The Devil's Attack On Prayer
Prayer Takes You There
Prayer Changes You... And the Devil Does Not Like It!
Most people have heard about the act of praying. Many people were trained and taught to pray by mama, daddy, grandma', grandpa' pastor, teacher or friend. When you are young, you simply believe that there is a God, that He loves you and that He hears and answers prayer.
As a young believer, the value of prayer is very high. The youth are not self-sufficient, they are dependent and require help to do almost everything. This helps them believe and, this helps them place a value on both God and prayer. For the young person who believes, prayer can be very important.
However, as a person grows older and less dependent, it seems that the sense of self-sufficiency causes a devaluation of prayer in their lives. That is strange, because if prayer worked when you were little, it will work when you are big. Prayer should never be devalued, because prayer can do permanently what nothing else can do.
Prayer has the power to untangle that conglomeration of discombobulated and unrelated thoughts that continuously run through your mind. Prayer helps you understand others and teaches you how to love those that are unlovable. Prayer brings you into the presence of God. Prayer changes things and more importantly, prayer changes YOU.
No wonder the devil hates prayer.
Prayer Reshapes and Reprograms the Brain
- American researcher has discovered that while praying, the brain re-programs itself
If you really want to change your mind, try prayer.
Scientific Research on Prayer - Increasing
- Can Prayer Heal?
Does prayer have the power to heal? Scientists have some surprising answers.
Science Applauds Prayer
The science of prayer is explored by a new of scientific study called "Neurotheolgy". Neurotheolgy studies the affects of prayer upon the brain. The study involves examining different types of prayer from different religions.
Over the years scientific studies have come to the conclusion, that, time spent in prayer is life changing. Study after study affirm that prayer affects and reshapes the brain, heals the physical body and rejuvenates the soul.
Prayer takes one out of a negative and impossible mindset and brings one into a positive and all things are possible mindset.
Why wouldn't the devil, who is the enemy of our soul, try and keep us from praying..
Prayer Changes Everything
How Hard it is to Pray With Confidence?
How difficult is it for you to believe God hears your prayers.
The Fight Against Prayer....
You try to pray and the devil tells you:
- God doesn't hear you.
- You can't pray aloud
- You sound stupid
- Nobody is listening
- What are you doing....Shut-Up!
- Everybody prays better than you
- You didn't say it right, so you have to start over.
- You'll never get it right
- You were doing alright before you tried to pray, so, you need to stop
- You aren't worthy
- If you knew how you sounded you would Shut-up!
- You sinned last week
- God is mad at you
- Have you ever had a prayer answered?
- Those weren't answers to prayer, they were natural occurrences or just luck
- You need to shut-up!
- God doesn't have time for you
- If you aren't on your knees, it doesn't count
- If you don't pray everyday God gets mad
- Will you Please Shut-up!!!
Don't listen to him! He is lying to you!!! If you listen to him, you won't pray and no matter what God wants us to pray!
*scripture references taken from
God's Truth Outweighs Satan's Lies
10 Benefits of Daily Prayer
- 10 ways praying actually benefits your health! - Read Health Related Blogs, Articles & News on D
10 Ways Praying Actually Benefits Your Health! - Research has suggested the praying beats depression. Here are 10 more reasons to pray.
Pray Anyway!!!!
Pray without ceasing. 1Thes. 5:17
Jesus describes the character of the devil in the following scripture:
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth , because there is no truth in him.When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44
Paul and James tells us how to deal with the devil:
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph 6:11
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.Jam 4:7
It is your turn to tell the devil to "shut-up!" Keep right on praying. Don't worry about how you sound or if you said everything correctly. Pray right out of the Bible an pray right out of your heart.
God loves you and He is listening. Learn how to personalize the scriptures and how to thank God in advance for your answer.
The more you pray, the more you will want to pray. Don't give up, keep on praying!
Love ya,
The Impact of Prayer On Your Life
Would you say that you are now inspired to pray more?
Prayer Tools
- Prayer Pillows
Here you will find resources to assist you in getting the breakthrough when you pray. Prayer Pillows, Prayer Clocks, etc. Take a look....