What is a Self-Righteous Christian?
Why are Believers made righteous?
I was led to a hub page written by an atheist last week. 'Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.' (Websters Dictionary) I am not sure why I choose to read the authors protocol about Christians. I suppose I was curious as to his way of thinking. I was probably as 'lost' as he is, about his understanding of 'Christians' and the church, as I was about his unbelief. He broadsided Christianity out of the water with 'his own thinking'.
There is no possible way one can understand where we 'Christians' come from without the presence of the Holy Spirit in and on them. When one is 'born again' into Gods family they are a Child of God and filled with the Holy Spirit. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God to lift us, teach and guide us. Children of God learn and grow in wisdom and understanding of Christ. Just as a child learns to tie shoes and put on clothes. 'We believers' grow in the Knowledge of Christ. Just as people grow in knowledge of their career. Our Faith comes by hearing the written Word of God
This gentlemen believes we 'Christians' are a religion and are a 'self righteous' lot. He wonder's how we claim to wear the 'armor of God' which makes us all 'religious?' Yes, we do wear the armor of God by choice. By Faith In Gods word we know we are coverd in the armor. The Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness. We carry the Shield and wear the Buckler. We carry the Sword, which is the, 'Name of Jesus.' Gods armor helps us to fight our battles. We have spiritual battles against powers and principalities of darkness. The evil in the World. I do not think there is any rebuttle on that one all we have to do is look out the window and see the evil and darkness. One could not understand spiritual principles unless they are born again of the Spirit of God. Christians believe in Gods Word and aspire to walk in His word and share the Good News of Salvation and living abundant life. Christianity is not a religion but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We Christians do not claim to be self-righteous.
Unfortunate, there are certain individuals or groups that come off as self righteous as any group or self centered individual, but we 'Christians' are made Righteous by the Blood shed on the Cross at Calvary by Jesus Christ. It is by the Blood of the Lamb that we are forgiven our sins. We make errors and we make mistakes. We are sinners. We lie, cheat, and steal. I lie, cheat, steal. I am not perfect. There is only one perfect His name is God. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I imagine an atheist reading this may think this hub to be a foreign language just as I would think about evolution and molecules and the non existence of God to be foreign. There is a major difference in our belief's, there is no evidence that there is not a God. For thousands of years individuals or groups have tried to prove this non existence of God and it can not, nor has it been proven. Contrary, there is evidence God was, is and will always be and that He is alive. The evidence is found in prophecy that has come to pass and was written thousands of years ago.
I wonder why atheists, since they do not believe don't just ignore Jesus and let it be? You could just ignore Him and let the wicked ones tell us we offend them by our Merry Christmas or setting up a Nativity scene on public property. If you do not want the Godly life why is it that you write about one ? It seems to me that something is stirring inside of you to spend your oxygen to write about us Christians, being self righteous and religious.
God did give us free will to choose to believe in Him or not. May our Lord touch these individuals that do not believe. There is hope, until there is none. Religion is a man made dogma and how the 'denomination or religion' chooses to interpret the Word of God. Many from the pulpit twist scripture to suit themselves, which is wrong. Many will change scripture to fit their own agenda to draw others to the church. Many go to church to say they went and are good Christians only to spend that hour with the Lord. There are numerous scenarios.
True Christians are made righteous only because Jesus died on the cross for our sins so we could be made pure as snow and forgiven our sins. It does not mean we have no sin. We have sin just like everyone on the planet. God is the only one without sin. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You see we Christians have the 'fear of the Lord' because we want to walk like Him and be made Holy for Him. The fear is we can not do it good enough. God understands and loves us still. We do not earn brownie points with God. We want to share goodness because of the love of God in us, because He loved us first. We Reverence our Holy Father. We choose not to be in the darkness but walk in the Light. It does not mean we think we are perfect and without error. Many will have the 'fear of God' that do not believe. It is written many will want mountains to fall on them because they have denied Jesus Christ as Lord.
Christians have a sixth sense a God consciousness. The power of the Holy Spirit is in us and stirs our hearts to lead and direct us in the way to go. The Bible is a letter for those that choose to open it and hear the word. Not all have eyes to see and ears to hear. The word is inspired by God and written by man inspired by the Holy Spirit to show us how to live. We know God was, is and always will be, by His Living Word. Much Prophecy, told over 5,000 years ago has come to pass. We have been 'foretold of all these things to come.' We know what is to come. Now some may have a different view because of teaching which is sad but true. Scripture is clear on events to come and many have come. We Christians are told we will be persecuted as Jesus was for His names sake. The name of Jesus. Many have died martyrs and many continue to die martyrs because they love the Lord God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One Unity, three different persons and three jobs in the God Head.
I do not write this so you will understand. I write as led by the Spirit in me. I pray that whomever comes may be touched with the Love of Christ. If you do not believe there is a reason you have read this far. Nothing is impossible with God and maybe your heart will be stirred? You may tell me to go jump in the lake or you may choose to read on.
Mr. Atheist and proud. You have no idea I read your hub on 'the Atheist.' I could not think of a comment. My mind was blank at the time. You have no problem in sharing with others, so I do not think you will have an issue with my hub if you should come over for a read and go figure.
I do not write because I am all that, but because I have a commission to share the Good News of Salvation and abundant life, with others. God wants none to perish. There are many that do not believe. I can only pray unbelievers consider a life with Christ. I know the misery I suffered until I asked Jesus into my heart. I had no peace. I felt like a lost child wandering around wondering what to be when I grew up. Nothing I tried filled the hole inside of me. Very few that I know of including me, went to God for help because they were riding a pink cloud or whistling 'Dixie.' Most went because they were near death or depressed or in deep do do. They were at the bottom of their pit. The 'world' and the 'system' was not working for them. Many were lonely, addicts. prostitutes, porn freaks, killers, liars, thief's, alcoholics, atheists, molesters, robbers, con artists, evil, broke and busted, heartbroken, confused, angry or bitter and sinners. We are all sinners. Jesus came for the sinners!!! All of His creation.
I have my defects of character. I have issues. Life is not lalways a walk on primrose lane. I love the Lord God and it is by His loving grace, mercy, kindness I stand today and live. I do have Gods word and promise. He is the only guarentee. Everything changes people change, companies change. God has not and does not change. He is the same. He is no respector of people. Who ever invites Him into their heart in sincerity will be a Child of Almighty God.
By all rights I should be dead. I am humble. I am meek. I do not deserve all that I have been given. I have a Blessed life. Joy. peace, love, gentleness, meekness, self control, kindness. No one can take my gifts of the spirit away unless I hand them over. No matter where we 'Christians' stand or sit we have a choice to receive the promises that Christ will always care for His Children. He is the Father and loves His Kids. He does not lie or change His mind. Thank God we do not have to earn brownie points for a ticket to heaven. If that were the case NO ONE would go into the pearly gates. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. No matter how far down one has gone, Jesus will come and live in you and loves you. He twists no arms but waits at the door, if you knock Jesus will answer. He is a gentlemen and does not force one into HIs house. One must choose with the free will He gives to each one of us.
To Clarify, a "Christian' is only made righteous by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Gods son who was sent to the world to die for all of our sins. Which will it be? Forgiven and eternal life with, The Lord God or suffer death which is eternal separation from the Father, for all of eternity? Jesus died a brutal death so we could live and have life more abundant and not perish. John 10:10.Our 'spirits' go to Paradise when we pass from this planet. We go to one side or the other. Hell or Heaven. (Revelation) Know Jesus, Know Peace. No Jesus, No Peace.
To love God or not to love Him is a choice. If you do not love Him, you love yourself and the enemy, the devil who is Satan is thrilled, he has the non believer. God waits and will come for you. He defeated the enemy on the cross for you and I. Satan has a purpose to take all and any away from the true Savior. He hates that God loves ALL of His Creation. Satan has a purpose to steal, kill and destroy. If one looks out the blinds you can clearly see He is large at work. He is doomed to hell and knows His time is getting shorter he knows it and is working faster and harder to deceive many and harden hearts against Christ. He and his followers are doomed to the pit of Hell one day.
We make reservations for the next life, in this life. After this life guess what the reservation is already made. Christians do not claim to be all that. We do wear the 'armor of God' and sing 'Glory to God'. We share with others the good news of Salvation. 'God sent His only Son. God in human flesh to be born of a Virgin Mary to save us from our sins'. Matthew Chapter verse 15 to 25. The little baby born in a manger was not some hypo, theatrical DNA formed from a molecule. His name is Jesus Christ. His name also means Emmanuel, 'God with us' No one has to earn a place in Heaven. No one would make it if that were the case. We are made pure as snow because of the Blood of Jesus who died on the cross for us at Calvary over 2,000 years ago. Jesus is going to return. 'Every knee will bow and confess with his mouth He is Lord.' Isaiah 45:43. Many will want mountains to fall on them because they are so ashamed they denied the son of God. It is written.
I noticed in your hub the numerous comments. There was only one comment I saw out of many that were for God, unless I missed something. I wept for the lost. I recall how painful it was and how grateful I am today. For the most part all were passing the breath around spending time about the 'self righteous' Christian. God knows each and every heart. He knows where we come from.
We have a choice to believe in whatever we choose, but unless 'born again' John 3:16 the pearly gates will not be open for you. Does this make me self righteious? No I am sharing the truth as commissioned by God. I gladly gave up my misery for Christ. Now I know the truth. Life makes sense. It is written for us. There are no guessing games to go figure. Jesus is teh ticket to the pearly gates. It is written in the oldest text around. Most of what has been written has come to pass. The rest will come to pass. The 'world' is not going to get all better. Sorry to burst any bubble;s. Children of God will be protected. You can throw pies at me. I do not mind. There is one that has all power God. His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who dwell in us.
This does not mean, 'we do not make errors or not suffer hard times. We do, we know by faith Jesus will be with us. We do not walk alone. Growing up is not easy. It is a journey, but there is no greater joy. that I have found then knowing Jesus' I thought I was having fun, that was a joke. I was dying and lonely. I was bitter not better. I was lost then found. I am eternally grateful.
Do not tell anyone you were never told, if you do not believe and are reading this hub of love. I pray for the 'lost'. I was there. I am human so I do get sad and angry and upset. I get happy, and need money and want nice things. I have provision. God supplies my needs. He desires all to live in the Blessing. I am human, born of the seed of Adam in line with his genealogy. I try to do better because God loved me first and I love Him. With His help all things are possible. I aspire to do His work and serve Him. I tell others what he has done for me. He saved my life and has Blessed me beyond measure. He has a home for His Children prepared in Heaven to spend eternity. There is not pain, not suffering and not tears. If one denies Jesus, He will be denied, by the Father God Heaven. Matthew 10:33. It is all written in the letter God gave to us.
The past, present and future. God says do not be deceived, 'I have told you all things'. Christ is going to return, after the Anti Christ. The enemy tries to play the fiddle and be God. He will do signs and wonders, but he is false. He is a louse. He was thrown from Heaven for wanting to be God. He is a fallen, slick, sly angel. He is evil and lures to and fro to devour and deceive.
Christians are righteous because Christ died for our sins and His Blood has us covered. Self righteous well I suppose one can certainly act that way or come off that way no matter the 'religion' or 'belief' I think it is a 'worldly' trait to be self seeking and self absorbed. Children of God do not depend on our selves. Thank God we do not have to. We blow it many times we work at being better. We have a Saviour and have a heart change. We have a helper. He paid a huge price so we could be free. I thank God because my ways availed me heartache, pain and shame. I have a living God to call on and He is always there. I have a peace and joy the world can not give. My life changed when I did not have to manage it on my own self thinking or self accomplished gain. By Faith, Gods Children are saved unto Grace and made in right standing with God the Father. We did not earn it. We asked the son Jesus into our hearts and repented of our sin. It is a free gift for all.
Many tell us Christians, they are offended by our self righteous ways. Sharing truth to help others from hell is not self righteous. Say we 'Christians' are right. Say you try the Jesus thing. One day you will be very thankful you heard the message.
No one asked Christians how they felt when asked to refrain from saying Merry Chrisms or putting up a manger in a public arena lest we offend a religious group, that do not believe. It matters little because we will continue to fight the Good fight for the cause of Christ. God is love who would not want love? The enemy of God is evil. Look around. Take off the blinders. God wants no one to perish. He has given us a commission to share the Good News of Salvation and abundant life. If one receives it beautiful, if not that is not our dilemma. Christians are seed planters. We are told by Jesus to wipe the dust from the feet and move on, if not received. We know we will be rejected, just as Christ was. The name of Jesus, saves and keeps us.
Self righteous not' we Christians' are God conscious. Jesus who shed His Blood for us so we would not perish. Personally I do not think Christians are offended that our vote does not count with many. We know where our treasures await us. We know our future is in eternal life in the light. do not need to prove to any that we are not a self righteous lot. Christ knows our hearts. We have our work cut out for us to carry the commission for Christ, In joy and love we do so with discernment. Without Christ it is impossible to understand. We know we are sinners and are forgiven. We realize we all fall short of, 'the Glory of God.' Christians included. We honor God and stand for God. We are not ashamed of our Lord and His Word. We know the truth we share the truth.I suppose that is why we have a label of 'self righteous Christians' with a certain lot.
The Lord God helps us to stand and it is by our Faith in Him that we know we are not alone. We know by Faith, He will never leave nor forsake us. We know where we go when we pass form this 'Ole' earth. Is this self seeking to desire to share the Good news so our neighbors do not perish? All scripture is inspired by God and we are not alone in 'the 'world' to fight our battles. Those that believe in Him will live and have eternal life in Heaven and not perish and suffer eternal torment. The light always puts out the dark. If one has not read the Bible then how could one be intent and sure there is no God? One must have eyes to see and ears to hear. Jesus Christ freely gives them to us in His Word. To understand and get wisdom and knowledge Jesus needs to be in the heart.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night. You are loved by an awesome God.
© Copyright Skye Tudae
The Song below reminds me of the attitude of a Believer In Jesus Christ, son of God. It is beautiful and lovely. Be Blessed today and always. All Glory to God! I Love You + + +. Jesus Loves You.