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The Power of Prayer - Jesus Healed Them All

Updated on February 9, 2020
Jackie Lynnley profile image

Jackie writes of her Christian beliefs always based from the Holy Bible that she tries to live by.

Jesus Did Not Once Fail

First and most importantly, Jesus never failed to heal for any reason. He healed multitudes wherever He went. He healed all who followed him for healing.

Once word got out about Jesus and His healing, multitudes came for healing. All were healed. Not most or many, but every single one.

Jesus is not to be pitied but revered. He did the job He came on earth to do.

You can see through scriptures to know prayer does work.

Learn how you should pray with confidence to believe what you ask.

I share with you a beautiful prayer a friend said for me and helped me through a very bad and painful time when faith was very hard to cling to.

Jesus was born and He died but we should not dwell only on that or feel sorry for the God of this universe, for He lives and is King, for eternity.

Jesus Healed Them All


God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.'

– Billy Graham

Jesus is Not Dead - He Rose Again


Jesus today and forever is all powerful. He is no longer a baby. He is no longer hanging on that cross.

Alive and Well on Planet Earth

This is how many see Jesus even today and yes it is a true story. One we cannot forget, for Jesus came to die once, so all could live forever. But Jesus has risen and lives in Heaven now. He is all powerful, He is God.

We remember Jesus as a baby at Christmas, we remember Him as this photo above dead or dying on the cross. Those are very important that He was born and that He died for our sins. That had to be!

The truth now is he has victory over death and He has given that to us. We need not fear death having everlasting life. We need not fear illness if we believe the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The supernatural birth of Christ, his miracles, his resurrection and ascension, remain eternal truths, whatever doubts may be cast on their reality as historica

~ David Friedrich Strauss

Pray Believing


The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is inside us.

Romans 8:11

Prayers From a Christian Heart Return God's Words Back to Him

"Heavenly Father, I lift up Jackie to You this day and I thank You that You are all knowing, all powerful and ever present and that You know all that is going on with Jackie.

I ask that You lay Your healing hands upon her, as I know You are able to heal her. I ask that You comfort her with Your peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding. I claim Your promises to prosper her and not to harm her but to give her hope and a future.

I thank You that no weapon formed against her shall prosper. I pray that You reveal to all doctors exactly what they need to see concerning Jackie and the blood clot. I thank You in advance for all that You are doing in Jackie's life.

I know how much she loves You and I know You know too. I thank You for Your promise to never leave her nor forsake her. I pray all these things in the sweet and precious and Holy Name of Jesus. Amen"

By His blood are we save, by His stripes we are healed.

We often tend to forget the two-fold blessing with Christ Jesus. He not only came to save us for all eternity but also to provide healing now.

Told to Sin No More

I really think there is no better gift than prayer. Even if I have no particular need I would always love prayer. When I do have a need I appreciate it so very much more.

For Christmas, anyone could give me a prayer instead of a material gift and I would love that so much more! For God to hear my name from someone asking for healing or blessing, what better gift could there be?

Theresa and I have been exchanging prayers for a few years now and even though this place we write is not the everyday activity it used to be and we are so busy away from here I still ask God often to take care of my friend and her beautiful family. I don't even have to ask her to know that she does the same for me, too.

Please take note of Theresa's prayer, for that is exactly how we should pray. You can put your faith in prayer such as hers. I am so pleased she sent it to me. I could put more faith in her prayers at this time than I could have any of my own. We should all have someone to share prayers with, I truly believe and to be praying for others that maybe have no idea we are praying for them. Churches praying for you is great too if that church believes in answered prayers. Believe it or not, many do not.

James 5:16 tells us to confess our wrongdoing one to another so that we ourselves may be healed!

So many wonderful scriptures such as this give insight to mysteries we might not otherwise see. This tells us that for our own healing, we should pray for others. How very right and Christ-like does that sound?

Not only praying for another to receive our own healing but confessing our wrongdoing. Sin can prevent our healing apparently and all the scriptures in the bible when Jesus heals and always says "sin no more" says it all!


Do you believe miraculous healing still exists?

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Jesus Victorious
Jesus Victorious | Source

Today we need to look at Jesus as victorious, the very way He will come back to us. We do not need to feel sorry for Him or cry for His pain or the price he paid for our sins. This was God's plan. It has been done and is over. Now He and we are victorious! We need to look at Him as he is! The Son of God in all His glory!

A Lesson Learned

At, I read something so amazing.

[An elderly Methodist lay preacher named Uncle Am always had assurance his prayer would be answered. A young preacher asked for his secret. He said, "Young man, learn to plead the promises of God." -D.L. Moody: "Every work of God can be traced to some kneeling form."]

The young preacher went on to say that when he himself prayed it was like to somewhere far away, along with the answer but when this older preacher prayed it was in the Spirit and in the now! He learned from this much older preacher to learn to plead the promises of God, or as I call it, sending God’s word back to Him.

He came to understand, as I did, to put his faith in the word of God because we cannot have faith in and of ourselves.

For healing, this is just a must!

First, we read the word and know the truth and then use that truth for our faith in all things but here it is for healing.

Jesus healed them all, the Bible tells us repeatedly. Jesus has not changed nor becomes less powerful. He is in power right beside God, our Father.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Jackie Lynnley


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