Shift From Then to Now
We must shift from then to now!
Our experiences in this reality are created and nurtured by us. In this reality we refer to as life, we have a tendency to hold ourselves back by creating our own limitations.
Our experiences in this reality fall within the parameters of our thoughts and beliefs. This concept is referred to as a paradigm, a paradigm is a generally accepted outlook of special details at a given time, i.e John believes he cannot afford to buy a new car because, the car note is $350.00 per month; John only has $450.00 and is afraid the $100.00 additional is to narrow a margin. John's fear is from a previous transaction he participated in six months ago, that challenge him to make the payments on time, on two separate occasions. As a result of this experience John swore never to buy anything else with a narrow margin. This is a good example of how we can allow our past circumstances to set the parameters of our future.
If our past negative experiences can create a paradigm, so can our optimism! Shifting from then to now, requires a few simple adjustments, that will inspire amazing results. Going back to our previous example with John who set his limitations based on two negative experiences. Let us suppose John had decided to purchase the car based on the abundance of $100.00 instead of denying himself because of the fear of lack. Before we go forward let it be firmly understood that our conclusions control the paradigms we create.
If John had concluded the $100.00 excess was more than enough, everything would have shifted to that conclusion. The beauty of a single adjustment is that it creates a chain reaction in other things as well because they must agree with our beliefs. It has been said. "talk is cheap" and "actions speaks louder than words." John's decision had created a paradigm and his decision to take no action confirmed it, or if you will formed it.
What has happened in the past, were concluded by our beliefs back then, but if we desire a different experience we must shift from what we believed then to what we desire, believe and expect to happen now. Any paradigm shift requires a few adjustments and those adjustments will cause a different outcome. Every shift in a paradigm brings on a challenges but those challenges are necessary for our now reality, as with everything else in the paradigm. Our conclusions change everything!
Breathe In & Grow~Darryl Lowe