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End Times Secrets Revealed: Matthews, Chapter 24

Updated on January 5, 2025

The twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew offers a very interesting but alarming group of scriptures. The focus is on the end time. Judging by the current global crisis and other dramatic conflicts such as wars and rumors of wars happening in the world today, it would not be foolish to conclude that the world is marching onward toward the last days.


Matthew 24, verse 2 speaks of Israel's coming destruction in the latter days. "There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down." Jesus Christ was referring to the end time when all nations will make war against the nation of Israel and actually destroy it utterly, although the God of Israel will provide a hiding place of escape for His people.

The wise thing to do today is to keep aware of the current crisis among Israel, and the terrorist groups such Hamas and Hezbollah, along with the nations of Syria and Iran. These are sworn enemies of Israel. The conflict among these nations has the potential to develop into a serious upheaval that could involve the whole world.


In Matthew 24, verses3-14, Jesus addresses the disciples with a series of warnings that aimed to prepare them for the persecution that would originate toward all those who follow him. Two of the most important things he cautioned them to guard against are deception and cold- heartedness. " Take heed that no man deceive you," states Jesus.(v1) Because the spirit of the Anti-Christ will be in full operation, the whole world will eventually be led into believing the deceptive and hellish doctrine that will be circulated around the globe. People will be terrified and looking for an answer to the turmoil that will be occurring in the world. But the followers of Christ will be aware of the false doctrines and leaders who profess to be and know God. We don't have to go far to see the activities of some of the modern day cults that claim to provide an answer for the soul and mind. Such proclaimed cults as Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day Evangelist, science of mind and new age doctrines have already deceived thousands. Nevertheless, deceptive actives will worsen in the time of the tribulation when seeming miracles will be wrought by the anti-Christ and his followers.

Decline of Love

The other issue that Jesus warned the Disciples about is found in Matthew 24, verse 12. It was to guard against the state of their heart. Kindness and goodwill toward people have become so scarce that many have become unloving and cold-hearted. If we look at the world today we see our neighbors talking on cell phones, wearing audio headsets, or preoccupied with some sort of portable video game to avoid fellowshipping with one another. But what is really going on is that people are afraid of strangers because of the horrendous crimes being committed today on the streets and in the homes across the nation today. Some of the gruesome murders that are being committed today are the worst that one can imagine. Woman and children are being abducted and raped and killed every minute. Violence is in every corner of the globe and is continually growing day by day. These are indeed dangerous times. The message to the believers in Christ is that love bonds. It brings a sense of togetherness and a feeling of safety. In the last days, the followers of Christ are commanded to be known by their love for one another. This is the only way the heart will not grow cold. The fire of love must keep burning.

End Time Revealation

Wrath of World Government

Verses 9 and 10 describe the reaction of the world government to the people of Israel and the tribulation saints. The state of the world will be so evil and deceived that they will work to destroy those that stand up for the truth of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and you shall be hated by all nations for my namesake." The suggestion here is that two kingdoms will clash - the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God. Many of those who commit themselves to God wholeheartedly will become martyrs for Christ's sake. Some Christians will be betrayed by their own kindred and friends. But the commitment to die for the sake of Christ is nothing of which to be terrified because of the special power God will give to them that are willing to shed blood for him. In heaven there is a special reward for them that are martyrs.

Rise of Global Warfare

Verses 6 and 7 speak of a continuous and almost simultaneous atmosphere of global warfare. Today we see this happening all over the world, especially with Israel and those who wish to destroy her. The United States has been involved in a different kind of war involving terrorists and their brand of elusive warfare since September 11, 2001. Nevertheless the wars today are nothing compared to the wars that will happen during the tribulation period. This will be the most terrifying time in the history of mankind. There will be every kind of war imaginable, wars among ethnic groups, wars among communities and cities, and wars among nations. Unless God provides safety there will be nowhere to run and hide.

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Great Sorrow before Dramatic Change

Yet in Matthew 24, 1-14 verse, these scriptural passages only record the times of sorrow, lost, grief, and mourning. Jesus goes on to tell them potentially when the end of the world will occur.

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come."(V 14) Clearly Jesus Christ is stating that is an established time for the world to end. The gospel must be and is already being carried to every corner of the earth. But during the time of sorrow it will be accelerated by the people of God and by the angels of God. Only then will the world, as mankind knew it, experience a dramatic and overwhelming change. Many in the kingdom of God already believe that the time has come for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The knowledge of the gospel has been delivered throughout the world. Chapter twenty-four and versese1-14 may seem alarming and frightening, but for the followers of Christ it could mean only one thing: the deliverance of the Lord is on its way.


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