The Real Key To Having A Favorable New Year
The Real Key To Have a Favorable New Year
“For as high as the heavens are above the earth , so great is his love for those who fear him ; as far as the east is from west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.”
Psalm 103:11-13
“But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children – with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.”
Psalm 103: 17-18
To whom love and mercy of God rests ?
Of course to those people who fear God greatly and careful to obey God’s precepts in their lives.
Tragedies and adversities visit the lives of the ungodly, and the ungodly curse and hate God for their misfortune. In the first place they have no any single reason to hate God for the tragedies that befall them since they never honor him and never care to obey His precepts.
Living in disobedience apart from obeying the precepts of God is living a very dangerous life. For it is a life apart from the mercy, love and favor of God.
In our modern time, wherein wickedness is at its height, many people don’t fear God anymore. They don’t regard His commandments anymore. They live immoral and perverse lives apart from the ways and will of God. They live carelessly satisfying their sinful cravings and lustful desires. That is why they experience tragedies in life because God’s favor does not rest upon them.
The best way to live our earthly life is to live in godly fear of the Lord. It implies living a life of obedience and reverence to all God’s precepts and commandments as they are revealed in His Holy Word. This is the ultimate key to perfect security and real favor in life. Fearing God means we fear His wrath to fall on us as it is written it is such a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.. This is one thing that we should fear the most, the wrath and judgement of God. God’s judgement will fall on a disobedient generation. To escape the judgement of God we must be careful enough to live in obedience to Him. God’s love and mercy abounds to those who fear Him, but His wrath is on the disobedient.
But sad to say in our time, even among Christians there is no much “fear of the Lord” in their hearts. Many Christians fall into fornication before marriage and many marrieds have still extra marital affairs. That’s why judgement is coming to them. Though they may enjoy their “sins:” for awhile, it will take away peace from their hearts and minds. They will live in guilt and strife.
But those who remain firm on fearing the Lord and obeying Him faithfully will be shown great favor and mercy. They will live peacefully and in perfect confidence. The ungodly live in constant distress and troubles for they live apart from the ways of God..The Lord is the true source of confidence in living. He is the true source of protection even though you are living amidst great dangers. And He is the true source of all blessings in life.
Now, the New Year is about to enter, lucky charms and superstitions abound regarding the New Year. They say you must prepare round fruits on your table so that you will have a prosperous New Year . You must wear dresses with polka dots , so that you will have more money to come in the coming year. They say that all your containers must be full so that you have one whole year of prosperity..
But for us who trust in the living God, our key to a favorable year ahead is by continuing to live in the “fear of the Lord” , obeying all His precepts in His Word. This is the ultimate key to receive favor from the Lord and the ultimate key to have a favorable New Year,