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Is There an "in Between?" Heaven Has Got Its Unknowability. How About a "Tween"? a Place That Is Mellow. Not Scary.

Updated on June 15, 2020
Christofers Flow profile image

Christofer spent 10 years in family counseling. Later he obtained a Psy. D.. His focuses: Health, History, Astrology, Politics and Fables

The Cosmos Is About Getting Through Development from Oceanic to Celestial

Remembering, Your Sinew. Grace in our Fate, Trying Always to Pull it Off!

"Dear Girl, you are facing the biggest mystery of all and confronting it honestly."

"You mean the fact that we can not remember any of this when we become human?"

"The sinew of man, the grace of our fate is that we can grow so mightily in one life that the heavens sing, all the way up to the Nameless.

Just because we don't remember doesn't mean we don't grow. In fact, its because we can't remember that we do grow. We build off of our Inner Collective Consciousness.

"In Between" The place Between Your Last Life and Your Should BE??

The melodious lanes of the "Metaphysicalodrome" literally do sing. Up in this realm, excuse me, I should not say "up". It's a place that metaphysically speaking is not up or down; but is in a dimension in between.

The singing lanes, the floating birds of turquoise and pink, and the pets. Oh, the place is full of prancing dogs and dignified cats; and chimps that don't screech, they just smile and hang from tree branches. I do have this mound of gray hair. Oh well. The attendants are noteworthy, not because of their outer perfection and attractiveness, but their inner serenity.

Grand Central Station of the Celestial

Being in this dimension, I don't really have an age. I am intercepting so many souls from so many eras that I am conversant in all of human history, if that tells you anything.

This is the place that no one remembers when they are on earth, but its a place where everyone comes and then leaves. We call our clients, "Precious Treasures" and "Precious Travelers". Every human here is either on their way down to earth, or returning to another dimension after a life on earth. We can only theorize, and even that's frowned upon. Our job is to work with our clients, here and now in this nameless metaphysical dimension that I call "Tween".

Coming Together in "Tween"

The Travelers are going into physical manifestation. The Treasures are returning from physical manifestation. Excuse me, I have to get back to work. As you can see, they are both "Precious" because the Essence is Precious. The intrinsic value of humankind is utter preciousness. Their tasks are arduous, so they need to be reminded, while in this strange realm just how beautiful they are.

"Yeah, but i am Mikey from Schenectady"

The ones returning from a life on earth, the Treasures are still locked into their subjectivity. They think they are Mikey from Schenectady, their nationality, their occupation, their roles, their passions, their identities. It's hard to talk people out of that mind set. They have to clear, go up into the Nameless, then integrate their lessons and then return again.

The Travellers have been cleared, in some cases for centuries (earth time) have been to the Nameless and are now ready to dive into a new set of human experiences based upon their desires, their lessons, their destiny.

"Old age allows you to separate slowly. When you die suddenly, we have to spend more time with people like you, before you go on to the Nameless. Go ahead and cry. Just go ahead."

"How Did You Know I loved Humming Birds..."

"Hey, how did you know, I loved humming birds and Chihuahua's? That looks like me, that little kid there with the ball." Mikey stood with a renewed burst of energy.

Le's drop our fear and anxiety because that was a product of your brain, and yet embracing all of what you went through, because every last bit of it - your fights, your rages, your agonies, your laughs and loves and happy "sillynesses",- they all wrap up into what you call your life. It is here you reconcile yourself to all of that, and conclude many things about yourself.

"And then that's it?"

Back from the Beyond


She placed her elegant hand on my shoulder. I'm from the beyond, and I am back for another life. I am supposed to seek out this old Hermit looking guy. Are you it?"

"Aha, you're a Precious Treasure. I referenced my laptop. You are back from the Beyond, and are ready for your next life. Based upon all of the integration you have been doing, it looks like your next life is going to be very victorious for you. It will be challenging."

"I know, I have heard. But then they said, we forget all of this and just start out as new babies."

I had us sit down. We got some light crackers that were sweet. She munched, she was displeased. "This is deeply psychic. You will remember your strength and power, your sense of inner rectitude. But it will be more of a feeling. The Human Species is very resilient."

"is it normal to be frightened?"

"Yes, frightened means you understand the importance of a life well lived -- a conscious existence in which you are always exploring your potential and ways to give of yourself. If people only knew how much divine power has been expended on their life of aeons!"

"Have you ever been a Human?"

She looked at the scores of people walking and smiling with their attendants. "Have you ever been a human?"

A Shakespeare Quote: From Women's Eyes A Doctrine I Derive!

"From women's eyes this doctrine I derive:

They sparkle still the right Promethean fire;

They are the books, the arts, the academes,

That show, contain, and nourish all the world."

—Berowne in Love's Labor's Lost

© 2012 Christofer French


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