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Reincarnation - Can it be True?

Updated on August 24, 2016
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Mario Buildreps is a graduate engineer. Become aware of topics in a way you have never heard before.

Home cats sometimes seem to adopt a small piece of awareness of their owners. Maybe just enough to become a simple human being in the next life?
Home cats sometimes seem to adopt a small piece of awareness of their owners. Maybe just enough to become a simple human being in the next life? | Source

Why do You Believe in Reincarnation?

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Reincarnation - The Theory

Reincarnation is a religious concept that the Soul after death begins a new physical life in another body.

There are many religions that believe in reincarnation, like the ancient Vedic, Hinduism, Jainism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Illuminism, etcetera. All these religions adopted the concept of the eternal Soul.

There are an increasing number of people having interest in reincarnation. Why would this be? Afraid of not having a second chance? Or simply afraid of death? Or is it perhaps that an afterlife gives hope? Or a chance to gain consciousness? What do you think?

Is there proof for reincarnation? No, there isn't as less proof for reincarnation as there is proof for the existence of a Soul.

Is there any a priori logic to find? Yes, there is!

What is Life?

Life is an open physico-chemical system which is capable by means of an exchange of matter and energy with the environment, and by an internal metabolism is able to maintain itself, to grow, to reproduce and to adapt to changes in the environment, on both short (physiological and morphological adaptation) and long term (evolution).

-- Wikipedia (translated)

Evolution of Species

Darwin's origin of Species shows clues
Darwin's origin of Species shows clues

Basic Condition for Reincarnation - The Soul

Mainstream science thinks in terms of matter over mind. Why? Because according to scientists, our thinking, our mind, is the result of a cluster of dead atoms that we call the brain.

Proof can only be delivered at the material level. The Soul is beyond that level. Therefore is the existence of the Soul rejected by science. Reincarnation is therefore rejected as well.

During study we learn that the smallest things are atoms, or maybe even smaller like quarks, fermions and bosons. We learned to think in terms like they are actually material 'things'. But they are not.

When you touch the table with your fingertips there is nothing else than two force fields (ultimately vibrations) approaching eachother close enough to generate an opposing force that we call 'thing'. Your brain processes it via the senses into a 'material' called 'table', while in fact it are only forcefields. What produces these forcefields? Souls!

M-theory will by definition never be able to produce a conclusive theory, because the basic force, the Soul, is rejected. Life is nothing else than an expression of Souls. Matter is the result of Mind, and reincarnation can be regarded as a fact.

The Desire For Consciousness is THE Driver of Evolution

The only driver behind evolution is the desire to become more conscious. Evolution, the origin of species, is all about Evolution of the Soul.

When you accept the principle of Mind over Matter, you might able to see that your whole physicality and your whole intelligence are solely an expression of your own Soul consciousness.

The Soul of a hippo cannot express itself as a ballerina, it will express itself as a hippo, think like a hippo, and act like a hippo. That's not good or bad, that's just how it is. With as much respect to the hippo as to the ballerina. Everything is spirited. That's the whole point.

But the Soul of this hippo might be able to evolve into a ballerina, after countless different lifeforms. Every time into a higher consciousness. This might take thousands, or perhaps millions of years. One day the hippo will become Divine. Over an eternal period of time there will be a universe of infinite Gods. Made possible by reincarnation.

Duality is the best arena that makes Evolution of the Soul possible.

Reincarnation had to start somewhere. Where? From stones, to plants, to animals, to humans, and further. That's the logic that follows from the mind over matter principle.

Every stone you look at, will evolve into a living being over a period of millions or even billions of years. The Evolution of the Soul finally takes us to the Singularity where it all started.

A Total Amount of 108 Billion People Born on Earth

Before and after the beginning of the era there is an incredible amount of births. The death rate among infants was huge. The new species, Homo Sapiens, tries to survive by a high reproduction rate.
Before and after the beginning of the era there is an incredible amount of births. The death rate among infants was huge. The new species, Homo Sapiens, tries to survive by a high reproduction rate. | Source

The Kick Start - High Mortality Rates

In the graph you'll probably notice the large peak. What is it? It's the amount of birth rates around the beginning of our era (source: Especially between 4,000 B.C. and 1,500 A.D. the amount of births is peaking. There were many children born, but weren't able to mature. Why not?

High infant mortality rates during that time, imply very poor living conditions. And poor living conditions are directly related to a low consciousness. Although this poor living conditions were a direct result of a low consciousness.

According to historians humanity had just appeared on the scene. A new species arrived on Earth, evolved from higher animals and Neanderthals.

As with every new car model - a new species comes by growing pains. A new car model that has a lot of defects requires high recycling, improvement and production rate! Otherwise you won't see this car model driving anywhere, because they're constantly broke. The car would become extinct.

As above, so below. Do you see it?

High mortality rates, require high birth rates to preserve the species. This is why you see the peak in the graph above. The new species had a lot of 'mechanical' troubles in the beginning, and needed time to adapt to its environment. Which it did after many thousand years. You see the results all around you. Homo Sapiens is a very successful species. What's next? Homo Logos instead of Homo Mythos?*

*Logos points to reason, intelligence and logic. Mythos points to Abrahamists and other irrational people.

The Main Stages of Soul

Stadium of the Soul
1. Collective unconscious
Minerals, Plants, Low animal species
2. Personal unconscious
Most animal species
3. Personal consciousness
Intelligent animals, irrational dogmatic People
4. Personal higher consciousness
Rational independent thinking People
5. Collective consciousness
Group Souls, pure reason
6. God consciousness
No physical expression required

The Driver of Evolution

The driving forces behind this evolutionary process is embedded in the Yuga cycles. When the cycle goes down, the consciousness goes down as well. The only way for a species to survive is to evolve into a higher species.

This higher species leads to another (better) species, when the Yuga cycle goes up again.

There's no driving force behind evolution possible without the presence of the Yuga cycles.

Where Are All the Human Souls Coming From?

According to the Population Reference Bureau (, the estimated amount of Homo Sapiens ever born on Earth is little less than 108 billion (!). This would imply that there would be 108 billion human Souls present to 'fill' all those bodies during the last 50,000 years.

Look at the graph, especially around the era - where the heck did all these Souls come from? There were hardly any people around before that time. The Souls of Homo Sapiens must have evolved from the Neanderthals and from the animal kingdom. Both. There's no other solution to this question. Which kind of animals? Animals which have been in close contact with Neanderthals during a longer period.

Why did the Neanderthal disappear? Because these Souls evolved into another Soul-specie, that of Homo Sapiens. That's the logic of evolution.

Neanderthal Souls are likely much more advanced than the animal Souls. That explains the huge difference between people today.

It also explains the low consciousness during the period around the era and the high mortality rate. The new species had difficulties to live as a rational human being and did not 'fit' anymore in the consciousness of animals. There might be exceptions like dolphins and other very intelligent (sea)mammals. These are splits from the Soul branch.

When you adopt the principle that everything evolves also spiritual, than this question becomes immediately clear - the evolution of the Soul goes hand in hand with the physical evolution.

Evolution is described as something material. But once you understand that the physical is an expression of the spirit, you'll also understand that you're looking at the evolution of the Soul!

Evolution of the Soul up to Now

The blue cycles represent lives. After every death, the Soul is able to make a little step higher, until it finally steps into a new species!
The blue cycles represent lives. After every death, the Soul is able to make a little step higher, until it finally steps into a new species! | Source

How to Gain Simple Knowledge?

Do pets that adopt human behaviour also collect human consciousness?
Do pets that adopt human behaviour also collect human consciousness? | Source

Do pets that adopt human behaviour also collect human consciousness? Is the Soul of the dog's boss just slightly more advanced, but not advanced enough to be a full rational intelligent Human being?

Oh my, that explains a lot!

Was a Psychopath a Predator Before? Oh Dear!

From Wolf to Man. Is this the actual truth?
From Wolf to Man. Is this the actual truth? | Source

Why are there psychopaths? Where do they come from? And why do they have no remorse of their deeds? What if the Soul of the psychopath was a Tiger before, or a Wolf? These Souls have great troubles to be really sociable.

These predators kill because they eat their prey. Most cats have great pleasure during the kill. The reborn Soul of a Tiger will have enormous problems to adopt to our society. It will most likely have the conscience of a psychopath - probably a loner, intelligent, efficient, maybe a killer, maybe not. In any case has this Soul a highly developed predator consciousness.

Is the Ultimate Predator Also the Ultimate Psychopath?

This magnificent animal is almost perfect in all it does. But to have this conscience in a human form in our society is not so pleasant.
This magnificent animal is almost perfect in all it does. But to have this conscience in a human form in our society is not so pleasant. | Source

Money Predators and Serial Predators

Guy de Rothschild and serial killer Gary Ridgway. Both solitary predators. Both the result of the Evolution of the Soul. Still doing what they used to do when they were still animal predators. They have a predator conscience.
Guy de Rothschild and serial killer Gary Ridgway. Both solitary predators. Both the result of the Evolution of the Soul. Still doing what they used to do when they were still animal predators. They have a predator conscience.

Wanted: A Pack of Wild Dogs for Wall Street

Wanted: A Pack of Wild Dogs for Wall Street
Wanted: A Pack of Wild Dogs for Wall Street | Source

Herd Animals Have Problems to Follow Their Own Path


Problems doing anything on your own? That might be caused because of the path of your Soul. Your Soul might have taken a route of a Sheep. That's not good or bad. That's just how it is. Your Soul will evolve into a much higher more independent rational thinking state over time.

It is not a worse path or better path than that of the Tiger. Just different and less destructive. You found other ways to gain consciousness in the duality, called Earth.

What About Karma?

Karma is nothing else than the Law of Cause and Effect. Karma has been given a moral twist to keep the population under control, especially in the advanced religions like Hinduism.

The Law of Cause and Effect has no taste, no colour, nor any preference above something else than remaining the balance in the Universe perfectly Zero. That is what Karma is all about.

If you squeeze a spider to death, it will have an effect. Which effect? I don't know. You deliberately cut off the road of a Soul towards a higher consciousness. Will that come back on you? Maybe, maybe not.

Ever heard of Pauli's Exclusion Principle? Don't read it, because you'll be scared to death to move one finger ever again to any creature! In fact any move you make changes the Universe constantly. This is scientifically proven and verified.

No guru or priest knows any consequences for sure, since the Laws of the Universe are far too complex to boil it simply down to "you squeeze this, than you get that".

Well, that's it folks! Hope you enjoyed it!

© 2015 by Buildreps


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