The Hierarchies of Spiritual powers part 3
The Hierarchies of spiritual powers part 3
It will be better for anyone reading this article to read the part 1, and part 2 of this article before reading part 3. This is to facilitate understanding of the topic by appreciating where it started and how it got to this point.
The incident of 1st king chapter 22
1st king chapter 22 narrated the story of King Ahab, prophet Micaiah, and other prophets. All the other prophets said the king would go to war and prosper as the Lord said. The messenger that was sent to call Micaiah begged him to say what the other prophets said but he swore to say whatever the Lord told him. Then when the king first asked Micaiah, he said what the other prophets said. But the king ordered him and reminded him to always tell him the truth. That was when Micaiah told him that he would die in the battle. But the king did not believe the prophecy moreover he said, Micaiah never said anything good about him maybe that was why he ordered him to tell him the truth. This is because the first prophecy from Micaiah was unusual so the king demanded the truth to be sure unfortunately he did not believe the truth when he heard it.
The question should be why did Micaiah say what the other prophets said even after he told the messenger that he would only say what the Lord said? Some people may claim that the first answer Micaiah gave was not from God but we know that it could be from God because that was the message from God to all the prophets. So it can be said that Micaiah did not lie the first time he spoke. However, it is a shame that even after Micaiah changed his prophecy and told the king the truth the other prophets did not know that it was the truth. Zedekiah, one of the prophets, even smote Micaiah for saying that the Lord sent a lying spirit into the mouths of all other prophets.
Do we blame Zedekiah and the other prophets for saying what they got from God?
Do we call the other prophets false prophets when we know that they got their message from the throne of God?
Is it not surprising that God used a lying spirit to achieve his aim?
Is it not surprising that God called the host of heaven for suggestions on how he would achieve his plan?
I find it difficult to understand why some people claim to know all spiritual truths even when they do not know. Just like the unborn child said, “even those in the mysteries do not know a mystery hidden in the mysteries.” They were all prophets but some of them did not know what was said in the secret. That is what is hidden from many and revealed to a few.
I do not care about how sure you are about your spiritual religious path and powers because I trust something made you stick to it just as others stick to theirs. It can be said that it works for you and that is why you are there. But it is important that we always seek for the highest powers attainable by men. Unfortunately, we may never know it because we can only reach where we are permitted to reach and that is the hierarchy of spiritual powers.
The different between Micaiah and the other prophets was that he had direct access to the throne so he saw what happened and how the decision was taken against the king while the other prophets had barriers and their spiritual insight was restricted so they could only know what was told to them by a second party. However, it should be noted that a spiritual case may arise that even prophets like Micaiah would not be permitted to be present in the decision making. Even Jesus acknowledged it when he said that only the father knows when the end shall come.
The main point is that there are many spiritual powers and people have various spiritual gifts and abilities. Those in the mysteries call it levels or degrees among others but here it is called “the hierarchies of spiritual powers.” And you may never know who is telling you the truth from the throne of God. Just as my book pointed and I said, it is time for a new beginning for humanity. Let those who have “the keys of David’’ hear it.