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The Feathered Christ

Updated on May 18, 2012

Do you see the resemblance with Cortiz?

 One wired looking dude! The strange thing is...some connect him to Jesus!
One wired looking dude! The strange thing is...some connect him to Jesus!
This is a great recreation of Cortez I found on Fliker! I just do not get how the Aztec thought he look like Ce Actal !
This is a great recreation of Cortez I found on Fliker! I just do not get how the Aztec thought he look like Ce Actal !


I am sure most of you are aware of the hype around the so-called Mayan prophecies. The fact is that what is known as there “long count” calendar ends on the year 2012. Somehow, this has snowballed into the concept that the Mayan has predicted the end of time as we know it!

This intrigues me, considering that only one copy of the “Holy” books of the Mayan has not been destroyed by the Spanish. This book is the Popol Vuh which could be considered as the Mayan Bible. The translation of this book was very difficult and the correct translation is still being debated to this day. This book has a lot of strange things in it, including creation myths which claim that the first people were maid from wood! Even so, there is no mention of the end of the world. Later, in a future hub, I will explore the Popol Vuh, to give a clearer perspective of what the Mayan believed. I will not echo what has already been covered extensively in other hubs or Websites; instead, I will focus on a related subject that is to me, even more relevant.

For what is over looked when dealing with the whole Mayan dooms day foolishness, is that Mayan history has been influenced by another civilization that have some quite interesting prophecies and mysteries of there own! This civilization was known as the Toltec and thrived in central Mexico for several centuries. Most experts on this subject consider that “The Toltec” was not the actual name of a race of people; it was more like a description of a select group of people. It is generally accepted that the word means “The Builders” and represented a group of very skilled crafts men. After doing extensive research on the Toltec, I have started to wonder if they were kind of a selective organization sort of like the “Freemasons.” Now some Scholar who just happens to read this may disagree. To that, I say “then enlighten me” for I am open to a better understanding of this mystery.

My focus for right now will be on one of the main gods they worshiped. According to myth and some historical evidence, this god appeared in human form roughly around one thousand years ago. His was named Quetzalcoatl, or literally the Plumbed Serpent. His incarnation as a man-god had a lot of similarities to Jesus. For example, he was said to have a been born from a virgin, persecuted and tempted by a evil entity, similar to Satan, allowed himself to be sacrificed and then raised from the dead with a promise to return again. Even though he has, a lot of qualities that made him appear Christ like, he also had other aspects that could connect him to the occult. (Stay tuned, for as I continue this series, I will share my take on this).

When one first starts exploring this subject it is hard to decipher the truth from the myth, it is like you must become a Cyber Archaeologist. You got to dig deep into the internet dirt to make since of it all. I will start our dig, by venturing back to the time when this so-called “Christ Figure” was said to return to the earth. In fact, he was partially responsible for the defeat of the Aztec empire. Overall, this god has more influence than any other god in the history of Mexico prior to the Spanish Conquest.

At that time-period, the Aztec civilization was a super power, dominating most of Mexico. They had superior military technology and vast wealth. They also had many enemies. The Aztec was a superstitious and paranoid people who had sacrificed thousands people on there step pyramids. They believed that the Palates, (a star consolation) would collapse if they did not do so. Now it was prophesied that Quetzalcoatl would return on his “year” (known as Ce Actal) which came around every fifty-two years. Well it just so happened the year Cortes reached Mexico was on the end of the fifty-two year period. This year was 1519, using our calendar.

Here is another fun fact to consider, the human aspect of Quetzalcoatl was Ce Actal Topiltzin who was said by some scholars to have pale skin and a beard. It just so happened that Cortez also was pale skinned and had a beard. This confuses me somewhat, for if you take a painting of Cortez and compare it to any of the Aztec artwork that depicts Ce Actal, there is no resemblance! Ce Actal wore some unusual clothes, with feathers and other strange ornaments and yet, he does not ware a beard!

ANYWAY, Montezuma, the Aztec not so fearless leader gets word that bearded men are riding strange beast and arrived on the shores of Mexico in “floating towers.” Oh, I left out one small detail. When this Plume Serpent Dude returns, it is to kick some serious butt! You see the last time he was on earth he was driven from his capital city Tula, by his archenemy, Tezcatlipoca (which means “Smoking Mirror”) who was very clever “bad god” who seems to love to create havoc and deceive people. It is speculated by some scholars, that the Aztec Ancestors were the very people that overthrew the Toltec people and drove Ce Actal out of his beloved capital. These people were at time known as the Chitimecs.

I wonder what was running around in Montezuma’s brain, for he knew the prophecies! He must have been a tad bit nervous with the approach of Cortes who he originally mistaken for a vengeful god! He probably wore his finest headdress which most likely included Quetzal feathers. You see, the Quetzal was the scared bird of Quetzalcoatl. Then also, I would not be surprised if he wore a black robe. For this was what Quetzalcoatl Priest always wore. After this he prepared the ultimate “brown nosing” speech. According to the Aztec records, known as Codexes this is what he said:

You have graciously come on earth, you have graciously approached your water, your high place of Mexico, you have come down to your mat, your throne, which I have briefly kept for you, I who used to keep it for you... You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth." - Montezuma II, Florentine Codex

Now let us switch gears and take the perspective of Cortes. From historical accounts, it would appear that first and foremost that Don Hernando Cortes was an adventure, seeking after fame and fortune. He saw Spain’s interest in the new world, his vehicle to achieve this goal. He was a man of action and he did not take no for an answer. How I reached, this conclusion was that he started his power quest, while he was living on the resent Spanish colony of Cuba.

Cuba, at that time had just recently been colonized by Spain and Hernando Cortes had his sites set on exploring Mexico that had just been recently discovered. The Spanish appointed “Mayor” of Cuba, Diego Velásquez promised to fund the young adventures expedition to this new land. Remember, this was 1519, which is only 27 years since the Columbus first arrived in the New World. Being able venture into virgin territory was very appealing for a power junky like Cortes. Things got a little touchy when Hernando took the money and ran, so to speak. For Diego had a change of mind, not knowing that Cortes was already in rout to Mexico.

Now Cortes and his men did not have it easy, on his trip to the New World and yet, there was many situations that he faced were it seem like “Devinne Providence” was at work. They were out numbered on several occasions when they were confronted by hostile natives along the coast which is now known as The Gulf of Mexico. However, each time he and his men beat the odds!

One lucky break he had was to meet an Aztec Princes and persuaded her to come with him on the long and dangers trek to the Aztec capital as an interrupter. This young woman was sort of a Native Mexican Benedict Arnold, for in many ways she betrayed her own people. Soon, with her support, the bold adventure/conquers gained about one thousand warriors, who wanted to pay back the Aztec for years of domination. This added considerable strength to Hernando six hundred solders. Finely the Spanish enter into the remarkable city of the Aztec's. Cortez seeing the power and size of the Aztec Military and realized he had to even things out a bit, so he took Montezuma as a hostage.

It was not until August 13, 1521 Spanish actually defeat the Aztec. It was an extremely bloody confrontation that resulted in Montezuma being mortally wounded by his own people! Now the main reason in me telling this story is that I often wondered if the Aztec being slaughtered in this way was Gods hand at work. For like I said before, the Aztec were ruthless people, that even went as far as cannibalism. I will not fully justify the actions of the Spanish either, for they let there lust for riches and arrogance rule them. Like the old saying goes, “two wrongs do not make a right.”

On the next episode of this series, I will examine the connection to Quetzalcoatl with the Mayan and the Popol Vuh. We will dig even deeper into Internet dirt, so I hope you are not afraid to get your fingernails dirty!

The Quetzal Bird

This bird is sacred to the Toltec and the Mayan. When its feathers were used, it was captured alive and then released afterwords.
This bird is sacred to the Toltec and the Mayan. When its feathers were used, it was captured alive and then released afterwords.

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