The Two Churches
The Two Churches
We as Christians must realize that there are two churches in the world.
One (actually many, all denominational and many others) that professes to be the church of Jesus Christ and one that IS the church of Jesus Christ. Of course there are many others, but since they do not profess to be related to Jesus they are of no concern to us and we will not address them.
Most Christians are looking for God to change the current worldly churches into Godly places. This WILL NOT happen. God is in fact in the process of removing His presence from them totally and permanently. This has been occurring for some time and will soon be finished.
Those who are engrossed in all the games that are being played, the jockeying for position, the being recognized of man, the playing god and all the other things that are keeping God's people busy doing things other than truly serving God, will have to have a place to continue in their works. God is going to allow them to keep "their church world" and will have His True People to come out. This also has been going on for some time.
The True people of God MUST learn to hear the Masters voice for themselves and when they do learn this they will have no option but to COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.
They will not allow the world church to continue to hold them by the guilt trips, etc. that they are using. BUT where will they go?
Who cares, now that they can hear the Masters voice, He will lead them to where He wants them to be.
We must be like Abram in Genesis 12:1-4 and be ready and willing to let Him guide us to a place He will show us.
We must stop trying to manipulate God by asking for signs and such.
We MUST HEAR His voice and respond.
HE WILL NOT PLAY THE GAMES that some are still looking for, but He will lead us with the still small voice that He has used for so-oooo long. We will meet in homes, in the street, in restaurants, in church buildings, on mountains, in valleys wherever God TELLS us to.
We will all understand "that where two or more are gathered in My name there I am in the midst of them".
We are not forsaking the gathering together etc, but WE ARE meeting WITH GOD as HE commands and we will be doing as He wants us to do.
We also need to understand the devil. So many Christians falsely believe that the devil has some power over them. HE DOES NOT. Jesus defeated him at the cross and when He said, "it is finished ", IT WAS FINISHED.
The devil is an agent of God, his purpose is to expose our flesh that we may crucify it (Gal 5). The only power he has over a Christian is in the areas where we will not allow God access. This disobedience gives the devil legal access to that part of our life. See Genesis 3:14 the only thing the devil can eat of ours is dust, that part that is not given to God.
When we realize that the devil has NO control or access to our lives other than what WE give to him then we can truly walk in victory. Then we will be able to hear the Masters voice, then we will be able to "come out" and wait for His instructions and then FOLLOW HIM FULLY.
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