The Road To Becoming A Warrior Part 11
If everything is in your head then it is all just parlour tricks of the mind. I could eventually put down astral projection to the mind alone. When you feel that just knowing, you really don’t know any more than you did before you entered the state. But it is very blissful and peaceful. Almost as good as going on vacation.
But the techniques are very good at giving you peace of mind eventually and helping you fight off those inner demons. It is not a waste of time in the least just for that alone.
But it turned out that levitation was not the only way I could prove to myself that mind and the totality were connected. For a good part of my journey I took the shamanistic rout and experimented with Native spiritual herbs. It was on one occasion that I had my most dramatic experience from a “spiritual” perspective. It was an out of body experience I did with another person. I recount the event in my book: Yes it’s all about me.
We came away from that experience with a mental connection which we verified several times. That night I had an experience where I spoke through another person. It’s wasn’t as dramatic as it sounds. I was in my room some distance from the phone. I heard it ring. In my mind I saw another person near the phone. They picked it up. I knew who it was on the other end. In my mind I directed the person who answered the phone to make arrangements to meet with the person who had called for the next day. To my astonishment, as I thought it, he said it word for word.
The next day I went to the appointment. The person who answered the phone the night before was asleep and never gave me the message. The person who I met asked how I knew they were going to call; since I had obviously left instructions with someone to set up this meeting. I changed the subject.
After that out of body experience as well as the other aspects of the journey that day I ran around with a sun blazing in the back of my head for months.
I also had a dream where in a good friend forgave a debt I owed him and gave me a message for his brother. I woke to the phone ringing and the news that he had gone over the bridge and died that night. I had another such dream as well.
Hard to explain the feeling of having a vivid dream only to wake up to news that verifies the dream. Again, I go in to detail about my experiences in my book.
So were all those experiences just in my head? I have come to see these experiences as not supernatural, but natural having to do probably with the relationship between the brain/thought, and the quantum world’s place in the thought process. Roger Penrose, a prominent physicist, seems to think quantum processes are where thought originates. I wouldn’t go that far just yet. But I cannot help but think that it is far more likely than not that the quantum has a great deal to do with thought.
There are atoms leaving our body all the time. Is it possible that we can encode them, or that they are automatically encoded by being part of this system? There is a hypothesis, for instance, that traumatic emotion could be recorded on material surfaces like rock or the walls of a house. It is possible to record images and sound on many surfaces. It is the same technology as used in VCRs and tapes.
So the idea is that since the recording was made by a mind, a susceptible or similar mind could play it back. That might explain many haunting. A lot of poltergeist experiences are said to originate with troubled children. Could it be that the mind is capable of manipulating the material world through imprinting strong emotion?
I don’t know. But it seems to be a more logical explanation than most and certainly a natural one.
And really when you think of it the human is just a mass of atoms in a particular configuration. From that perspective it would be impossible to tell what is the human and what is the outside world. There are also things like quantum entanglement to consider. There is a lot more to learn and study. I am certainly am not suggesting any of what I have said here is fact. I do not know what my experiences with what others might call the paranormal mean in practical terms and I am willing to leave it at that for now. All I know is I had them.
My opinion is, and I want to be careful again to say it is not my belief but just my speculative guess, is that whatever the explanation actually is, it will turn out to be a natural one, not a supernatural one.
The one thing that strikes me is that every Eastern philosophy and religion stress the fact that all things are intimately connected. The other place we hear this from is science. Every branch of science points to the connectedness of all things. In meditation and in some of those higher states you feel the connection with the all. Science verifies it. And as I say, not just one branch of science but all branches of science.
The masters tell us that enlightenment can come at any time from any trigger, and for all of us it is different. For me, a moment of enlightenment came when I was told about the laws of conservation. It tells us everything we need to know in many ways. It explains human behaviour as well as the behaviour of atoms. For me this one piece of information was like being handed the secrets of the universe on a silver platter. It was really a religious experience.
Over the years studying science I became a materialist. That is to say, materialism in my opinion is the best model we have of reality. There is but one substance, energy/matter. All things are made from it. There is nothing else. The spiritualists used to say energy was spirit and matter was base material. But Einstein made a most remarkable discovery: Energy and matter are the same thing in different form. Much like ice, liquid water and water vapour are all the same thing in different form: H2O. So the spiritualists were wrong, it seems.
How much more intimately connected can we get? In the sense of Eastern philosophy the source could be considered to be energy/matter or more properly energy/mass. One of the interesting facts of science is that energy/mass cannot be created or destroyed. In that light there is no need for another source.
Is there one? That’s speculation. But energy is not, and it has all the properties that make it the perfect candidate for the source. So for now that’s all we can say with certainty.
To me, science is the next step in the quest for enlightenment. Yes, there is still more to it all.