Sin repentance forgiveness
Read all of John 8
This is not just a story about a woman who was caught in adultery, this is a lesson about sin, repentance and forgiveness.
Far too often people focus on the men who were about to stone the woman and wonder about what Jesus wrote in the sand. But that isn't where our focus ought to be. We should focus on Jesus and the woman and what happened between the two.
The woman knew she had sinned, how can she not. There were strict teachings and consequences to adultery.
After the men left she knew she was saved because of Jesus. Her life was spared.
Jesus asks who condemns her.
She replies that no one condemns her
Then Jesus tells her that He does not condemn her either and he finishes with telling her to go and sin no more.
She was forgiven and saved
How did this happen
She recognized that her sin was about to lead to her death.
Jesus came and saved her life, physically and spiritually
He tells her that He does not condemn her because she recognized and accepted Jesus and what He did for her.
He then tells her to go and SIN NO MORE
Yes, sin no more. We must take this to heart. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior then we repent of our sins, we must turn away from our sinful past and sin no more.
Being forgiven and saved does not mean we can continue in sin and just ask for forgiveness and repeat the same and continue the cycle. Instead it means we want to move forward with Christ and live as sinless as we can.
Sure we will make mistakes, but let us not purposely and willfully sin and lie and say we just made a mistake.
The Lord knows our heart and mind, we cant pull the wool over His eyes.
John 8
- John 8 KJV - Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. - Bible Gateway
Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Thomas Czech