and why the author developed the chart will make it far more manageable. If you have purchased the printed book, a copy of the Chart is rolled up in the spine (the eraser end of a pencil is convenient for gently pushing it out). You can roll the chart backwards to take the curl out of it.
At first glance over the chart, a few details will seem curious. Please be assured that, when you finish the book, God’s twin precepts and lines will form a clear picture of His plan for Jesus’ promises to come.
In the verses following Isaiah 28:5&6 (above), God offered wisdom and knowledge about that coming battle. God used the strongest language imaginable, when He told how all the spiritual supper tables from which His people eat, are full of drunken vomit (Isa. 28:7,8). His disdain proves that, when God has revealed His truth, no plan but His own is nourishing. He considers everything else as doctrine served by drunken leaders who have erred, whose vision is blurred, and who stumble in judgment.
God’s intensity in condemning potsherds has touched my heart. Like you, this author does not want to answer to God for laying any other foundation. After a lifetime of strong interest in this subject, and with over 40,000 hours of intense Bible study especially committed to it, I have learned that my joy becomes deeper if I let Scripture reshape my understanding of God’s truths. God has changed the details of even some of my favorite ideas. If some things we have been taught prove to have some potsherd background, I must always yield to the Word. I must always absorb His understanding. I trust you want to do the same.
Resistance to this yielding is a major reason for division among Believers. The less we struggle while God’s Spirit leads us in the Scripture, the more He clarifies His answers to our questions. Have God’s people missed God’s unity? Would we like to be sure we are on track? Watch the secrets of His coming as they are revealed, by looking at Genesis through the wisdom of Isaiah 28.
It is no wonder that some great teachers, who have not yet understood this unifying principle, lack God’s unity. Isaiah 28 directs us to look for twin precepts and lines. We must begin in the beginning, in the times ancient even to Isaiah. Genesis nourishes the root of every Biblical doctrine. God’s Divine Operating System, His D.O.S., is crucial. If we replace some of His programming with bits of our own, the output is trashed.
God knew that people cling to what they have been taught. They cling to unclear pieces of potsherd theology. They miss His point. So, He founded His double precepts and lines on Jesus Himself. All the champions of all the conflicting theories, who have not understood why God doubled these phrases, have proved themselves more or less “out of sync” with Him in this area. So, confusion reigns.
Believers, pastors, teachers, this issue matters to God so much that He made His twin precepts and lines rest on Jesus. If we choose not to teach Jesus’ testimony right, God despises the error. He wants to melt our resistance. He still weeps because some of His people refuse to understand.
To understand His precepts, we need to be a bit like Solomon. He was pretty wise to ask God for wisdom. God first requires knowledge and maturity. Then He both requires wisdom, and gives more wisdom, to understand the deeper things.
If you wonder about something in this chart, let me encourage you to finish this whole book before deciding the chart is wrong, even if you think some glaring error exists. If you want to write with questions, I will try to help.
God’s precepts lead us on a modern pilgrim’s progress. There is a great reward at the journey’s end.
The Spirit is again breathing new fresh insight from His Word, especially for Believers at the end of our generation. Some details of the beauty of Jesus’ plans remain as “unclear truth” to teachers whose search was solidified before the new things God is revealing.
Prophecy and Faith
If Jesus did come back for you today, are you ready?
For twenty six hundred years, God’s twin precepts and lines were hidden from the day of His coming. Opening them begins by following how God used the word for to connect Isaiah 28:10 with verse. Again, for connects verse 11 with 10. “For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people.” (Isa. 28:11).
God had plans for both Israel and the Church in Isaiah’s days. One set of these precepts and lines is for “This people.” This is obviously Israel, who was “here” in Isaiah’s time and place. The second precepts and lines belong to the people who would speak for God to Israel with another language. These people, from Isaiah’s times, “will” someday speak stammeringly to Israel. History shows this fulfilled in a tongue that did not yet exist in Isaiah’s time, the strange “tongue” that was the invention of Alexander the Great and which became the universal language of the first century. The early Church used the Greek language to witness to Israel. God’s words to Isaiah said they will speak from “there.” This proved to be from a remote time and place. And so, God’s twin precepts point to two groups, places, and times:
(1) Israel, “this people” of the Old Testament, and
(2) The Church, (the people of “stammering lips” and “another tongue”).
The church would speak for God to Israel from “there” from another time, and, in fact, another place. Gentiles have since witnessed to Jewish people all over the world, and often we still stammer while doing it. (The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Bellemawr, N.J., has an excellent seminar available for teaching churches with tender hearts how to witness to Jewish people.)
The Church was hidden in the Old Testament by barriers of language and time until Paul’s ministry. New meaning was seen as the image of the New Testament cross was recognized in the waving of the Passover blood on the doorpost. It is also seen in the cross-shaped furniture layout of the Tabernacle. God established these symbols about 1400 years before the Romans developed death by crucifixion, about 1500 years before Jesus died.
God planned His doubled sets of precepts and lines for Israel and for the Church. Old and New Testament, Israel and the Church are the twin programs that will still have their distinct features when they unite in the New Jerusalem. In that HolyCity, the foundations represent the Apostles. The gates represent the Twelve Tribes. To confuse these two groups is to violate God’s basic twin precepts. These precepts rest directly on Jesus as the chief cornerstone as God’s foundation for understanding knowledge and doctrine.
Jesus detailed His future “coming” promises by pointing back to His foundation, which were revealed by these twin Old Testament precepts and lines. He used only two illustrations of the day of His Coming, only Noah and Lot. Both of these twin precepts are predictive of the day of his coming and yet they differ so much that commentators side-step His words. Instead of following Jesus’ applications, commentators often say Jesus merely meant that people who are still alive when Jesus comes, will be eating and drinking. That seems to be less than profound. If they are still alive, we should hope they eat and drink, although in the Tribulation even that will become difficult. Far more important is the essence of Jesus’ Coming promises, hidden in God’s twin prophetic program.
The limitation that there would merely be eating and drinking needs to be erased from our spiritual VCR. Stop playing it, and we will soon see much more in Jesus’ references to Noah and Lot.
If we show God’s double precepts on a chart, it is like drawing blueprints for a two-story home. Each story has its own unique plan, but both fit within the same overall limits of shape and space. Though not identical, both are essential parts of the design.
Jesus directed Believers to see how it was in the Genesis “days” and “day” of Noah, “and also” in the “days” and “day” of Lot. We must do this in order to understand Jesus’ “days” and “The day of the coming of the Son of Man.”
When will the Rapture happen?
The Book of Daniel gives insight to how God unveils such “sealed” prophecy. There, the Holy Spirit sealed up part of Daniel’s prophecy about Jesus’ Coming. God hid some of the meaning even from Daniel, until the last days.
Scripture will show that the last-days generation should expect to see God’s plan emerge from His Word with a clarity never recognized before.
The chart that emerged from this study has a BLUE Border that gathers some verses that speak of “coming” experiences of Jesus. In every case, the same Greek word pariousia or presence, is used. Next, a red border is filled with verses that promise understanding. It includes Romans 16:26, which says that God’s revelation of the Church was hidden in the prophets until God revealed it through Paul. Inside that red border is a purple border of verses which reveal how God interchanged days, weeks and years in His prophetic uses.
With patience, you will see wonders as the Holy Spirit uses ancient Scripture to fit end-time ideas into place for “this generation [which] will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled.”
So, at the time of the end, the generation which saw God reform Israel as a nation will also see some prophecy being freshly understood, though God had once sealed it.
(Please read Deuteronomy 4 here.)
Where do we start? We go back to a time ancient even to Isaiah. Through Moses, God told Israel to anticipate the wonder of God’s protection during Israel’s final “TRIBULATION IN THE LATTER DAYS” (Deu. 4:30). God’s protection of Israel (“THOU” in the passage) will be a wonder above anything accomplished since the creation. “When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shall be obedient unto His voice, (For the Lord thy God is a merciful God), He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which He swore unto them. For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that god created man upon the Earth, and ask from one side of heaven to the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it?” (Deu. 4:30-32).
This is God’s counsel. To understand God’s protection of His own in the coming Tribulation, first understand the miracle of creation. Creation’s miracle did not use eons of death until amoeba became space wanderers. God is talking about creation as a miracle! Ask of the time when God made man on the sixth day, and all the days since! Believing His creation is fundamental!
We are the first generation that can begin to imagine asking from one side of the heaven to the other. As “science” searches the heavens, what they see is His handiwork. But that is not what they look for. Most scientists want any answer other than the Creator-God. They do no want to be accountable to Him. Consider His mighty works. These are less than the wonder of His future protection of His covenant people, Israel. During the “Tribulation . . . in the latter days,” He will exceed those wonders.
Many proofs of His pattern accumulate to develop God’s precepts, here a little and there a little. God repeats the evidence often because He knows we learn best by repetition.
One proofreader said this is the first book on prophecy she ever understood when she got done, but she found many proofs to be repetitive. Then she paused, and her face brightened as she said that, maybe, those repeated evidences are exactly what made it so clear. Another reader marked several passages as repetitive. Then her growth was evidenced as she marked a similar passage with, “OH! Beautiful! NOW I get it!”
As Scripture builds upon Scripture, the Holy Spirit develops that clarity in receptive hearts. Scripture builds upon Scripture. God patiently repeated His ideas from many complimentary verses so we can see the patterns of His precepts. As this material becomes familiar, you will find yourself thinking, “Now, I know that!” Please thank the Teacher Who confirms truth, and skim on to find new blessings.
The New York State Capitol building in Albany, N.Y., was finished with an exterior of magnificent slabs of polished marble. Soon, massive sheets popped loose and plummeted to the sidewalk. Substandard anchors and corrosion had taken their toll. Every slab had to be removed and re-anchored to the architects’ specifications. That cost was nothing compared to the price of souls led into danger by erroneous views of prophecy that violate God’s specifications.
Some teachers show a polished bit of a chart as their plan for Jesus’ coming. Their teaching is quick and slick, the fast and easy way to go. It is the style welcomed by a generation that loves instant everything. But what matters first is the anchoring, the core, the foundation.
God constructed prophesy on Jesus because a better foundation than Jesus does not exist. Falsehood violates His nature. And so we need to see God’s specifications. God warns us about how error develops, and these first chapters lay a foundation for insight into how so many outstanding Believers have reached opposing understandings. Can we discern, what is His good foundation? God instructed us to ask about what He did in Creation. Genesis, the Book of Beginnings, is the “home” of creation, and of Noah and Lot.
One reason we have missed what God said about Noah and Lot is that speculation has heaped potshard ideas on Genesis. By trusting God’s ancient patterns, as the chart develops and you reach the summit of this book, you will be amazed at how many rough spots will be gone. Following God’s twin precepts and lines is a privilege for those who want His knowledge and wisdom, to those who seek Him beyond a milk diet.
I don’t want you to read this book without referencing God’s Book, lest conclusions become mine, or yours, instead of His. Such confusion is how cults alter the meaning of the Bible. Their cracked-pot theology soon accepts the word of trusted leaders as superior to God’s Word.
If every verse were written out in the text each time it is referred to, this book would be many times as long. Even then you would still not have the context of each passage. We can’t quote the whole Bible, and don’t want to jab you with tiny quotes without context. So, to help you keep verses in context, SCRIPTURE is the real bibliography. God’s Word allows you to see relevant verses in context. In the Scripture Appendix, I reduced the type size and compressed the verses from 118 pages to 50. If something seems unclear, reading it in context might help.
May the Holy Spirit bless you.