Salvation Explained
Once saved always saved?
Sailor Christian found himself in a perilous situation. His boat had sprung a leak and was beginning to go down.
On the deck he found a lifejacket named Salvation and a bag of gold named Sin.
He ofcourse wants to be saved but he also does not want to give up sin. He puts on salvation his lifejacket and jumps into the water. He sees his sin and swims up to the sinking boat and grabs the bag.
Immediately sin begins to drag him down. He says, "I have salvation, why am I drowning?" If only he let go of and gave up sin to the depth of the sea he could be saved.
Was he saved?, he accepted salvation, or did he? Oftentimes we say we accept salvation but are unwilling to give up sin. We can not serve two masters, we can not be lukewarm.
To be saved. What does this mean?
To be saved (in Christianity) means that we are not going to hell but will spend eternity with God and our Savior Jesus Christ. We turn from sinful living to living according to God's will for our life.
To be saved is quite simple, yet many struggle with it. In order to be saved we must repent of our sins and sinful living and turn to Christ, trust Him and accept Him as our savior.
To repent means to be remorseful of our sins and sinful life, to ask Jesus for foregiveness and turn away from our sinful life and to wholeheartedly surrender and turn our lives over to Christ. To allow Him teach us, to mould us and change us. To turn our heart of stone to a heart of flesh. To let His light shine in us and through us and cleanse us of all iniquity.
So this brings me to the subject of once saved always saved.
In a nutshell this is how it was explained to me.
When a person is truly saved they know and understand from where they came and where Christ has taken them. They fully know and understand what Christ has done for them. So why would that person want to turn away from Jesus and return to their old sinful life? Or why would a person continue to live in sin after having come to Christ? I would think a person wouldn't, so if they are saved, they are saved.
However if a person tells me that they once were saved but are no longer saved, that they returned to their sinful life, then I would ask if they believe that they actually were saved. The same goes for those who say they are Christian and yet continue to willfully live in sin.
I am not saying that the moment one gives their life over to Christ that they are never going to sin or that in that second they are walking out of sin. It takes time, it takes learning His word and will for our lives. For example if a person is living in a sexual relationship outside of marriage, they need to learn that that is sin, or one who gets drunk, they need to learn that is is sinful to do so. We also make mistakes, it is our human nature, we are not perfect but we must be willing to not sin, to walk out of sin and toward righteousness. If we do make a mistake then we again repent. God is good to forgive. This is why Christ came, so that we can be forgiven and get another chance. He was the sacrifice for our sins.
I would think that the person who does come to Christ and yet continues to wilfully sin does not fully understand or grasp the awesomeness of Christ and what He did for them on the cross. I don't believe they were committed to Christ and truly repentant or understood sin and salvation, or as someone told me, their rebellious nature took over. Like a child with their parents, they wanted to do what they wanted to do and not obey the will of their parents. They wanted to continue to live their way by their own rules.
By this explanation then one would believe that if a person is truly repentant, committed to and saved by Christ then they are saved for eternity. They are willing to obey the word of God.
However how can one believe that they can repent, accept Christ but continually and willfully sin and still be saved? If a person were to die while knowingly committing sin, where would they go. Heaven or hell?
God is a just God and He will judge each and every person by the same standard. He does not show favoritism nor is He a hypocrite.
I have heard people give many excuses for sinning. I have heard some say, "Don't judge me, God knows me heart". It is true, He does know your heart. He knows that if you are unwilling to give up your sin, that you care more for it than you do Him. As for me judging you, I am merely taking the word of God and holding it up to your life as I do to my life, His word is the standard by which I hold my life to, therefore it is God and His word that is judging and not me. I am simply conveying His word.
Anyway, this is just my rant. I'm sure there will be some who refuse to accept this or simply believe different. that's fine, let us pray with open hearts and minds to allow the truth of our savior to correct or affirm what we believe.
Thanks for reading and please share it if you like. God bless you all.
**Bellow are some scriptures worth reading.
John 14:6 King James Version (KJV)
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 King James Version (KJV)
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Timothy 2:5-6 King James Version (KJV)
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
© 2018 Thomas Czech