Atheist Writes His Own Bible-The Good Book, a Secular Bible, by Author AC Grayling,
An Atheist Writes His Own Bible!
I was listening to the news while surfing through HubPages when a headliner caught my attention. A man by the name of AC Grayling has decided to take it upon himself to write a bible for humanitarians/atheists. I paused what I was doing, and hit the net to find out who this person was and why he wrote a bible that has created so much popularity. My little mind was intrigued!
Who is AC Grayling?
AC Grayling is a prominent figure, author, professor, broadcaster, and editor of England. He is well known for his books “Ideas That Matter”, “Liberty in the Age of Terror”, and “To Set Prometheus Free”.
He has written and edited over twenty books, most of them on philosophy and other subjects, wrote a column for the Guardian newspaper, and a column for the Times. He writes the Thinking Read column and Noble Review; is the editor of Online Review London and contributing editor of Prospect magazine.
He is a contributor to the Literary Review, Independent on Sunday, Observer, Times Literary Supplement, New Statesman, and Index on Censorship. He also is a frequent broadcaster on the BBC Radios 4, 3 and the World Service. In other words, he is a busy man.
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Should humanitarians/atheists have their own bible?
Why write a bible called “The Good Book, A Secular Bible”?
Professor Grayling wanted a book that played the part of secular people with a humanitarian point of view, much like the bible is to Christians. He has taken what is considered long traditional humanitarian writing from Eastern and Western text, to create a non religious thought by which it might be possible to live.
While creating “The Good Book”, he did extensive study from the bible and other traditional literature and extracted a flow or “treasure of wisdom” by which to distill and convey some of the great incites there are in the non-religious literature of the world. Its main focus is about human experiences in this world.
- BBC News - Today - Do atheists need their own bible?
AC Grayling has published a "bible" for atheists. But do atheists need their own Good Book?
What is humanism?
Humanism is a system of thought that centers on humans, their values, capacities, and worth while rejecting religious belief.
What is atheism?
Atheism is denial or disbelief in the existence of God or gods.
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If you are a Christian, would you read this bible?
Why do humanism/atheist need a book?
Professor Grayling writing of “The Good Book” could be used for resources in meditation, inspiration and living a good life for those that don't believe in a higher power, divine entity, or God. It is a contribution to bring together voices for those that can profit from them with moral thought and philosophical ideas. With its simple and directed flow, reads similar to a child's encyclopedia. In many ways, Professor Grayling paralleled his bible to that of the Christian Bible. (For example: King James Bible) There is even its own Ten Commandments.
This treasure trove of humanistic ideas tries to steer clear of religious moralities that cut across the grain of human nature and instead tries to work with the human nature. Professor Grayling states that he “didn't write this to offend people”, but to merely invite a way of presenting ideas with an open mind, moral guidance and doesn't believe that this will replace the bible.
As for myself, being a Christian, I found his way of thought intriguing. Curious minds desire knowledge...chances are I will read his book just to see for myself what the fuss is about. For now, it is back to reading HubPages. (Be sure to vote and leave a comment! Inquiring minds want to know...)
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