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Strong Biblical Women Part 5 -- Tamar, Mother of Kings

Updated on July 2, 2014

How did a modest woman become the mother of Kings?

When her father-in-law broke his promise to her, Tamar took matters into her own hands and, in the process, became the mother of kings.

While the story is often glossed over because of the sexual nature, the story of Yehuda and Tamar is a very important one from the standpoint of strong women. Tamar stood up for herself and in the process gained the respect of her father-in-law and also gained a place for herself and her descendants in the annuls of Jewish history.

The Mother of Kings


Yehuda (Judah) was the fourth son of Yaakov (Jacob). He married and had three sons. The oldest son, Er, married a woman named Tamar. But Er died without having any children (the commentaries say he didn't want to "ruin her beauty" by making her pregnant, so he "spilled his seed").

So Yehuda told his next son, Onan to marry her (this is called a Leverite Marriage or Yibum in Hebrew -- a man marries his brother's childless widow to give her -- and his dead brother -- a child). According to the commentaries, Onan didn't want a child of his to be credited to his brother, so he "spilled his seed". Because of his selfishness, he died also.

Yehuda didn't want to lose another son, so he told Tamar that Sheila (Shay-luh), his third son, wasn't old enough to get married. But even after Tamar waited for Sheila to grow up, Yehuda came up with some excuse why Tamar couldn't marry his son.

This put Tamar in the position of not being permitted to get married to anyone and, therefore, she wouldn't have children. And she really wanted children.

So she dressed in clothes that the prostitutes wore and she stood where the prostitutes stand until Yehuda, her Father-in-law, who she believed owed her a child, came by. Because she normally dressed modestly, Yehuda didn't recognize her. He approached her and, thinking she was a prostitute, asked her what her "price" was and she said that all she wanted was his walking staff, his cloak and his signet ring.

After this, Tamar put on her modest widow's clothes and went back to her normal life. But soon after this, people started noticing that she was pregnant and they told Yehuda and asked him if he wanted them to bring her to them for punishment.

When Tamar heard that the people wanted to put her to death for adultery, she sent a messenger to Yehuda with his staff, cloak and ring and asked him if he, perchance, knew who those items belonged to.

Yehuda saw the items and right away realized that he was the father of Tamar's child. Yehuda told the people not to kill Tamar and that she was more righteous than he.

It turned out that Tamar had twins. She named them Peretz and Zerah.

In the book of Ruth (This original story was in B'reishit -- Genesis), it lists the descendants of Peretz -- Peretz had a son named Hetzron, who had a son named Ram, who had a son named Aminadav, who had a son named Nahshon (who was the Nasi -- Prince -- of the Tribe of Yehuda in the time when the Children of Israel wandered 40 years in the Desert).

Nahshon had a son named Shalma (or Shalmon), who had a son named Boaz, who married Ruth. They had a son named Oved, who had a son named Yishai (Jesse), who had a son named David. David was the second king of Israel and the founder of the Davidic Dynasty of kings of Israel and Judea and from whom the Moshiah (Messiah) will one day come.

Check out my blogs:

Israel and it's Place in the World

Jewish Singles

Strong Jewish Women

Jewish Star/Menora Frosted Glass Stein
Jewish Star/Menora Frosted Glass Stein

Compugraph Designs Printfection Store (Judaica themed merchandise)

In addition to our Cafe Press and Zazzle sites (see modules above), we also have a store on "Printfection" which includes cutting boards (good wedding or housewarming gifts), mugs and cups, tees, etc.

This stein is only one of several Jewish themed items at our store:

Compugraphd Printfection site

(Click on the picture to go directly to this product's page)


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