The Story of Sant Ravidaas and the Goddess Ganga whom she sent the gift of Kangan through Brahman
This story of Ravidaas shows how the showers of blessings of God or Goddess on the selfless saints or noble persons for the welfare of human kind.
Once a Brahman was going for pilgrimage on pious Ganga River. His shoes were broken. So he has to go to Sant Ravidaas for repairing , as his profession was to mend the shoes. He was Chamar by cast and Casticism was in progress.
There was no respect for lower casts. Brahman told him that he is going for pilgrimage on Ganga River, and his shoes had broken and repair them. The Brahman asked him to go for pilgrimage and also taunted as low casts could not go for pilgrimage.
Ravidaas repaired his shoes and he gave Damri for his labour. Damri was a small coin for dealing. Ravidaas returned it to Brahman for the gift of Goddess Ganga.
The Brahman went to Goddess Ganga River. He took bath there and after performing rituals he was about to return as there was no value of Ravidaas's Damri. But Goddess Ganga asked for Damri as Ravidaas had given for her, by drawing her hand into the water and the Brahman put that Damri on the hand of goddess Ganga.
She gave a precious gift of Kangan of Diamonds for Sant Ravidaas. Brahman was greedy. He thought that he would give this Kangan to King and he would give so much money, in place of this Kangan. He directly went to the king to give the Kangan to king.
The king appreciated that kangan and gave it to his Queen. The Queen demanded the other that type of Kangan. The Brahman was asked for the other Kangan. Brahman said that you should made it from your treasure Gold Smith. The Gold Smith told that there is no diamonds like this Kangan. This type of Kangan cannot be made.
The king asked the Brahman to bring that type of Kangan in any way, other wise he would be sentenced to death. The Brahman afraid of that type of situations.
He went to Saint Ravidaas. He told all the story that was happened and his mentality and the punishment that the king would give if he would not give that type of Kangan to king as Goddess Ganga had given for you, he would sentenced me death. Then Ravidaas pray to Goddess Ganga for That type of Kangan and Goddess Ganga appeared in Kathoti. Kathoti is that type of pot where water is placed for the dip of shoes for repairing. Ravidaas said, "Man changa to kathoti me Ganga. " There was a kangan of diamonds in kathoti. Sant Ravidaas gave that kangan to Brahman and in this way he escaped from death.
This story shows that true saints are far from the greediness and materialistic world. Do the work honestly and help the others is the motive of saints. God always remains with them.There is no Casticism in the empire of God.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
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