Psalm 23 overview
Psalm 23 is a psalm I read quite often. It is to me a psalm of comfort and peace.
Take a moment to read it on your own and take in each verse as you do and reflect on each verse for a moment before reading the next.
Psalm 23 is a psalm we oftentimes hear or recite during funerals. However, this ought not be so. This is a Psalm of hope, encouragement, protection and more, all from our Lord and Saviour. It is a Psalm for life, for the ‘now’.
Let us break it down one verse at a time, read it and realy hear it and feel it and read my take on it.
Verse one: We know right away that The Lord is our Shepherd. A Shepherd is a protector and a provider.
Verse two: The Lord is with us always; when we lay down an when we are awake. He leads us and protects us.
Verse three: Our Lord is a restorer, that means He makes us whole again. He guides us on the proper path, the good path.
Verse four: Wherever we are, when we walk in light and good times and in the dark and troubled times, He is with us. We have nothing to fear. He will protect us and comfort us in life and in death, in good times and in bad.
Verse five: He prepares a table, provides food and He can do theis in the presence of the enemy knowing that He will not allow any harm to come to us. He anoints us not with ‘just enough’ but with more than we need.
Verse six: We know that when we are in the Lord and He is in us that goodness will prevail and we WILL dwell with Him in his house of our Lord forever.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.