Maladies (dis-eases) of the Soul; Directly affecting society today.
The House of the Spirit
- Instict, Love, and Empathy
We all agree that instinct is a basic function in man kind as well as all the other animals we share the earth with. But what is it?
Diseases of the spirit:
and their direct causation's of the creation of Fanatics, Zealots, and Radicals and their rescission from society.
We must first have an understanding of the diseases that effect our spirit.
And understand how the diseases of the soul and the mind directly effect the body.
We also must learn to understand that when we heal our mind and soul we indirectly heal our body as well.
The first step is ridding ones self of the negative influences.
After reading an article here on H.P. I wanted to share with everyone who reads my stuff (the comments i made on that article.
I found it quite moving and positive, and felt compelled to write an extension of it from a different point of view.
The article is by Slarty O'brian, about instinct, love and empathy (link to this article is attached - it is worth taking the time to read).
We all know what is proper, right, ethical, just, and good in the world, or at least have some perceptions of what those words should mean; or what they actually do mean to each and every one of us through our own views of what they should be.
The unforgiving mind
Maladies of the Soul
Realizing that along with the diseases of the body, and the mind, there are also present, several palpable maladies of the soul that we tend to dismiss in fear of insulting our basic religious beliefs.
These maladies of the soul are real and invasive throughout our minds and bodies as well.
You can not have any malady of one portion of the mind, body or soul, without it effecting the other two.
Some of those maladies include, but are not limited to the following:
- failure to allow forgiveness into our hearts.
- unfounded hatred that we refuse to face, and remedy.
- The profundity of the pervasiveness of greed in our lives.
- the abusiveness of the assaults on our psyche by historical acceptance.
- the arrogance of individuals taking the right to make judgement on others.
- the distorted elevation of self worth that allows us to continue the psychic abuses.
- the unfounded guilt imposed on us by religion
- unwarranted physical abuse by our tormentors
Understanding the Human condition
With that said the following is my comment to the article that prompted me to do this in the form of a hub:
"Instinct, love, and empathy are not innate qualities in every human being. They are learned by imitating (emulating) parents, teachers, etc.., and hopefully brought to a fruitful conclusion by the logical reasoning of those facts that have been taken in by emulating others.
And you are correct that if these aspects are learned and honed properly, we would never have the need to harm others for any reason. If we could teach our children the concepts of compassion, sympathy, tolerance, etc.., this would make for a well rounded, happy, considerate adult, and not leave much room for the negative emotions.
But unfortunately there is a radical negative factor that disrupts those positive emotions that can never be dismissed as unimportant, or irrelevant.We should be teaching children to take in new ideas and concepts; how to mull them around in their minds; consider all the possible outcomes (both negative and positive) in making their choice of accepting or discarding them. This is known as critical, or abstract, thinking that is not taught properly to children when they reach their age of reasoning.
Instead, 99.9% of all children born into this world are bombarded with fear, guilt, distrust, hatred, intolerance of others, through their narrow minded, tunnel visioned religious teachings."
These thoughts are not just in passing, or for the purpose of enlightening the child. They are severely driven into the child's psyche, continuously over many years.
These indoctrinating techniques cause cognitive dissonance that sometimes cannot be reconciled by the child as it grows up and experiences alternative points of view.
And the end result? The young man in Norway that was so conflicted, he became paranoid schizophrenic, and who not only took a heavy toll on others around him, but to his very inner core.
Such sadness and violence would never have taken place in a mind that was properly taught love and empathy. And it seems that there are more and more like him coming to the fore front in our world today. Especially with the emergence of greater pressures on the individual by governments out of control, religious zealots preaching outright hatred against gays, Muslims, Jews, women, and (an unwanted by many of those radical zealots) a black president of the 'white' America of yesterday.
The cure
- The Healing Emotions versus the "Dis-ease" Causing Emotions
How your state of mind effects your health. Can we will ourselves well? A positive attitude can change everything. Do we all possess "healing" emotions?
Long term effects of non treatment
These severe maladies of the soul must be addressed soon, before any healing can begin in a 'dis-eased' society that spans the globe.
It is a global crisis and has cataclysmic potential for the destruction of humanity as we know it today.
This global dis-ease can only be addressed by the leaders of nations, but alas, it is those very leaders that created, and that perpetuate, this social 'dis-ease'.
This is a classic 'catch 22', that will one day erupt into global disaster of a like we have never witnessed in our history.
Usually, we can start changing societies by advocating changes on the conceptional scale of 'one person at a time'.
But we have gone way past that period in time, and sit on the brink of the event horizon of global destruction.
I see NO remedy for reversal, short of banning all organized religions from this planet in order to promote spiritualism. A global spiritualism that embraces the concept of one (or more) creators that see all humans as equal and worthy of happiness and acceptance.
by d.william 07/27/2011
- Instict, Love, and Empathy
We all agree that instinct is a basic function in man kind as well as all the other animals we share the earth with. But what is it? Perhaps the best way to pin it down is to say that it is a programmed or... - Increase Your Students' Capacity To Think
Adolescence is a time when students are figuring out who they are, in terms of their goals and values. Cognitive development during this time is especially crucial. For children matriculating through middle...
How to stop negative thinking
© 2011 d.william