The Boy Teacher and the Father Student # 74 Real Men
They Had To Help Me
Real Men
Real men have integrity. Real men never turn down a chance to help another. Some say I am a real man. But I don’t feel like a real man. Now this story is a bit different than others. I just got up out of the dirt. I like to sleep in the dirt. Oh do not think I got all drunk and fell down. I have sleeping pads and a great sleeping bag and a fine pillow. I just love looking at stars and the smell of dirt. Blame my mom and dad.
We speak of a very fine man named Clint today. Much my senior and kind of my elder son’s grandpa and like a father unto this renegade. I never did 40 on years ago get chosen by him or me chose him. It just happened. So we went on yesterday.
F: So over here is where the initial settlers of white built a cabin.
S: Well hell Clint that place don’t look more than a good hundred years old.
F: Well that lawyer brain of yours still works that is just about 110 years old. The big people came up here in the 40’s to the hot springs.
S: Like who?
F: Like Jesse James and Wyatt Earp you idiot. No like Ronald Reagan and Humphrey Bogart. And that gal Candice or something. That old buddy group like rats.
S: The rat pack.
F: You are pretty smart for an idiot.
S: That is rude buddy, give me a wrench and I can drive in a nail any
F: You use a wrench for pipes and a hammer for nails, again you are an idiot.
S: Well Mr. Fancy pants I can use a wrench for a hammer and a hammer to loosen up a pipe.
F: Remind me to never give you any tool. But I admit you talk real well. I guess that is your tool.
S: Wow you said “well” instead of “good”. What have you been reading Reader’s Digest again. I told you to stay away from our intellectual stuff or you will have a stroke.
F: Alright I cannot think like you but you can’t think like me either.
S: That is your problem sometimes. You get involved with us types with assumed smarts and you figure that because we cannot do what we do we cannot think like you.
F: And there you have that fancy ass word “Vice Versa”.
S: Is that like the pot calling the kettle black?
F: Let’s go shoot the nail gun at some posts.
We Have Heroes, Young and Old
Nope Not Pops
Worry Not Gone In One Setting
Now you just go and laugh at us. I do not mind. He is/was my plumber and was his his lawyer. He thought my stuff stunk and I thought his stuff stunk. But for some reason we abided by that and even helped each other cross lines a time or two. I called under the neighbor’s once to do some piping and he crawled into a court once to do some testifying. His son was a best friend of mine and my son is a best friend of his.
I reckon fathers and sons come in all flavors.
Now a quick trip back home. Gabe and I sit out front like folks used to do. We get treated to our neughbors as we do some catch types of baseball, basketball, roller ball and football and just messing around at just past dark. Yes all the typical, crickets, night birds and Mexican music from two doors down. Some food and drink and our fancy chairs old Dick from across the street, he said his Mary/lady liked to hear us laugh. And do not laugh at me – not a fiction.
In the chairs sucking on a lime sparkling water drink.
B: Dad am I going to die of cancer, I don’t get the whole deal and mom won’t talk about it.
F: Well that is a real knee slapper boy. I respect your concern and worry. But that is like if you are going to believe your eyes. Am I dead? Now I have lived of cancer. Would you do any less being tougher than me?
B: Ok I see what you mean. But tell me scientifically. I can do percentages now.
F: Cool. My first cancer was caused by radiation – like in your games. Caused by Atomic Bomb testing. My second is caused by work I did exposed to Roundup – kind of close to what your grandpa faced in Vietnam. So those kind of folk do not really care about you dying from cancer. I will keep going but let’s get this idea right.
B: OK you are dying because people made you sick? Who is making me sick?
F: You are so on point here kid you are on mental fire. They made me sick and we are kicking their ass not to do it again. My lawsuit against Roundup is more about the point than the money. And in the real of it you are my point.
B: I like that that is in one of my games: “We will stop you if it takes ten wars”.
F: You peoples of young age are weird. The point is, is that now we fight so you do not get sick.
Just Hanging Out
Just Appreciate the Beauty
Real Men Forget Debts
So life floats on by. No real certainty involved. But perhaps the right way to teach environmentalism. Who knows and much to my joy the elder boy calls up after I sent him a picture of my sponsored kids from Vietnam. They are a ragtag crew from 1998, the shoeshine boy and the moto taxi drivers were in my wedding. Damned fine they looked in new white shirts and trousers. The Thirty something boy Brooks
S: This is for real dad?
F: You are best favorite awesome oldest son. But these were my boys for a spell.
S: No way is that the Saigon river in back.
F: Nope, we were on the best side of town and that is the Mekong River. Even if you stand away this river flows through you.
S: Wow, we have got to get over there. And don’t do that thing about “it is not the same”. You came home and you watched my games. You were there more than most.
F: Isn’t that the funniest thing, those who can’t get to every game like to go the most, those who can show up the least. Too heavy but I am sure you get it.
S: Dad you just told me that Auntie died. Why didn’t anyone tell me?
F: I just told you.
S: This sucks I have got to get down there. You told me once that “you do not make of love but love makes of you”.
F: No I did not tell you that. My scheduled is cleared for transport and remember to tread nice for she is not our sister but your honorary aunt. Let me know how I can help but I am not really part of that family.
S: Let me know of your attendance. “If you are in love, attendance is the giving of that love”.
F: Hold on those quotes are from my sermons!! Later, it is odd you read them for a man never preaches to his son. As I said later, I did not know your read them. Again; Where and When is your ETA – I will be there. Oh and pass my phone number around I can do the Airport deal several times.
And the beat of life goes on. Count me in on a let’s count you in.