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The Black Horse and He that Has the Balances Is Passing By, Beware Of the Rider on the Pale Horse

Updated on February 14, 2013


The year is 2011. America has grappled with a downswing in its economy causing both the young and old to grovel and grumble about the huge debt incurred over time, citizens are murmuring against a popularly elected president’s inefficacy in leadership as if he is to blame for the nation’s woes. Least do we realize that the black horse and he that had the balances just passed by. It was destined to be as it is now. Let he that has an ear hear what the spirit has to say to the church.

This article was inspired by a section of prophecy in the book of Revelations 6 on the openning of the seals in heaven as the sealed book was handed to the Lamb of God.The vision following the opening of the first seal portrays events nearest to the times of John, while the seventh seal relates to the remotest events, happenings at the end of time, the consummation of the history of the church and the fate of the world. As each seal is opened a symbol is seen which is designed to outline the character of a new epoch. The opening of the seals in Revelation can be topically summarized as follows:

Summary of Revelation 6: The Warrior on the White Horse. The Warrior with the Great Sword. The Black Horse and He That Had the Balances. The Pale Horse, Death and Hades. The Fifth Seal, the Seal of Persecution. The Sixth Seal Opened. A Period of Judgment.

Revelation on the third seal

Revelation 6:5-6 states “And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say ‘A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine’”. (KJV).

These verses relate to The Black Horse and He That Had the Balances. Lots of prophecies agree on the conclusion that Black is the color of calamity, war, sorrow, mourning and despair. The instruments held in the hand of the horseman, the balances, are used for weighing commodities and symbolize scarcity and famine in the economy.

Oil and wine are entirely prohibited in the decree from heaven. This has a spiritual implication about sparing the oil (Spirit) and the wine (Powerful Strength) – thus, those under the influence of the Holy Spirit. This points to a remnant of the Church of Jesus Christ that lives by the power of the Holy Spirit that is to be spared from harm. Utterances that follow proclaim the state of affairs with regard tocurrent happenings in world trade and states of economies in the world today.

Of concern is what follows the fulfillment of the prophecy of the black horse. Death and Hades are thereafter given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill with a sword, hunger, famine and beasts of the earth.

The Dark Horse


The current state of world economies

The year is 2011. America is grappling with a downswing in an economy

that is terribly sick, causing both the young and old to grovel over the economy

and grumble against a popularly elected King’s inefficacy in leadership

as if he is to blame for destroying the foundations of the economy.

Many say he deserves not a second chance for failure to deliver promise.

The writing on the wall reads “Obama must go” coz America’s

debt rating has been downgraded as markets keep falling.

America, little do you realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. In Misri, the land of the Pharoahs.

A dethroned King lies behind bars, sick, chained and starving.

The young and old alike stream into the streets, burning, looting,

plundering while proclaiming “We do not want the King for he has

killed and made our lives unbearable by sending the cost of living sky-rocketing.

Hosni must go” Egypt, little do you realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. In London’s economically deprived Tottenham area

200 rioters with Molotov cocktails flock into the streets

setting ablaze police patrol cars, a double-decker bus and buildings.

Some of the looters aged between 7 and 10 years are noted fleeing

with carts of stolen merchandise which included TVs and stereos.

One person dead, 26 police officers injured and 42 arrested 10 hour later.

Britain, little do you realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. Libya, North of Africa.

A proud Arabic Prince is hiding in a cave. His people are out in the streets,

rioting, plundering and warring against each other with every mouth shouting

“Gadhafi must go because food is unaffordable”.

The whole world has turned against him. Little do they realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. Venue, Israel. The nation is swelling in protest

A revolution brews, the government cannot afford to ignore.

They call a new country, Israel in the street

They want Netanyahu out for failure to reform and ease the cost of living.

Little do they realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. Rome, Italy.

The Euro has just hit its worst crisis point

Berlusconi must submit over mismanagement of the economy

and the heavy economic debt,

lest careers go down as the Euro tumbles due to the 9 billion debt

incurred by government in bond market. Little do they realize

that the black horse and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. The King of Syria, Assad is under siege.

People have sworn to offset his regime for 2,200 people are dead

The king has used undue military force against civilians

to quell inflation-driven protests over his bad governance.

He faces world governments’ condemnation

for an unorthodox show of power.

Syria, little do you realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. The people in Somalia at the horn of Africa

stream into Kenya and Ethiopia in search of food.

Three years, they haven’t seen rain. Drought bites hard.

Children die left and right. Others feed on carcasses for dear life.

Oh how dreadful their images on TV.

A terrible site to behold!

Somalia, little do you realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. The scene is Beijing, China.

Police arrest 2000 people and close down 5000 businesses

They added chemicals to food in an attempt to make meat leaner

and vegetables bigger in order to make more money

due to a surge in inflation, cost of food and cost of living

A revolution is in the offing.

China! Little do you realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

The year is 2011. Place, the earth.

All inhabitants are up in arms against popularly elected leaders

over poor governance, inflation and rising cost of living.

Nothing holds them back.

Dear planet earth, little do you realize that the black horse

and he that had the balances just passed by.

But, beware of the pale horse rider, for he who rides on it is called Death

and Hades follows in his wake.

by Anjili


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