1 Corinthians 13: The Brothers Three
A Dangerous Path.
Four men are walking along a dangerous path. Three are brothers and the fourth is their Master. They have far to go and the terrain they travel is fraught with dangers. They must be vigilant for wild beasts, bandits, and extreme weather conditions are always at hand in one form or another, waiting to take their lives. The Master chose this difficult road because he sees virtue in it, knowing that good character is not made at leisure, walking in gentle paths; but in uncertainty and struggle, facing and overcoming hardship.
Like his path, the wise Master has chosen his companions for their virtue. They have proven their worth many times over. He has grown to depend on them in every way; in fact, there are times when he wonders, if in truth, it is not they that are the masters and he the humble servant.
The youngest of the brothers is a hansom young man full of joy and laughter who faces each day a new without fear. When the path turns cold and dark or when their enemies are in pursuit, he often comes along side the master and shares a part of himself; reminding him that all is not lost, that perhaps, some unknown joy may be waiting just around the corner. The master has so named him Hope. For even in the worst of times the lad finds the strength to smile, bringing hope and encouragement to his companions.
The second brother resembles the youngest in appearance. Though they are not, many often mistake them for twins. He possesses a great deal of resolve and physical strength. He is quiet most of the time and prefers to speak with actions. He is a warrior and a philosopher, the one who reminds the group that there is a God and that He is watching over them. When facing an enemy, he is the first in battle and will stand his ground when all others flee. Amazingly, he always returns the victor. When asked how he accomplished such great victories? He answers with a slow bow of his head, “It’s not I that prevailed, but the Lord my God who strengthens me.” For this, the master has called him Faith, for he has conquered his fears and faces death with out hesitation. When uncertainty abounds, and the enemy seems so close that his breath can be felt at the master’s neck, it is Hope that encourages him, but it is Faith that saves him.
The eldest is the wisest and gentlest of the three. You wouldn’t know it to look at him, for he is unimpressive in appearance and small in stature. Nevertheless, the Master has learned to rely on him more then his brothers. His strength is not found in his arms and legs, but in his kindness and warmth. His appeal is not in his looks, but in his willingness to trust, his gentleness, and his humility. He is always willing to sacrifice himself for others.
With wisdom and selfless actions, he binds the little group together. Creating unity and well being, bridging gaps when patience fail. He inspires Hope, and gentles Faith. When there is strife he brings peace. When there is pain, He becomes comfort. He has won the hearts of many a foe, conquering them not with a sword, but with a kind word, a smile, and a warm place by the fire. His virtue is his selflessness and his name is Love. Of all the mighty men in the Master’s service, Love is the greatest.
Every day the Master calls upon one or all three of the brothers to aid him along the way. Together they face struggles and overcome their trials. When things are at their hardest or darkest, and when the trail seems especially long and steep. When the Master’s fears overwhelm him and his burden to heavy to bare. Hope’s bright cheerful voice gently captures his thoughts, “I think were going to make it Master,” Upon hearing his brother’s encouragement, Faith responds with a smile, confident eyes, and a big hearty smack on the back, “I know we will Master, don’t you worry!”, and then, bringing relief and refreshment to his weakening body, Love steps forward and says with a caring voice,” Here Master, let me help you.” and off they go on their merry way together, they four and…….. Anyone else who would care for their company.
1 Corinthians 13:13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
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