The Real Reason for This Human Experience
The Real Reason for this Human Experience
Please Read this Before we Begin. Scripture requires each individual to “Do not be Deceived”. So I caution you to remember to not believe what I or any Other man try to teach you until and unless it is confirmed to you PERSONALLY by scripture and the Holy Spirit of God as TRUTH.
The writer will answer for what he writes but only YOU will answer for what YOU believe.
Why do we have to work to provide food when it was supplied in the Garden.
Have you ever wondered why we have to endure this human existence if we wish to have life in the eternal kingdom of God?
Lets look at the scripture and find the reason for this. We find that God created man and that man is the apple of His eye. He gave man a free will, knowing that he might mess it up. And sure enough Adam messed it all up for all of us who were to become his descendants. He did what man (with FEW exceptions) always does, he chose to follow man, he listened to man (his wife) instead of God. (Man was created male and female) Genesis 3:17
His punishment was he forfeited his eternal life that he was born with by disobeying God. He ate the fruit of the forbidden tree his wife brought to him. As the authority over everything on the earth and as the protector of his wife he should have said ”no I will not eat it , God said no”. So since God told him he must die if he ate that fruit He had to die. (death, Real death, is eternal separation from God, yes it includes what is in this world is physical death as well). Because he was created with eternal life (in the image of the eternal God) his body had to be reprogrammed to die at some point. What he did not realize because he did not think of the consequences of his action before he ate, was that as he was the first and only man created so all future man would inherit his genes'. So not only would he have to die but he has destined DEATH to all future man. Not sin, which is present in the heart of all man. Apostate man teach that he imparted sin but God says he imparted death. ( and Jesus says He came to give us the opportunity to retrieve our eternal life) Adam has given away our heritage of eternal life. Then for the error of listening to his wife who was not created as a new thing out of the dust but as a part of his body making her a part of him and not an equal as many teach. To be equal she would have had to be created out of dust as he was. God says in scripture that she was created as a helpmate and companion for him. Apostate man (and some corrupt bibles)teach she was an equal to him, but God says otherwise . REMEMBER THE FRUIT OF THE FORBIDDEN TREE CONTAINED THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL and God had said everything he created was GOOD. He did not want man to know there was evil, but when He created all things, He had created also a tempter in case the man decided not to obey him as He knew he would. The purpose of the tempter was to see if the man would disobey him, to prove whether r not he would follow God in ALL circumstances. See, God knew the heart of man, being a free spirit so to speak, that he would fall for temptation and God cannot temp anyone so He created one hat could..
Now since the serpent the liar from the beginning, Eve, and Adam had all done evil and since Adams evil, opened the door to the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL The knowledge of evil as well as good was released on the earth man becomes responsible to recognize which is which and will be held accountable for any evil (sin) in which he is involved.
So God, according to His word, had to punish those involved.
To the serpent he cursed it with several curses. That are not important here.
To the Woman He made life more difficult because she listened to the serpent, ate the fruit and misled her husband. Her added difficulty are explained here.
Gen 3:16 16To the woman He said: "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children;
Your desire shall be for your husband,
And he shall rule over you."
She will now suffer through what is to be her greatest satisfaction, the birth of children.
She will desire the authority of Her husband, she will wish she is him, has his authority. Remember He is God's authority in the home. AND HE shall RULE OVER YOU, He is in charge and has the Authority of God in their relationship
Gen 3:17-19 17Then to Adam He said, "Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat of it':
"Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life. 18Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you,
And you shall eat the herb of the field. 19In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken;
For dust you are,And to dust you shall return."
God cursed the Ground because of Adam's sin, to make his life more difficult, in other words the ground will not longer be rich, he will have to provide nourishment to the ground also to make it provide food for them., he also no longer will care for the garden Adam will have to weed it and care for it. He will also have to work to provide the bread they eat even the herbs will be up him to provide. As long as there is man he will have to work hard to supply food for his family because Adam listened to his wife and disobeyed God. Note this men. Look at Ahab and Jezebel for the extreme that happens when men abdicate their responsibilities. You alone are YOUR wife's Protector, you must protect her and many times it is from herself , her desires that are not of God. That is why you must not marry a non believer, her desires are not of God and she does not understand.
Then we come to Noah
As we go on from the garden as men are born and the population grows we find there comes a day when God looks at the earth and man that he has created and told to go and populate the earth have all turned away from Him and are ALL now evil and He is devastated. The man that are so dear to his heart have ALL turned away from Him and are doing whatever feels good to them. (like where the world today is soon to be).
God is angry and decides to destroy every living thing, His experiment has been a disaster. But then He sees and recognizes Noah a man perfect in his day, the only man on earth to follow God. God had said when he finished the creation that all was good and that he was done with creating so he could not create any new man. But He found one man that He could trust to start over and build a new citizenry.
He then gave the task of saving mankind to Noah, He gave him instructions, fully detailed on how to survive the coming flood. But Noah had to do it. And scripture tells us that “ALL the Lord God required of Noah He did”. He was given 120 years to prepare for a flood that would destroy every living thing on the earth, while he, his family and the animal breeding pairs needed to repopulate the earth after the flood had done its work were safe aboard this great ship he was to build. It is Interesting that there was no means of propulsion or steering on that great ship, where it went and where it ended up was all at the mercy of God, requiring that Noah still trust God completely to be saved. As he put the finishing touches on and loaded the ark God told him it was time and they all went aboard. God shut the door on them and then the flood came and did it works. Every living thing, animal, Person, tree, bush, herb every living thing on the earth died. The only thing not destroyed were the creatures in the sea (they were not capable of living ON the earth and therefore could have no responsibility in polluting it) and those in the ark.
Now you must note that nothing has been said about the wife and sons and daughters in law of Noah about them being righteous or Godly. They were saved because they were Noah's children and wife.
In the new testament age where we live we still have that protection for our children but now it is only valid until they come of age to make their own decision on whether or not to follow God. This does not provide salvation to the unbelieving souse but only to the children of the believer. The family of Noah was not pure before God but were allowed entry to the newly cleansed earth by their relationship to Noah. Since they were not all pure before God as was Noah, there was some measure of evil allowed into the newly cleansed earth which we see from scripture has been growing and is soon to reach a level that will require God to once again cleanse the earth. As He did with the flood. He has promised to never again use a flood to destroy everything but says He will use fire this time. Many people teach eternal Judgement, the earth being destroyed by fire, heaven, hell but the scripture do not say these things. Eternal judgment is only applied to satan and some of his demons. The earth is not destroyed by fire just the unrighteous of mankind are (in the lake of Fire). No one goes to heaven or hell. Heaven will be empty and hell or more correctly hades is where the dead have been waiting to be resurrected to attend the judgment and it will be cast into the lake of fire with satan as there is no more need for it. Rev 20:10, Rev 20:14
But scripture is clear, those that are not sons of God at the judgment will be cast into the lake of fire for their destruction, this is the second death. The evil is removed from the earth by the lake of fire consuming them. Those that remain, the sons of God inherit this earth and the new earth. Then they are at some point in this, changed into eternal beings, that is the end of this earth and mankind. During this age God lives in heaven,. After this heaven and earth have passed away the new heaven and earth come down from heaven, God moves His throne ( Rev. 21:1-6) onto the new earth where he then spends eternity living with and among His sons as He did in the Garden before Adam disobeyed Him and was cast out,
This time the end of the age, is the end of this earth and of mankind, We have two stories given to us by Jesus, one of two gates and two paths and The other is the story that speaks of “ as it was in the days of Noah”. Jesus gave these to those who can see things Spiritually. Carnal man can not see the depth and seriousness of these stories. They are, I believe the most important stories Jesus ever used to teach us.
The reason that each must stand on their record alone at judgment
Remember The whole purpose of this life is because God gave man a free will and man as a whole chooses to not follow God which God knew man might do The eternal kingdom of God is a place of peace and joy and love and NO EVIL SHALL ENTER, so this life is to, as Jesus said, separate those of God ( those that will follow God through Jesus alone in this age, and faithfully) from those of man ( those that follow man or try to follow God and man).
This way only those who really and freely choose to become sons of God in whom there is no evil as they have chosen to repent of it and change their ways and to follow only God's ways, are separated and inherit the eternal kingdom of God insuring no evil enters. Because one evil person getting through would corrupt the rest, that is why it says few will make it. Proof of this the only person that God said was perfect that He saved in the flood was Noah. His wife and sons and their wives were saved because of Noah. They were as the scripture would say, a little leaven, and over a short period there were once again many evil man on the earth. This time is the last chance for mankind, each and every person stands alone before God and Only those that by their own life meet the qualifications set forth by Christ the Lord of this age will enter, there are no more chances and No questionable people will make it in. The requirements are very strict but most people do not believe it because instead of following Christ and His rules they CHOOSE to follow the wide comfortable path of the church system where they can find a church and pastor that is the correct one. It is the correct one for them because when they choose it they have chosen not to follow God through Christ alone and have made their choice and sealed their fate unless before they die they repent and change.
This life is to set the stage for God's eternal kingdom where He desires to once again live with and among His children. Those that as His firstborn, Jesus, have no sin in them, for eternity, forever, time without end. There is no measure of time there.
As God is pure, so must the inhabitants of His eternity, to avoid at some point the evil once again overtake the kingdom.
God has shown by the record of the lives of man, what the deceitful unredeemed heart of man is capable of and has also shown by the life of Jesus what a real son of God is capable of.
Man now has no excuse, he has a choice become a real son of God, His way, or he is not going to enter His pure eternal kingdom because he will pollute it as man has this earth. That is the reason for the new heaven and earth to come down from God from heaven where He lives until after the judgment. Man has so corrupted this earth that He cannot set foot on it. He wants to live with His sons, so he creates a new undefiled heaven and earth so that He can join us and live with and among His beloved sons ( male and female).
Remember mankind is finished at the judgment, the sons are changed into spiritual eternal beings that we can not understand fully in this age.
This is why we must not allow apostate man (the agents of the deceiver) to deceive us and keep us from inheriting our heritage, eternal life as sons of God.(male and female)
May God bless all that choose to follow Christ alone in this final age of man.
Charles Lafoe
copyright 7/3/2018 To keep it free
May be freely shared without changes.