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Updated on February 2, 2012

In The Garden Of Gethsemane

Spiritual Warfare

 Hello everyone, just wanted to write about the topic of Strongholds. A stronghold is a fortress, a barrier, a strong clenching grasp of something. When we have sin on our soul, it allows the devil to come in and disconnect us from the mercy and grace of God, that serene place of rest that we would otherwise have, when we are cleansed and spiritually right with Father God.

First let me start with Holy Scripture, the inspired Word of God recorded by man through revelation. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, the Apostle Paul has written, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing  into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Wow, what powerful words those are! Once the devil gains a stronghold in a person, he is relentless to increase the presence of evil. This is a double edged sword, because in the same token that through sin Satan gains a hold, the Spirit of God can also be invoked, to become present within a person and nourished through prayer and strong faith values to stop this from happening.Of course, sin has to be confessed and one has to ask in earnest that through the shed blood and the name of Jesus Christ, you may be cleansed of it.

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul makes the request of all to, " Put on the whole armour of God." When we do this and recieve salvation through confession of sin, praying for understanding of Scripture, trusting and obeying God's laws, we have the armour needed to participate in the spiritual warfare that is going on continuously within our heart,mind and soul.

When the devil has a stronghold on you, sometimes it is necessary to join with other believers who have strong faith and pray to break the grip that is on you. Praying in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior together, calling outloud for Satan, thefather of lies to be gone, sends it packing. God's Holy and Inspired Word says that "where two or more are gathered, there also am I." God does not and can not lie!

Fear, anger, depression, malice, mal-content and a whole slew  of other emotions all make for allowing a weak spot in our mind and soul, thus letting evil in to gain a foothold eventually becoming a stronghold.

There are many other ways, endless tactics, that the devil uses on us to try and persuade us that his ways are better. Don't be fooled by them, be always aware of your thoughts so that if something bad is popping up, you can pray about it, talk to someone about it and figure out a way to dispose of it if it be an unwanted thought. God has put each of us in control of our body,mind and spirit, He has given us the freedom of choice where by we can be tested and shown approved of His mercy and grace. I encourage each and everyone to do an inventory of your mind, your thoughts and actions and if you find something that bothers you or just does not feel right, pray about it and ask Father God to help you with it. He most certainly will, because that's His business with us. He loves us unconditionally.

Today is a great day to run that ol devil off and give thanks and praise to Almighty Father God for helping you to purify from the mortal fleshes weaknesses. Amen

I really hope that I am close to on track here and that this doesn't sound like some ramblings of a contrary person! I am still studying the Living Word myself and will continue to do so. The more I study the more is revealed. Thank you Father in Heaven for supporting me in sharing my thoughts on a topic that is very important, very vital to understanding the battle that we as Christians experience day in and day out, in Jesus name I pray!

On Top Of A Mountain Is a Good Place For A Stronghold

Dear Lord, let us become victorious in our struggles with the flesh.
Dear Lord, let us become victorious in our struggles with the flesh.

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