Summer Solstice Living Easy With a Blue Print
The Blue Print in His word
Welcoming the Lazy days of Summer
Summer Solstice arrives each year, welcoming long-awaited lazy days as they undulate with exciting anticipation of carnivals, picnics, and pool parties. The sun’s warmth is finding its way back from winter’s slumber, ushering in the sweet smells of honeysuckle and kettle corn. They fill the air with an ambiance and a wafting of familiarity.
Time is passing, like watching the sand fall from an hourglass; each grain slips fast and takes longer than expected. Observing each particle requires considerable time. Once the waiting period is over, life’s moments seem to speed up.
Tick Tock goes the clock, with a lyrical dance of change, creating ambivalence to time and its historical sway. Confusion hovers with our desire to rewind while continuing to soar ahead as we contemplate the beautiful circle of life. No wonder we look forward to the solstice. It brings a new season.
Amidst the summer vacation are gatherings with family and friends from near and far with their ever-changing shapes and faces. Despite physical distance, a sense of historical significance remains during reunions.
The weaving of memories and stories becomes a natural consequence of these gatherings. The practice of silly antics only shared in the present creates a zone of comfort, allowing for the condition of closeness. A relationship happens in these moments, solidifying a warm place in our hearts.
The variety of people and stories at our reunions is so refreshing. These gatherings are necessary to complete a family tree. Each piece or person takes place in the story’s development, adding input to the history. The individuals contribute to making a family legacy. Though each person’s imprint is unique, the collective experience is vital for creating shared memories.
The thought of reconnecting brings anticipation before each of these sharing events. Curiosity rambles in our minds thinking about how things will be. Will there be an awkward hello?
Though we expect a re-acquainting period, normal rhythms ensue, with most picking up right where they left off. This comfort is natural as a relationship occurs on a continuum, adding to, working through, and deciphering the next phase.
People change at the reunion meetings; some get taller, and others add the extra couple of pounds they hope will not arrive before another swimsuit season. Some are experiencing firsts in a new relationship, while older faces show a slight deepening of the subtle lines from the previous year. The matriarchs are less active, but the action occurs almost in a respectful circle around them; they include and appreciated for their place in the hub of family activity.
Observant individuals possess wisdom. They’re the best resource when recalling past events. Even if the elders’ stories vary with their memory, eager listeners still await a glimpse into their past.
Follow His Blue Print
Relationships thrive when built on firm foundations. The building blocks will collect in time; what we need will be available and mature into a beautiful tapestry. Anticipating obstacles with passaging time and experience, all things become achievable with a solid foundation in the blueprint provided by God.
Our relationship with God surpasses all others with greatness and selflessness.
Agape love is the free love our God has for humanity and the reason He gave us His son.
God gave Himself so He could come alongside and live in our present. Christ suffered and died for our sins, paying the debt to save all of us, and sharing Himself with us. He then rose again with a glorious resurrection. Thus, His grace supplies the needs of our existence.
His stories are our past, present, and future. He is the answer to our questions, the recollection of our history. God’s presence is so beautiful in the gatherings of family and friends; the simplicity of relationship occurs when we give our time and attention to it. Those whom come into fellowship with us become the building blocks as we build our houses in the blueprint of His word. As we envelop with the design of His word, we increase the awareness that He provides all we need.
Christ will address all punch lists when He is your center; no construction crisis is too harsh with Him. All things become apparent if you adhere to His main plan. There will be structures around you can observe for placing your building blocks. However, what they build on earth at this moment is imperfect and weathered.
With Christ at their center, they may be helpful. Be careful to note imperfections we all have them, but His plan and purpose to provide growth. A strong relationship offers unwavering support, enabling you to achieve anything with God’s help.
Remember to wear your hard hat when in the construction zone. By doing this, you can deflect debris and refer to the blueprint for the next step. Your building can reach high; there, your structure will shine in the distance by God’s grace.
Sometimes, the influence of this world will blur the lines of your blueprint and create confusion in the boundaries. To avoid being swayed by distractions, biases, and temptations, we must stay resolute and adhere to the plan. Seek those exhibiting helpfulness and kindness, mirroring your own. Their cap may be off-kilter, but they want to stick to the exact blueprint, and together you can achieve a balance of progress toward a beautiful truth.
The next time you’re sitting on a picnic blanket amidst the rumblings of those surrounding you, just as the sun sets, while fireflies are dancing above your head, remember how great our God is and how much He loves you, just the way you are.
He loves your brokenness, your beauty, and your heart. His eyes, not others’ images, reflect your heart’s truth. He knows you, sees you in all circumstances, and sees you as His child made in His image. The plans He has for you are specific to your purpose. No worries if the blueprint seems blurry. He leads your project.
Others will make assumptions as to placing your next building block. They may even attempt to sway its investment and distract your focus from all that is purposeful for Him. At this moment, release the hold of confusion on you, trusting that His blueprint has a clear image of the design He created just for you.
Keeping His plan in front of you at all times and referring to it often, He will guide your structural build with His Holy Spirit. The wind will whisper his grace, shielding you from storms. Surrender allows an eventual means to understand our trials.
His purpose may not always seem clear unless you seek Him and give attention to His blueprint as His gospel. Expect to see him in every building, rain or shine. He is the covering you need and the roof to your home, and He lives in your rooms.
Let your heart seek Him when amongst the clouds. Emerge from the clouds.
The only Blueprint needed
Follow Him and the living is easy
Next time you’re enjoying the lazy days of summer while sitting in awe of His landscape, take a deep breath and know His Spirit is ready to fill you with all the strength needed to complete your build.
He is your developer sitting beside you, holding the blueprint for your view. Try hard not to get distracted, for there will be severe delays and derailments. Many will have their interpretations of your plans, but they’re not the “boss of you.”
Take things as they are and keep an open mind, always willing to reflect the blueprint of His word. Be careful not to get caught in the assumptions of others or the limitations of this life, for you are more.
People change, places change, but God is the master of truth. He has planned our communities. He is constant, and He is in control. He switches things up and brings about unusual twists that allow for a continuum in a relationship with Him. When we least expect His plan to make sense, it does, and its flow surprises us.
When it makes sense, it’s easier to understand that what came before to get us where we’re going. We understand the whys and hows of life’s circle and see He is completing work in us.
These progression experiences allow for a helpful reflection on those frustrating punch lists along the way. He helps us quickly knock them out as we reflect on His teachings. When following His call, we relish the joys of His allowance of trials and praise Him, in awe of how He uses everything to bring us where He needs us to be. There, He can use us fully for His purpose.
Summer is a glorious time of reunion and respite, but none of the beautiful days of summer can compare to the meeting that awaits us with Christ, our Glorious King. He is worth everything, and He wants to see our buildings flourish.
Summer Solstice is the beginning of a season, but God orchestrates of all seasons. With Him at your core, the living is comfortable as long as you stay tuned into His blueprint.
You gave your life away ...
© 2014 Kathy Henderson