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Quick Overview of the Events Recorded in the Book of Revelation

Updated on May 23, 2011
This time it is real!
This time it is real!
The Rapture or Second Coming of Christ.  Believers meet Jesus in the air and go to Heaven.
The Rapture or Second Coming of Christ. Believers meet Jesus in the air and go to Heaven.
Opening the Scroll that begins the Judgments...The Lamb that was slain - Jesus is the only worthy one to open it.
Opening the Scroll that begins the Judgments...The Lamb that was slain - Jesus is the only worthy one to open it.
The 4 horseman of the Apocalypse - The first 4 Seal Judgments.
The 4 horseman of the Apocalypse - The first 4 Seal Judgments.
The Beast coming out of the Sea
The Beast coming out of the Sea
Jesus coming to defeat Satan at the Battle of Armageddon.
Jesus coming to defeat Satan at the Battle of Armageddon.
The Battle of Armageddon.  Jesus and Satan meet face to face with their armies.
The Battle of Armageddon. Jesus and Satan meet face to face with their armies.
Satan loses at the Battle of Armageddon...Victory is ours!
Satan loses at the Battle of Armageddon...Victory is ours!
The New Jerusalem descending from Heaven where Jesus will reign and live with His people for 1000 years.
The New Jerusalem descending from Heaven where Jesus will reign and live with His people for 1000 years.
The White Throne Judgment.  Unbelievers and those that reject God will face their sins and be declared Guilty as Charged!
The White Throne Judgment. Unbelievers and those that reject God will face their sins and be declared Guilty as Charged!
The guilty, everyone present at White Throne Judgment will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever.
The guilty, everyone present at White Throne Judgment will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever.
Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
Eternity on the newly created Earth.  The old earth has been destroyed.  We will be with God forever in paradise!
Eternity on the newly created Earth. The old earth has been destroyed. We will be with God forever in paradise!
Accept Jesus today...He is waiting for you with open, loving arms!
Accept Jesus today...He is waiting for you with open, loving arms!

Events from the Rapture to the Millennium

What follows is a quick overview of the most significant events that will occur when Jesus returns and takes the Church and all who have put their faith and trust in Him with Him to Heaven. The following events are faithfully recorded in the book of Revelation and offer much more detail than I have here.

I am hoping that this will give you a 'bird's eye view 'of the most important and powerful events that this world has ever and will ever see!

1 - Rapture occurs (also called the Second Coming of Christ).

2 - Rise of the Antichrist.

3 - Rise of the False Prophet

4 - First Northern invasion against the Antichrist, God intervenes.

5 - Religious prostitute (Whore of Babylon) has control of Earth.

6 - Two witnesses from Heaven appear.

7 - Rise of commercial Babylon.

8 - Antichrist signs a treaty with Israel at the beginning of Tribulation...he later breaks it.

9 - First Seal Judgment in Heaven is opened by Jesus.

10 - Mass return of Jews to Israel begins.

11 - Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt

12 - 144,000 Jews are sealed and are now believers.

13. - Seal Judgments end and the Seven Trumpet Judgments start.

14. - Second Northern invasion against the Antichrist. Antichrist defeats the King of the North.

15. - 200,000,000 man army ravages the earth. (6th Trumpet Judgment)

16. - Antichrist receives mortal wound, dies, and is resurrected. Satan indwells the body.

17. - Antichrist and False Prophet take complete control of the world.

18. - The two witnesses are killed, but are resurrected by God.

19. - Antichrist destroys religious Babylon.

20. - Antichrist defiles Jerusalem temple and declares himself God.(we are now 1/2 way through the Tribulation)

21. - Mark of the Beast is enforced, allowing people to buy and sell goods. Also called the Mark of Loyalty.

22. - Antichrist attacks Israel and the Jews flee to Edom.

23. - Satan is cast from Heaven.

24. - Resurrection of the Old Testament saints ( Daniel, David, Moses, etc.)

25. - Bema Judgments (Saints)

26. - Marriage of the Lamb

27. - Marriage supper of the Lamb.

28. - The 7 Bowl Judgments begin.

29. - Commercial Babylon is destroyed (7th Bowl Judgment)

30. - Christ stands on Mount of Olives.

31. - Battle at Edom. Christ rescues the last believers from Satan's forces.

32. - Christ appears to confront Satan with the Heavenly forces with Him.

33. - Battle of Armageddon takes place at Migiddo.

34. - Battle of Jerusalem.

35. - Antichrist and False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire.

36. - Satan is chained for 1000 years and imprisoned.

37. - Resurrection of the Tribulation Saints. (those that were miraculously saved during the Tribulation.

38. - The 1000 year reign of Christ begins. (Millennium Kingdom)

39. - Satan is released for one final encounter.

40. - Final revolt against God.

41. - Satan is finally defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire with the Antichrist and False Prophet.

42. - God destroys His creation.

43. - The White Throne Judgment (only the unsaved and those who rejected Christ will be judged here).

44. - God creates a new Heaven and a new earth...completely perfect and free of sin.

45. - We that are Children of God will spend eternity with God in Heaven.

These 45 events are not inclusive of all the important events that take place, but will give you a general summary of what will occur to those left behind after rejecting God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The sad part is that nobody has to live through this horror and the pure evil that will be unleashed on the world. Additionally, God will be pouring out increasingly more powerful Judgments at the same time the Antichrist ( Satan) are releasing their hate, pain, and suffering too. Only the unsaved will be witnesses to these events. Millions will die during these 7 years in a variety of horrible deaths. Disease, starvation, murder, war, beheading for refusing to take the Mark of the Beast, Demons will be roaming the earth seeking people to devour, destroy, or to torment. Crime will be running unchecked since the morals and protection of God will be gone. Evil will reign supreme until the last battle.

The alternative is the clear choice. Avoid all of this pain and is easy to do. The Bible clearly tells you how simple and easy it is. The only thing is you have to be totally honest and sincere on the deepest level. God knows all and will know if you are not serious, but if you are, you are guaranteed, promised by God, that never lies or deceives, that you will be declared 'Not guilty', and forgiven of sins and become a member of God's magnificent family. "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

"Jesus answered and said to him, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.'" (John 3:3)

How do you get saved? It is so simple and easy the children can and do follow this simple plan our Creator made. Here are the few simple steps!

Salvation Prayer - The Simple Steps:
1. Acknowledge in your heart that Jesus is Lord and that you are a sinner.

2. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.

3. Believe that Jesus died for your sins and was raised three days later.

4. Confess all known sin and be specific. God knows all of it anyway, so be honest and don't hold back.

5. Repent of your sins and ask Jesus into your heart.

Salvation Prayer - Merely a Tool to Communicate Our Faith
The Salvation Prayer is not a ritual based on specific words. This is not the power of a prayer, but the power of truly committing our lives to Christ as Savior and Lord. The following is merely a guideline or a sample prayer to help you. Make your prayer personal. :

"Dear God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. I need You in my life; I want You in my life. I acknowledge the completed work of Your Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross at Calvary, and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Forgive me of my transgressions (sins) against You! Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself, but I will follow You all the days of my life. Those days are in Your hands. Guide and direct me so that I will be a worthy servant bringing honor and glory to you. Thank you, God! In Jesus's sweet name I pray....AMEN!

That is it! Simple.

When you do this, immediately, you will be forgiven of all your sins, become born-again, that is a new person, and the Holy Spirit will live inside of you forever. He will help and direct you. Your walk as a Child of God has begun and your eternity in Heaven is certain! Don't wait! The Rapture can come any day at any hour.

If you die without Christ, your eternity is sealed. You will be sent to a place of eternal sadness, pain and suffering, separated forever from an all powerful God that loves you so much. Deciding to accept or deny Christ is the most important decision any person can make. Your decision will have ETERNAL consequences.

I pray that you will make the wise choice and become a member of God's family! God Bless you all!


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