Proclaim Yourself Blessed
This hub was inspired by Dr. Cindy Trimm, author of the book entitled "Commanding Your Morning". I first heard the words of this prayer online in one of her teaching sessions. I was amazed by how she prayed for those she was ministering to and how I began to understand how ministry transcends barriers and is not only for those who may be present. With much abundance prayers were flowing like living waters from her heart, I decided to capture this moment and personalize what is in my understanding, deep and profound prayer to God.
I've entitled this hub "Proclaim Yourself Blessed! Qualify it and it is worth asking the Father to let it be; and it is then worth decreeing over your situation. I am moved and inspired to begin to pray in such a new and living way, desiring that my prayers are synchronized with heavens rhythms and in harmony with the will of God and my prayers concerning my life are also. This is my heart's desire to be syncopated and sequenced by the divine order of God for my life. I hope it is your desire as well. We must learn how to decree and declare God's Word over our lives.
"Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee" (Job 22:28).
Pronouncements commence with God, His covenants. and promises are His sovereign pronouncements by which He establishes relationships of responsibility with mankind. We are responsible for what we hear to obey and to practically apply these truths to our lives. If God said it is worth repeating and declaring.
I was listening to a teaching by Pastor A. R. Bernard of Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, New York, entitled "Faith in Practice", one of the things he said was "The Word of God is like soap, it does you no good unless you apply it. Practical application is so essential, just like the soap needed to cleanse us every day. What happens if we do not apply the soap? I will let you answer that for yourself.
Dominion begins in the power of the spoken Word. In Mark 4, Jesus addresses the winds and waves by speaking peace be still to them. He took dominion over the storm which was causing this situation by controlling His words over the situation. Peace be still, is a command for the wind and waves and what is causing the storms to silence itself and put a muzzle on it. We must speak to the storms in our lives and say what Jesus said, peace be still and expect results because we believe in God's dominion man-date and woman-date for our lives. Proclaiming yourself blessed and that you are a blessing is speaking good things over yourself which changes your future. You set tomorrow's path for you to be a blessing because you believe that you are blessed. Declare at this moment, I am blessed and I am a blessing! Did you say it? When we declare and proclaim the Word of God over ourselves we are in agreement to walk in the realm of dominion over our spoken words.
Genesis 1 opens with in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and goes on to tell us that the earth was without form and void; and that darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters. By verse three we are informed of what God said, "let there be light" Here we have the first biblical account of the sovereign pronouncement of God in which He commands the light to subdue the darkness and the light came into manifestation. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
We have a foundation for faith, God said it and He is not a man that He should lie. In the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29. We have sovereign God declaring and pronouncing that He would visit those carried away from Jerusalem into captivity to Babylon under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. The Lord said that after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon He would visit them again and perform His good word towards them and cause them to return. In the midst of this conversation the Lord said:
"For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end" (Jeremiah 29:11 KJV).
Most Christians believe these words personally for their own lives because they know that God is not a respecter of persons. if He said it in His Word it would be up to each of us in a personal way to determine how does that apply to me in this day and stand on it. It is applicable for each of us, because only God knows the thoughts He thinks about us individually and collectively. His thoughts of us are of peace and not of evil and He promises an expected end. God promises results as we discover His purpose for our lives. We have a true basis for believing and having faith in His words. We have an obligation to agree and speak what He has decreed, designed and decided that we are. Not to boast on ourselves but rather to speak what aligns our lives towards God, we can boast in the Lord and His omnipotence. Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world. We are learning that for our own sake of endurance, we must agree and declare the Word over the matter. Word over it all. We are wording up!
The foundation for pronouncing the Word of God over ourselves begins with what God says about us and not what any other voice says. First, we would have to be aware or know what He has to say concerning us. The light that He created is multifaceted and transcends every level and barrier. Light is present everywhere to illuminate us. Jesus is the beginning of all the spiritual light we discern and see, He is the light of the world. I can't speak for you but I didn't see any spiritual light until Jesus Christ showed up in my life. Light is present on and in the soul realm for us to be renewed in our minds to think and know the thoughts God has for us. We can't even ascertain the thoughts of God without the same light He created in the opening drama of human life. Light is powerfully manifested in the natural realm for the purpose of seeing. Let there be light are the first biblically recorded words of God. He knew we needed light on every dimension and provided it and said that it was good.
The light which Creator God pronounced is for all the entire world, every creature that doesn't choose to walk in spiritual darkness, for the mere fact that He has not placed us there. Sin shifted us into darkness, not God. Sin is the cause of all darkness. Spiritual and soul darkness exists because of sin, it set the activities and events of darkness into motion. It is the same principle as the sun shining on the just as well as the unjust, yet where the light is concerned there are some who just prefer the dark. Then we are told that there are those angels who kept not their fist estate, but left a habitation of light, and God has reserved them in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. (Jude 1:6)
Have you agreed with that designated light which is assigned to you personally? You sure never agreed to walk in darkness, meaning it was not an original idea. You didn't just wake up one day and conclude, you know what I prefer to walk in darkness. Not so it was already here for you to learn how to walk in it. God penetrated that darkness and illuminated us to know that we have a choice and that we could choose Him and choose light in the process. We learned early how to think negative about our selves and others, and to speak that negative into the atmosphere. We just didn't know the power of the words we utter and speak. We all have a portion or part in the light we need to embrace which keeps our feet from treading into the dark. We are taught that life and death are in the power of our words, and if we choose life filled words we have a great chance of walking in and living them, but if we choose words of death we will walk and live in and by them. What are we thinking and speaking over our selves? Our internal words create thoughts, images and ultimately lead to actions.
Our words should be in alignment to God's words. If God said it, we should believe it and enhance our faith so that we can walk by it. The words we speak over our selves either comply with life and good words, or death, negative and poor words. Poor words seem to be easier to speak than rich and wealthy words. This is why we should practice speaking prosperous words over ourselves. We can speak what the Word of God says about us and what we should be and could be. Depending on whose report we believe, do we believe a good report about ourselves or a bad report? The good report is easier to embrace, but the Word of God is the soap we must apply, not to have or utter a bad report. Speak good things over yourself and others, live to pour in the oil which protects you and them, and the wine to cleanse, purge and heal them and you. Words have power! Practice good words because can never take back a word once you have spoken it, but you can repent and be sorry for non-productive words. Only a poor mouth utters poverty.
"Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and I will make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran" (Genesis 12:1-4).
We are in a covenant relationship with God. A covenant is more than an agreement, it is a sovereign pronouncement of God by which He establishes a relationship of responsibility with us and it is usually unconditional. The pronouncement of God to Abram is a declaration of what God told him that He would do, and it speaks of what God will do.
Once God has spoken and pronounced it, we have a response to make. Can two walk together except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3) asked this question. The agreement aspect is only one part of it and has to do with our response, do we believe what He has pronounced? Because he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. God thought of us long, long, before we could ever have thought about Him. Not only did He have great plans for Abram, He had also made plans for all of us who believe, just as Abram did, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Here is what God sovereignly had pronounced concerning you and I, thousands of years ago. He told Abram, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Are you a member of a family of the earth? There God pronounced that He would bless you through Father Abraham.
“For what does the Scripture say? Abraham believed God, and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt” (Romans 4:3-4).
Moreover, the covenant we are in with God is conditional, because it involves our faith and belief in Jesus Christ.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
God introduced a new covenant, unlike any that existed before. His unconditional love draws us into this covenant relationship with Him, yet we must do something, we must believe in His Son. He pronounces that as a result of believing we have His sovereign promise of the gift of eternal life. We respond with yes Lord, I believe and receive this pronouncement through my own faith. This covenant is not just a corporate covenant which includes the entire Body of Christ, it is also a personal relationship covenant for us individually as members in particular.
A benediction is generally a pronouncement that means a blessing. Blessings are streams of living waters pouring from the abundant heart. We are used to having the benediction spoken over us upon exiting a service by the pastor. A declaration of blessings is what is uttered by the voice which sanctions us to go forth and live the blessings that were approved for us. The benediction doesn't end after the pastor says amen. We go forth to walk and live in these blessings just like walking through the pouring rain without an umbrella and we are saturated in abundance. Can you really count your blessings and name them one by one? Blessings are innumerable just like the sands. Benedictions are wealthy, successful and prosperous words uttered from hearts of abundance.
We have to believe the words that are spoken upon, over and for us to the point of even declaring these blessings over ourselves and others. These blessings should line up with the revealed Word of God according to His sovereign pronouncement. We should speak the Word of God over ourselves too. We agree with the principles of the Bible, the Word of God is counseling us how to speak about and concerning ourselves, therefore we must speak what God says about us and others.
The impartation we speak over ourselves and others may be worded differently, but does it speak the same things the Word of God declares when it says His Word will not return unto Him void, but will accomplish what it was sent to do. If we believe His Word, we will speak what it inculcates, counsels and is teaching us.
Lord I believe Your Words:
Honorable and Holy Father I believe and agree that this is the day that You Lord, God, Creator has made; since every good, and great gift comes from You. Since the opening drama to this life begins with Your pronouncement and declaration for the light to come into manifestation, and that You saw the light and declared it to be good. I speak that this day is good, because that is what You are and what You declared the day is. I ask that my day brings me divine opportunities and it be filled with strategic encounters of every kind, that it be filled with wonderful surprises, supernatural breakthroughs and miracles. May Your light illuminate my entire being and reveal and manifest all the good You purpose for me this day.
May this moment become a defining moment marking the ending of a sad, depressing and discouraging history and may it be the beginning of a prosperous, and free, disease free and depression free destiny, and may I forever live under an open heaven pouring down living cleansing waters which saturate and continuously purge me.
I ask You Heavenly Father, for the strategy for prosperous and successful living, spiritually first and in every other way, as I seek Your kingdom and righteousness. May I be well acquainted with my heritage and where I come from; with my inheritance and what I was born again into, and with my identity, who I am. With my purpose and what I was born to be; With my destiny and where I am going; with my vision, what I see myself accomplishing in my lifetime; with my mission, why I do what I do, the intent, reason and purpose; with my assignment what I should be doing when I get there. With relationships who should I be in them with and when I get there that they are people who add value, and that I add value to the lives of others as well. I ask for and receive discernment and direction of timing with my gifts and abilities, how and when do I use them? So that I may be in the right places at the right times. Your timing Father of when and what times I should be using them. I ask You Lord, for a strategy and that You would give me the ability to understand and know what I should be doing and how I should be doing it and that I establish all these endeavors according to Your Word and Spirit. I will leave a legacy and something for the next generation to know that You inspired me to do it.
I pronounce these blessings upon myself which are a benediction, declaration, sanction and approval for today and the future. Here is an impartation of blessings that I decree over and for myself. I hope and pray that you will too or develop and activate your own covenant words to declare over yourself. It is wonderful to have others speak good things over us, but what are we saying about ourselves in accordance with God's sovereign covenant with us?
I pronounce this benediction upon myself that I will strive to live in a prosperous and healthy environment. I ask You Lord to prosper the works of my hands. May everything I touch turn into prosperous good. May my life always and forever reflect the shimmer of Your glory and divinity. Allow my life to be blessed with all good things which are aligned with the good You are. Let joy, peace, love, prosperity and success in every aspect of my life be as abundant as the stars at night. Let favor, friendship, influence affluence, happiness, purpose, direction and abundant living be my constant companions.
Let me be unconditionally loved and valued, celebrated, revered and honored in accordance with Your will by all and beyond human comprehension. Lord grant me true, lasting, beneficial friendships, relationships, associations, alliances and support so that I make a difference in this world. Grant me the courage to make my mark and leave my footprints in the sand of time. Let all my creations which You have given, inspired and breathed upon be a success and prosper towards Your will. Allow my services, goods, products, songs, poems, books and goods be in high demand globally, I ask for today and in the future. I ask You Lord to place me at a comparative advantage. Allow me to distinguish myself amongst all people, realizing that You love me. Allow my good name to precede me and every effort. Let my goals be achievable. I ask You for wisdom for successful negotiations. Let all that You have for me be released to me in the here and now! Let my blessings be like the stars, too numerous to count. Let health and wealth walk with me hand and hand. Let my victories be as abundant as the grains of sand.
May lack and struggle be a distant memory of the past. Allow me to subdue all enemies. Let me be fruitful in all of my endeavors. Lord grant me multiple streams of income. May I navigate these streams with Your anointing which gives me business savvy. Allow economical and financials tides to turn in my favor. Let abundant wealth be transferred into my hands, Let my income become and always be greater than my expenditures.
Help me to cheerfully contribute to Your work in the earth. May I have so much more money needed for my day to day expenses. Allow me to always have enough to give. Broaden my abilities to be a humanitarian, giving to those who can never repay the favor. May I give a tenth of my earnings to a non-profit charitable organization whose focus is on helping the less fortunate, the orphan, the widow, the homeless, the destitute and the helpless. Let my pocketbooks be filled and my bank accounts never run dry. Let me consider a million dollars pocket change. Let daily compounding interest favor all my investments. Let the words which You have inspired in and through my life be recorded, published, distributed and bought. Let the gifts of composing and writing songs and poems prosper in this life to Your honor and glory. I ask that You would increasely bless me in every area of my life. Let my network and net worth increase profoundly. May I be resourceful and that everything I need be made available to me when I need it. May all these blessings come upon me and overtake me. May my success confound all critics and overwhelm all enemies. Let me experience overnight success and be allowed to live in joy and gladness of heart and soul and dwell in the abundant life You have for me. Father I ask that You would release divine angelic escorts to safely lead me into the promise life and land which You predestinated for my life.
May my head never lack fresh oil and may my mouth be filled with spontaneous praise and worship. May my hands never lack productivity. May my mind never lack witty million dollar ideas and creative billion dollar inventions. Let my spirit be filled with Your divine and abundant presence. May my soul never lack joy and peace. May my heart never lack courage. May my feet never lack progress. Let the light of Your Word forever light my pathway. May I blaze new trails. May I run through troops and leap over walls and barriers. May I discover new horizons as I become the discipline of my industry, profession, and my chosen field. May music and laughter fill my house. Let my home be a haven of peace. May wealth and riches be in my house. Lord I ask You to heal the pain of yesterday so that it will never appear again tomorrow. May the abundance of the seeds sown yesterday and decades past be converted to me. May every good seed I planted last season yield a fruitful harvest this season. May my activities be synchronized to heavens rhythms. May I know You in Your fullness and the power of Your resurrection. Let me live my life in such a way that all the world will know it is blessed because of Your presence through me. Let me experience supernatural increase. Let me and my loved ones be favored and never become homeless or lack bread to eat. Show me and teach me how to optimize my potential and maximize my potential. May I be settled with who I am in Christ Jesus and what You have called me to do. May I walk into and in this calling. May I never settle for less than what You have for me. May I desire the best for my life. May family relationships, spiritual and biological be mutually beneficial. May I continuously raise the bar of excellence and push the envelope on my life’s performance through the principles Your Word. Settle Your Word in every area of my life as it is settled in heaven. May I think big and always outside the box.
Teach me how to practice discipline, routine and remain focused in Your Word. Let me live debt free, drought free, drug free, depression free, disease free and drama free. Let excellence be the signature upon all that I do and say. May I become all that You would have me to become. I ask that every need and desire be supplied by You according to Your riches in glory. Let Your Spirit be my comforter and companion and Jesus always be my Lord and Savior. Let me be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, the first and not the last. May I be strengthened with all power and might in my inner woman. Let me continue to dream big as I occupy until You return.
Let me awaken each morning to live the life of Your will. Let me live a humble life of gratitude and thanksgiving, knowing that You have begun a good work in me and that You will complete it, looking to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. My faith which began with Him. Faithful are You who has called me into this realm of success and it is You who will also do it, I pray and speak this benediction and sanction over, into and through my life as it has been imparted by Your servant and child, I believe it and receive it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen